

Once I heard a story, it's said that a puppy all day asked, "Mom, after all, what's the happiness, the puppy stared, looking at his mom, to get an answer." Mom told her child,"happiness is your tail!" Thereupon, the puppy, for the potential happiness, the whole day, ran after his tail, his happiness, so that he can seized it. The puppy ran in circle, wouldn't catch his tail. A good while later, the puppy got tired, and lay on the ground, out of breath, didn't decide to run in circles for happiness. At this time, a puppy's mom walked over, and said, "silly child, what is you chasing for? you turn around and see your happiness is just behind you! The happiness is like your tail. When you chase it, anyhow, it's futile, but when you are still and calm, actually, the happiness is always at your side!"搜索复制Yeah, happiness is very simple, it is your internal feeling! It has nothing to do with your money and status and so on. Only you can give yourself, not by anything outside.To feel happiness, you must be relieved and assured of all mental heavy baggage, you'll find your world, originally, is beautiful.The formidable enemy of happiness, firstly, greet, secondly, jealousy, last but not least, a negative person, even though he\she is in the happiness, can only see adversity, because the self-abased person can only see other's happiness, never sees him\her own happiness.At bottom, happiness is good mentality. A person of good mentality, naturally, tends to feel happiness. On the contrary, a person of bad mentality, sees all uncomfortable things, naturally, tends to be farther and farther away from the happiness.It is very hard to repeat what the book says, as for my husband and I's happiness, in fact, several days we'll have a quarrel over small or big things, so much so that we are even reduced to have cold wars. I dislike my husband, yelling at me. I don't give any impression of weakness, I shout back louder. In any case, he and I are equal in\out of marriage, but he is so ignorant and uneducated male. I am speechless!Do you have any comment on this article? I am open-eared!


Spring Is Back


Spring Is Back The temperature in our city had been on abnormal increase for almost half a month until yesterday, reaching as high as 30 degrees Centigrade. Many people complained the spring was too short, summer seemed to have come unexpectedly early before they had the chance to wear half of their smart spring clothes in their closets. In the streets, we could see women in colorful miniskirts and transparent pantyhose, and men in short-sleeved shirts. In the countryside, crops and wells were drying up, in desperate need of a heavy rainfall. Ah, had summer already come so eagerly? But it’s only early April! If the temperature continued to climb, this year’s summer would definitely be the hottest one on record, then how could we living beings weather out the extreme heat in the following months? That would be a big problem. However, some people including myself, didn’t believe the temperature would keep going up. Although these years global warming has been a scientifically indisputable fact, the changes couldn’t have been so drastic. The rain would fall sooner or later. The good news is that the local weather report says that temperatures in the next few days will drop to below 20 degrees with overcasts, showers and light rainfalls. It’s really exciting. Last night, the thirst of the mother earth was more or less quenched by a moderate rainfall. This morning, it was still drizzling, the air was so appealingly fresh, the trees and grass were so brilliantly green, I couldn’t wait to go out after breakfast. I didn’t go far, just a 20-minute’s walk along the road in our green neighborhood. Totally exposed to the intoxicating after-rain world, I felt tremendously refreshed and cheered up. It seems that spring is still here with us, not having given way to summer so easily or so soon. Then, seize time to enjoy the transitory beauty spring has brought to us before it quietly passes away! Here below are a few pictures I took this morning in the drizzle. Hope you’ll enjoy them. Local Weather Forecast


Last night, my husband’s uncle and his new girlfriend drove to our house in Langzhong City. They set out from Shaanxi province, where the uncle has been working for years as a building contractor and made quite a lot of money. My husband’s uncle got divorced about 15 years ago, his wife dumped him, leaving him and their little child behind. Years later, through a match-maker, he met his present wife, who had already been a single mother at that time. They’ve lived together until now, although they haven’t so far intended to get a legal marriage license. They don’t have their common child because they don’t think it’s necessary since they both have children from their ex-marriages. Unfortunately, not long after they lived together, our uncle’s new “wife” was diagnosed with a few healthy problems, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, and her life has since then been sustained by medicine. In recent years, her physical conditions seem to have worsened so much so that she has to move with the help of a walking stick, it has brought much inconvenience to herself and also to her family. After she found her husband has betrayed her, she was very anxious and anguished. She tries to ask her own relatives, including her own blood sisters and daughter, for help, trying to stop his affairs. However, all her efforts have been in vain. Why? Because all these years, our uncle has been quite good to her, her daughter and her sisters as well, and has lavished much money on them. He has never been stingy with her huge yearly medical expenditure and always does whatever she asks, yes, whatever, yet excluding his affairs with his new girlfriend. Most of her relatives just keep silent about this matter, only one of her sisters tells her to feel content with her lot and turn a blind eye to it as long as he still covers all her medical and daily costs. However, it seems that she doesn’t feel content and is still struggling, but alone. Uncle’s new girlfriend, aged 34, 15 years younger than him, works in a drugstore in Shaanxi. She is still married and lives with her 9-year-old son and mother-in-law, her husband is said to be making money all year round somewhere in a neighboring province and doesn’t show much concern about her. She is short and thin and not quite good-looking, yet not quite bad from my first impression. Quite a few people they know are questioning the seriousness of his girlfriend upon their affairs. Many believe she just wants his money. As to me, I think nothing is impossible. Then, my dear readers, how do you think? Do you think this kind of betrayal is acceptable? And do you think the two lovers can finally get somewhere? Please feel free to drop a comment.


True Love


This evening while I was taking a walk in the local municipal government's square,which is a very large and popular park for rest and recreations. I encountered again the young couple who live in the same building as I do. The young couple was walking hand in hand from my opposite direction, beaming satisfactorily to each other, as if talking something delightful. I got to know this couple because that young husband is a colleague of my husband. This couple have been quite impressive, for they don't appear to make a "normal" couple. The husband seems well-built and quite tall,probably 185cm tall while the wife is plump and just a bit more than 150cm tall. It's pretty interesting to see this kind of couple walking hand in hand in the street, like an elder brother holding dearly the hand of his little sister. We talked for a while in the park. They told me that they had been in love for as long as eight years and got married in the year 2012, and the wife is already in the second month of her pregnancy. Oh, such an enviably happy young couple! I couldn't help wondering, what have they gone through in the past eight years? What made them remain steadfastly faithful to each other for five years before they finally tied the knot and still having a happy marriage life? This brings me back to my past memories with my ex-boyfriend years ago. We had been in love for five years and shared quite a lot of joys and sorrows before we eventually broke up, although most people we knew felt optimistic about our future. This also makes me think of my husband, who isn't a bad guy, but with a rarely obstinate character. Then what is true love? And is it really so hard to acquire?


This afternoon while having lunch at home I turned on TV and tried to find some interesting program to watch. The classical Chinese myth TV play series on CCTV-8 named Journey to the West caught my eyeball again. This great TV series was adapted from the literary classical masterpiece with the same name, authored by Wu Cheng’en, a Chinese novelist and poet of Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). It’s one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. The other three are Water Margin, Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Dream of the Red Mansion. It’s a story about the legendary pilgrimage of the Tang dynasty Buddhist monk Xuanzang, who traveled to the "Western Regions", that is, India, to obtain sacred Buddhist texts (sutras) with the accompany of his three disciples, each of whom possessed supernatural powers, and years later finally returned successfully after going through numerous trials and tribulations.This TV play hit the screen as early as the year of 1986. I remember watching it in my childhood on a small black and white TV with all the people in our big courtyard crowded in a single room of one of our neighbors. At that time, only relatively rich families could afford a black and white TV and color TVs weren’t even heard of. Now I’ve been in my late 20s, and I’ve watched Journey to the West for I don’t know how many times. However, I’ve never felt tired of watching it. The play has been on TV at least every summer and still enjoys wide popularity among people from all walks of life and of all ages. I’ve been wondering what’s the charm of this TV play that makes it classical and its fame and popularity everlasting. In recent years, TVs have been deluged with various kinds of TV play series for people to kill time. However, easy come, easy go, the popularity of the majority of them is only ephemeral, completely incomparable with the original adaptions of the Four Great Classic Novels. Journey to the West has been repeatedly adapted into TV plays since its 1986 TV edition. However, their influence is nowhere near as strong as that of the 1986 edition. But WHY? Were the actors and actresses in 1986 edition better at acting skills? I’ve no idea. In the 1980s, Chinese TV industry was still quite undeveloped. TV series those days like Journey to the West(1986 edition) and Dream of the Red Mansion (1987 edition), were made and processed with far less special effects, actors wore much less make-up than those nowadays. But why have they succeeded in capturing the heart of generations? It’s a question. Journey to the WestDream of the Red Mansion


It’s overcast the day before yesterday. Such kind of weather is quite suitable for travelling. So a friend and I got up early and set off to Peng'an, a small county in northeast Sichuan, for sightseeing. Internet tells me that this county is known for its well-preserved ancient town and its beautiful sceneries along its Jialing River section. As I mentioned before, my hometown Langzhong has been famous as one of the four best preserved ancient cities of China (the other three are Lijiang city of Yunnan, Pingyao county of Shanxi and She county of Anhui), in recent years, it has been stepping up its efforts to develop itself into an attractive tourist city. I was wondering, since Peng'an also has an ancient town, then why don't I go and have a look? Besides, both Peng'an county and Langzhong city enjoy the gentle embrace of Jialing River. It further increased my curiosity to explore that strange place. It's just two hours' bus ride from Langzhong city where I live, so the bus journey wasn't quite tiring. However, even before the bus arrived at its destination, the Peng’an Bus Station, I already felt a sense of disappointment. The county I saw through the bus windows were dirty and untidy, the buildings were old and ugly, much different from what I had expected. Before getting off the bus at about 11:10, I asked the nice bus driver about the way to the ancient town. Knowing that I went there as a tourist, he advised me to take his bus back to Langzhong at 1: 50 pm as there’s not much to see except that small ancient town. Taking it with a grain of salt, I thanked him lavishly and started our exploration. First we went to a large square, only about 300 meters away from the bus station. Strangely, no one else was on the square. On the right of the square lay a beautiful small park where I took a few pictures. This small park dispelled part of my previous disappointment and we began to cheer up. Then the bus No. 1 took us to the riverside, which led to the ancient town. Not many people were seen there. The unclean stone street along the river was sparsely dotted by litter. It was until then that I came to realize how lucky and proud I was to be able to live in Langzhong, such a clean and beautiful city. The only thing that impressed me there were the many amazing stone and bronze sculptures by the street, silently telling the visitors about this county’s history and culture. About 20-minute’s walk along the river, we finally reached the ancient town. Most houses there seemed to have a history of probably one hundred years. Inside those small wooden houses lived their original residents who had been there for generations. There were some small shops, mostly owned by the residents there, selling daily necessities, old books or snacks. Their business appeared quite sluggish, yet they didn’t seem to mind. At around 1 pm, we left the ancient town and found a small restaurant nearby to feed ourselves. I felt myself in a market, because the environment there told me so, but strangely no vegetable or meat vendors were in my sight. Ah, a middle-aged woman was selling grapes by the road. I came up and bought a bunch of inviting dark purple grapes. We took it as an appetizer for our lunch. After lunch, we intended to hang around the small county. However, nothing more seemed to appeal to us. Well, probably it’s time to leave. The bad news was that we had missed the last direct bus back to Langzhong. So we had to resort to another way, buy two tickets to Nanchong city and then change buses there to Langzhong. After four hours’ bus ride, we finally arrived at Langzhong at 7 pm. Although it took us two more hours on the bus and more money for the bus tickets, at least we could return home and sleep a comfortable sleep at our own homes. At last, I’d say, keeping clean and tidy is necessary and important not only for we individuals, but also for the cities, counties or towns as a whole. If the governments want their jurisdictions to thrive and prosper, they should at least keep them clean and tidy, thus help build up their people’s confidence in a better society while giving their visitors a favorable first impression. in a small parka buffalo ploughing a fielda young woman is picking up silk cocoons and puting them into a back basket.