

Getting along with roommates shows a complicated issue
Lately i've been following a Korean reality show called Roommate , in which eleven Korean stars are required to living in a big house and have their new roommates. They might not know each other well before but during those days living together interesting things happen between them. At first i download one episode to watch just because i was recommended by a good friend, but later i found it sort of good not only because the show is funny also it is realistic. When several people eat together, sleep together, and do housework together there must be some friction,which is unavoidable.
It makes me thinking of my roommates. Sometimes i wish i could choose those who are extroverted and straightforward to be my roommates so that they would say what's in their mind instead of hiding the true feelings, you know, accumulating depression is not a good thing, it can poison the dormitory atmosphere and may be the bad emotion will be erupted one day. However, we normally don't choose. You never know who will become roommates with you.
One of my former roommates says she has a rough time with her new roommates now. She feels that she's been squeezed out by the other three. They talk behind her back, insult her on Wechat and Renren, even they're all in dormitory nobody speaks to her. I can imagine how terrible she feels! I think even if she did something that is not very right, as roommates they should have more communication, and try to understand, tolerate each other. The interesting thing is , when there is only one person besides my former roommate in the dormitory nothing happens, no abuse , no bully and even the one talks to her! And when the others come back , the one who was nice before changes her face quickly and they together give her a hard time. I'm not sure if it is because when there are two they just can feel more encouraged. The kind of same thing happens in almost every dormitory. For example, in the early morning, one person gets up finding others still sleeping then she acts very quietly to avoid waking others up, while if another one gets up too, so there're two people, they start to move louder and won't be afraid to wake up others. Maybe they are thinking, see, two of us get up so it's time to wake up.
How to get along with roommates is really a complicated but important issue. You cannot ask others to act like you. So just keep communication and understanding . Wish everyone have a wonderful roommates time!


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