

I may not fully understand how traditional neighborhood businesses still survive this days, as with giant hypermarket coming up, slashing prices in half, buying and selling in bulk, small neighborhood business just couldn't compete and is losing in every single ways. When I was young, I used to followed my aunt to the grocery when I am not having classes in the morning... those were some gruesome period which I would never understand, cause it always involved long, draggy conversation and less buying. Why buy here? There are less variety and price aren't that cheap either. It took me sometime before I realize that the shop owner is not striving on cheaper price or better produce but merely opening day by day, to keep them occupy and have something to do and work around, especially when their young ones had already been working elsewhere. This neighborhood business gives people a sense of home, warm feeling where everyone in the neighborhood knows each other, buying stuffs are more like secondary for the aunties and grandma, but more of joining a social club where they talk, say hello and keep conversation going before is time to grab their produce home and cook a lunch or dinner for the family. As their once big family is now getting smaller, they could easily buy produce in smaller portion, just enough so they could come by here again in the next morning and keep the conversation alive. At times, when the owner is in a good mood, he/ she might throw in some extras for you in the bag. Kudos to all that still able to keep their business alive at such tough times!


90's era, many friends have their personal diaries. They were writing about their life each day. Girlfriends, crazy with cute, glitters, masculine diary stuffs. They said, diary is a book to throw out whatever came across their minds, things that tortured the heart, story about crush with somebody. Hell ya... But I'm not like that just because I'm scared my parents will read it one day. Haha.... As I said surviving alone in this small land give me a lot of time to think about many things, almost everything. I believe that if we pay attention in our life, we will learn something new everyday. That lessons we can use later if we come cross with the same situation ever again. But to write a diary, with long flowery words turning upside down is not suit for me. I just read and wrote quotes that actually simplify what happened. I got this idea from a book. It has been a month since my first trial, quite a lot motivated and inspiring new life quotes, but most of them I keep it as secrets. So, whenever I feel down, I will look at those quotes again. Thus, I can regain my strength and step forward with confident. Call me Mr. Independent.Haha... Most people tend to forget easily. That's why we were asked to always remind and give advices to each other. By this diary quotes' method, I could say, you can make it as reminder to yourself. It's about your life experiences. Especially those who in the same boat with me, living alone with nobody around that you can hang out. You can either wrote quotes to keep the memories on a particular day or you can have a look back when you need simple words but easily touch your heart to keep you move on. Words that expressed from the heart will touch a heart too.




Sometimes I wonder for a better solution.Would you rather save up every single penny while you're still young, so that you're able to "enjoy life" when you're older (as in getting a big house, big car, traveling etc)? OR would you rather spend on clothes, shoes and makeup to fulfill your vanity needs? (well, life is short ain't it? and you can't bring money to your grave)I have this ongoing endless debate inside my mind regarding this issue. I believe that both has its pros and cons. But which is a better solution? like some might say, we lose our youth as time goes by. Teenagers and young adults are always targets in this competitive market. in short, nicer clothes are always suitable for the young ones. But then, what if you shop endlessly to get nice clothes and shoes until you're unable to save up? I believe this is definitely not a wise choice, well, unless you have a rich dad to financially support you all the time.Basically I feel so stuck in this mess right now. A part of me wanna look good all the time. And another part of me wants to save up for my future. Sigh, human ah human. On the other hand, even if I want to shop till I drop in city. I probably won't be able to do that. Cuz all the clothes here are practically those China-made chiffon clothes that are sold online! Despite the disappointing quality, they are also overpriced.Like way OVER.Sigh, so disappointed. I'm totally short of clothes right now. Well, I think I have to make do with what I have. Despite the satisfactionof earning few more clothes, I can't help but to feel a little heartache when I think of my bank balance.Sigh what to do? if only I have a job and a good pay. Guess it's back to balancing both my current and future needs. Save and spend wisely people!


Do you know whether you are a right-brain-user or a left-brain-user? Normally people will define which brain-user are you by looking at which hand you use most in such that if you are right-handed, you use your left brain more and if you are left-handed, you use your right brain more. Now, there's also belief that people who are left-handed are more creative. This is because people who uses right brain tends to have more imagination and can picture things. LEFT BRAIN FUNCTIONS uses logic detail oriented facts rule words and language present and past math and science can comprehend knowing acknowledges order/pattern perception knows object name reality based forms strategies practical safe RIGHT BRAIN FUNCTIONS uses feeling "big picture" oriented imagination rules symbols and images present and future philosophy & religion can "get it" (i.e. meaning) believes appreciates spatial perception knows object function fantasy based presents possibilities impetuous risk takingSo, do you know which brain you use more? Take a look at the girl below.. and try not think dirty okay...*If the girl is turning slow, give it some time to load finish will ya XDDo you see the girl turning clockwise, or anti-clockwise? If you see it turning anti-clockwise, then you are left-brain user; if you see it turning clockwise, then you are the right-brain-user. Most people will see it turning anti-clockwise but apparently if you focused hard enough, you can make it change direction at your will. Well, I successfully make it change direction at will and if I can, so can you XD And believe me, there's nothing wrong with the gif file nor there's anything wrong with your eyes. All that is to do is your left and right brain that determine the direction. Dont get frustrated and blame me when you cant do it yeah! Try it! It's fun!


True love... never has the intention to expect anything in return.True love... is love in order to dedicate, there are only thoughts to sacrifice oneself and help others, thoughts to support with pure intention day in, day out.True love... has only sincerity, not daring to be greedy, not daring to grasp, not cheating, not deceiving, not daring tosteal... not daring even just by thought.True love... not daring to harbor resentment, hostility, revenge towards others... not daring to be jealous, not daring to be angry, not daring to feel inferior, not daring to deliberately hurt others... not daring even just by thought.True love... does not look in contempt, does not look down upon others, does not take offense, has no intention to commit wrongdoing, not daring to oppress others, not daring to destroy their morale... not daring to argue, not daring to create enemies, not daring to initiate harmful situations in any molecule of this world... not daring even just by thought.True love... not daring to slap, beat, punch, attack, harm and destroy life... not daring even just by thought.True love... there is just giving apologies, asking for forgiveness, asking to take leave of all carelessness and mistakes forever.True love... there is just offering forgiveness, spreading the power of loving-kindness and great friendship, bestowing words of sublime blessings to each other with almost every breath.True love is love that causes the heart to be happy. In the course of true love, there are never such words as "disappointment" and "heartbreak" throughout one's lifetime, because true love is love to dedicate, love to sacrifice, love to forgive... forgive.


Stop Making Excuses


Exercise may not be fun, but it isn't that hard. You don't need more than 20 minutes a day, and that's something pretty much everyone can spare. We often neglect our physical health because we're full of bad excuses. If that sounds like you, make this weekend the one where you start getting in shape.With the amount of equipment you'll find in a gym, it's easy to believe you need a lot of stuff to exercise. Sure, that fancy equipment works fine, but people got in shape without it for a long time before it was an option. There's no reason you can't do this, too, so don't assume you need to spend a lot of money. You don't need to spend any, really, unless you plan to run and need a decent pair of shoes. In fact, you can get a complete workout with nothing but your body. That's how convicts do it. However you decide to exercise, the point is that you don't need a bunch of stuff. Stuff works better as a reason to put off the exercise you can start doing today. Don't go out and buy anything. Just go work out.Nobody sticks with an exercise routine they hate. You have to at least be able to tolerate a fair amount of the workout you plan for yourself and find a way to stay motivated to do the rest. If you like the traditional route, that is, exercising for around 30-45 minutes a few days a week,we put together a Lifehacker workout routine that you can follow easily. You can even track your progress. If you have less time, or just prefer to pack in an intense workout into fewer minutes, we made a mini-app that generates 20-minute workouts for you. Each one is randomly created based on the type of workout you want. They all take 20 minutes and your goal is to do one six days a week with one day set aside for relaxation. After posting this, we learned about a web and mobile app called Sworkit that does a similar thing, only it isn't limited to 20 minutes. You can put together a randomly-generatedroutine for virtually any time limit up to an hour. What's better is that you're not limited to your web browser and can take it with you on your Android or iPhone.