

used to be a fan of Rihanna
Since Rihanna changed her style and becomes pretty hardcore i am not that into her as before. Everytime i see the hot pictures of her and heard about this girl's crazy life, i'm wondering that was there something changing her or she just finally found the true self ? I know i'm not qualified to judge anybody and that's her choice, but i really miss the time when she released the album A Girl Like Me , and later the Good Girl Gone Bad push her career to a new stage since then more people getting to know her. After that , i feel like i start to lose the original her. Anyway, she's still got good songs now and her voice becomes much more stronger and her fans are from everywhere which is good for her. I'm just a little depressed,you konw, someone you used to admire now disappears. Maybe that's same to everyone that when the challenge comes people change themselves too, because they may think they're different now.


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