

Bye bye, Miss DA JIANG YOU !
Those who don't really wanna get involved or pay out but just come along for the ride are regard as buying soy sauce - DA JIANG YOU. Unfortunatly, i've been doing these things for years. Once i take part in activities, contests and exams, the mentality comes out. I used to think it the peace of mind without forcing thus i have no stress. Now it seems a big issue for me. Sometimes when i fail i always tell myself it's nothing i can do a better job next time but time and chances pass, before long i start to doubt, is it true that i can make a step forward next time? am i really unconcerned about success or failure? Sometimes until it goes do i realize how eager i am to get that! Wish i did pay more effort! Regret is the weakest action. I should know that without paying there's nothing can be. It's time to change.Nonetheless, it is not easy.
To make a change from deep i have to find out the root where the problem occures. The first word comes in my mind is LAZY. It's kind of embarrassing but i am a lazy one resisting to do a lot of work, so that's why i love holidays! And second reason may be i am afaid of paying, because you can't ask for the pay-back and the more you pay out the more possibilities of losing you'll have.The results sometimes break your heart. As we all know, not everything keeps fair , no body can really control the fact , so i choose to control myself by paying less heart. I guess i hate that ME now. But acctually i do care about a lot of things, maybe i just keep them in my heart. Action speaks louder and i think that's what i need to learn from practical move.
One day ,i can say it confidently: byebye , Miss DA JIANG YOU.
note: It's still super hard for me to write English articles as i've tried several times.In this moment what i concern about is whether it conforms to the way native speakers write and be understood by foreign friends, do i use the correct words and phrases?? Now I try to keep doing a large amounts of English reading every day. Hope that can help :)


vivndodo 2014-05-18 22:47

Thanks sir. That's very encouraging!

ColinSpeakman 2014-05-18 21:30

What you write is definitely understandable and the grammar is pretty good too! Keep reading and posting!