

The flowers
Dear friends, long time no see!

Almost the girls, I think, love this or that, these or those, flowers, living flowers, or artificial flowers. Me, too.

At home, especially at summer, once a day I water the jonquil and asparagus fern. The aloe, we all know, is tolerant to drought, so, I sometimes water it. I am unable to plant the jonquil, asparagus fern and aloe, I get tired, because previous living flowers, when I took home alive, raised them, water them, gradually almost died. Frustrated, I am ! I stop buying any living flowers. What a cowardice!

So, I shifted from living flowers to artificial flowers, I searched the Taobao in my smartphone. Wow,amazing! First into the eye is a large proportion of roses, white, green, blue, purple, champagne, pale yellow, brilliant yellow, light pink, bright pink, bright red, wine red, so much so that I am unable to name them in English. I, as a female, love varicolored roses! Actually, I am a lover of all the flowers!
Artificial flowers, compared with living flowers, are easy to maintain them. The vase just dosn't fall, in case it would fall, again I pay it on Taobao, several days, it's back, at home, it's very cheap!

There're some photos on my living flowers and artificial ones, they are vivid and beautiful.


SEARU 2019-08-14 05:12

Welcome back after hibernation on bloging!

SEARU 2019-08-14 05:12

Welcome back after hibernation on bloging!

SEARU 2019-08-14 05:11

Welcome back after hibernation on bloging!

LanaLiao 2019-08-13 23:10

Snowipine,  you're  keeping yourself  resolve in blogging in  forum,  you're an honourable  man!

LanaLiao 2019-08-13 23:01

Yeah, you're always  standing out and blogging  in four years in forum! 

snowipine 2019-08-13 22:05

Take it easy

SEARU 2019-08-13 21:42

Welcome back after hibernation on bloging!