

Nice to meet you, Mr. Failure

I haven’t been here for a long time. To be honest, I really miss CD blog and the friends here. These days, I went to take the driving test. However, unfortunately, I failed, which means I didn’t pass the test.

I am a little sad because to some extent it means a failure to me. But not as before, this time I am not going to blame myself because I am not sorry to myself. During this time, I went to the driving school at 7:30 in the morning and went back at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. I had one hundred percent put all my heart in doing the driving exercise. Sometimes my legs really felt sore but I still keep holding on.

I know the main reason for my failure to the test is that I am too nervous. I never think about that one day I will learn driving a car. I am afraid of fast speed since I was young and I never played roller coaster. To some extent, I am a little afraid of car. In the present age, driving is gradually becoming a fundamental capability for the most people. Therefore, I decided to learn it. I take it as a challenge for me. I told myself that I need to confront and defeat the monster in my heart instead of escaping it.

This time, I was too nervous. Perhaps, I put too much pressure on myself. Some people or something may suddenly rush into our life and their purpose is to give us a lesson to let you know something, then they just walk away. Therefore, I take this failure as a lesson. It teaches me that a good mentality sometimes can be the key point to do something successfully.

Failure is not a monster but a bright mirror to reflect your shortcomings. In China, a saying has been circulating for hundreds of years, which is bitter pills may have wholesome effects. Therefore, we’d better embrace it and even kiss Mr. Failure. When you meet failure, don’t give him an ugly cold face. He doesn’t like it. The place where Mr. Failure always stands is in a crossing. When you sometimes have to meet him, just confidently walk to him with smile and say, ‘hi, nice to meet you’. Then, you’d better spend a little time talking with him instead of rushing your next destination. Believe me, if you are nice to him, Mr. Failure will give you a good direction. Then, you can avoid running wrong way.

In this crossing of our life, failure means another beginning. I should always believe all the things that I’ve experienced can be a gift from fate. I will kindly treat them and everything will be ok. Standing on the green lawn, the blue sky is above our head, facing the sunshine, just believes that tomorrow is going to be amazing.


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