

True Love

This evening while I was taking a walk in the local municipal government's square,which is a very large and popular park for rest and recreations. I encountered again the young couple who live in the same building as I do. The young couple was walking hand in hand from my opposite direction, beaming satisfactorily to each other, as if talking something delightful.

I got to know this couple because that young husband is a colleague of my husband. This couple have been quite impressive, for they don't appear to make a "normal" couple. The husband seems well-built and quite tall,probably 185cm tall while the wife is plump and just a bit more than 150cm tall. It's pretty interesting to see this kind of couple walking hand in hand in the street, like an elder brother holding dearly the hand of his little sister.

We talked for a while in the park. They told me that they had been in love for as long as eight years and got married in the year 2012, and the wife is already in the second month of her pregnancy.

Oh, such an enviably happy young couple! I couldn't help wondering, what have they gone through in the past eight years? What made them remain steadfastly faithful to each other for five years before they finally tied the knot and still having a happy marriage life?

This brings me back to my past memories with my ex-boyfriend years ago. We had been in love for five years and shared quite a lot of joys and sorrows before we eventually broke up, although most people we knew felt optimistic about our future. This also makes me think of my husband, who isn't a bad guy, but with a rarely obstinate character. Then what is true love? And is it really so hard to acquire?


000 2015-04-01 19:48


000 2015-04-01 19:47

Yes, family is our final resting place and soul standing, but building it well is a long journey.

LanaLiao 2015-04-01 14:12

Yeah, hold faith first!

bigfish 2015-04-01 09:43

i am sure you can if you two can make better communication with each other. believe the true love you have. 

bigfish 2015-04-01 09:41

the name sounds interesting, i will see what it is.

Igo 2015-04-01 07:38


Igo 2015-04-01 07:21

Right now, I'm trying to find true love from some books. Scratch that. One book - How to Make Hens Lay More Eggs (《如何使母鸡多下蛋》).

Dr.Bill.Shen 2015-04-01 00:03

Very impressive statement. Hope more ladies can understand that.

LanaLiao 2015-03-31 22:53

Now as a woman who has been married for three whole years, I have to admit that marriage is indeed the grave of love. But I'm afraid I cannot agree to what your husband  said, because I don't think true love will die, so why do we need to find a place to bury it?

LanaLiao 2015-03-31 22:47

I've never been jealous of other people's wealth, but I do envy those couples who are still in deep love with each other after many years' marriage. I believe everyone, especially every woman, longs to feel truly loved and cared by someone who can accompany her for a whole life.