

What is the happiness?
2019-08-18 Once I heard a story, it's said that a puppy all day asked, "Mom, after all, what's the happiness, the puppy stared, looking at his mom, to get an answer." Mom told her child,"happiness is your tail!" Thereupon, the puppy, for the potential happiness, the whole day, ran after his tail, his happiness, so that he can seized it. The puppy ran in circle, wouldn't catch his tail. A good while later, the puppy got tired, and lay on the ground, out of breath, didn't decide to run in circles for happiness. At this time, a puppy's mom walked over, and said, "silly child, what is you chasing for? you turn around and see your happiness is just behind you! The happiness is like your tail. When you chase it, anyhow, it's futile, but when you are still and calm, actually, the happiness is always at your side!"

Yeah, happiness is very simple, it is your internal feeling! It has nothing to do with your money and status and so on. Only you can give yourself, not by anything outside.

To feel happiness, you must be relieved and assured of all mental heavy baggage, you'll find your world, originally, is beautiful.

The formidable enemy of happiness, firstly, greet, secondly, jealousy, last but not least, a negative person, even though he\she is in the happiness, can only see adversity, because the self-abased person can only see other's happiness, never sees him\her own happiness.

At bottom, happiness is good mentality. A person of good mentality, naturally, tends to feel happiness. On the contrary, a person of bad mentality, sees all uncomfortable things, naturally, tends to be farther and farther away from the happiness.

It is very hard to repeat what the book says, as for my husband and I's happiness, in fact, several days we'll have a quarrel over small or big things, so much so that we are even reduced to have cold wars. I dislike my husband, yelling at me. I don't give any impression of weakness, I shout back louder. In any case, he and I are equal in\out of marriage, but he is so ignorant and uneducated male. I am speechless!

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