It's lovely , i'm sure you've given the best wishes to someone. And i have to say :"Happy Children's Day everybody" !!!
I'm always jealous of the kids nowadays, because they have so many kinds of toys and all the beautiful clothes at their age. As the life quality is much higher than decades ago, children now have more opportunities and chances to know about the world.
I remember when i was little, the toy i wanted most was a Barbie. Well you know, the authentic Barbie was too expensive to afford as for me at that time, cost hundreds of RMB, so everytime i went to the store i must stare at the Barbie box and watching carefully for a really long time. One day i was thinking, all the things you wanted but didn't get before, such as a toy, could not be made up today, because you may don't need that anymore. So it's true the past is in the past. Nobody can conquer the time. Fortunately, I find my new dreams then. So it's not that bad after all.
To compare with, at least for most people, childhood is more simple and happier for sure. Anyway, the most important is to live now.

Post a photo of little me here. You know, people are sharing their childhood pictures at Weibo, which is very hot for today and is on the top topic board now. Well it seems everyone celebrates Children's Day!