

The film The Continent (中文片名:后会无期) is revived today.Directed by a Chinese young writer HanHan, the film has already got a good reputation for a long time. That's why we guys went to see the film, even though this kind of film is not my type. Obviously, we have some expectation on the young writer and we have to see his first film (maybe as a support ). The story itself was okay . Before we go i was worried that it would a little boring because i usually prefer fast-paced films like thrillers and action films. It was better than i thought , no much stimulating points but not boring at all. In my view, the film told a simple story, which means you can totally understand those things happend because it's about true life and those embarrassing situations everyone cuould ever meet. The people , the conflicts, the slice of life... younger people with pursuit are always hindered by the cruel reality. They fall and they stand up. Also, life can be never perfect. No matter how they wished, something they just cannot reach. Every time they tried to have a perfect get-together, they found they might never see each other again in the end. The famous actor ZhongHanliang played a little bit bad role in this film though, one word he said to the leading role moved me . He said, no matrer how many people you are trying to prove to, one get you ,and you get it all. That's it, we all need to see it clearly that what we need is not everything and perfection but something really matters to oneself. Well, the ending is a little bit short while the whole story's still got some thought-provoking points. 2014.7.24


Lately i've been following a Korean reality show called Roommate , in which eleven Korean stars are required to living in a big house and have their new roommates. They might not know each other well before but during those days living together interesting things happen between them. At first i download one episode to watch just because i was recommended by a good friend, but later i found it sort of good not only because the show is funny also it is realistic. When several people eat together, sleep together, and do housework together there must be some friction,which is unavoidable. It makes me thinking of my roommates. Sometimes i wish i could choose those who are extroverted and straightforward to be my roommates so that they would say what's in their mind instead of hiding the true feelings, you know, accumulating depression is not a good thing, it can poison the dormitory atmosphere and may be the bad emotion will be erupted one day. However, we normally don't choose. You never know who will become roommates with you. One of my former roommates says she has a rough time with her new roommates now. She feels that she's been squeezed out by the other three. They talk behind her back, insult her on Wechat and Renren, even they're all in dormitory nobody speaks to her. I can imagine how terrible she feels! I think even if she did something that is not very right, as roommates they should have more communication, and try to understand, tolerate each other. The interesting thing is , when there is only one person besides my former roommate in the dormitory nothing happens, no abuse , no bully and even the one talks to her! And when the others come back , the one who was nice before changes her face quickly and they together give her a hard time. I'm not sure if it is because when there are two they just can feel more encouraged. The kind of same thing happens in almost every dormitory. For example, in the early morning, one person gets up finding others still sleeping then she acts very quietly to avoid waking others up, while if another one gets up too, so there're two people, they start to move louder and won't be afraid to wake up others. Maybe they are thinking, see, two of us get up so it's time to wake up. How to get along with roommates is really a complicated but important issue. You cannot ask others to act like you. So just keep communication and understanding . Wish everyone have a wonderful roommates time!


Those who don't really wanna get involved or pay out but just come along for the ride are regard as buying soy sauce - DA JIANG YOU. Unfortunatly, i've been doing these things for years. Once i take part in activities, contests and exams, the mentality comes out. I used to think it the peace of mind without forcing thus i have no stress. Now it seems a big issue for me. Sometimes when i fail i always tell myself it's nothing i can do a better job next time but time and chances pass, before long i start to doubt, is it true that i can make a step forward next time? am i really unconcerned about success or failure? Sometimes until it goes do i realize how eager i am to get that! Wish i did pay more effort! Regret is the weakest action. I should know that without paying there's nothing can be. It's time to change.Nonetheless, it is not easy. To make a change from deep i have to find out the root where the problem occures. The first word comes in my mind is LAZY. It's kind of embarrassing but i am a lazy one resisting to do a lot of work, so that's why i love holidays! And second reason may be i am afaid of paying, because you can't ask for the pay-back and the more you pay out the more possibilities of losing you'll have.The results sometimes break your heart. As we all know, not everything keeps fair , no body can really control the fact , so i choose to control myself by paying less heart. I guess i hate that ME now. But acctually i do care about a lot of things, maybe i just keep them in my heart. Action speaks louder and i think that's what i need to learn from practical move. One day ,i can say it confidently: byebye , Miss DA JIANG YOU. note: It's still super hard for me to write English articles as i've tried several times.In this moment what i concern about is whether it conforms to the way native speakers write and be understood by foreign friends, do i use the correct words and phrases?? Now I try to keep doing a large amounts of English reading every day. Hope that can help :)