

Diary: the reminder about your experiences
90's era, many friends have their personal diaries. They were writing about their life each day.
Girlfriends, crazy with cute, glitters, masculine diary stuffs.
They said, diary is a book to throw out whatever came across their minds,
things that tortured the heart, story about crush with somebody. Hell ya...
But I'm not like that just because I'm scared my parents will read it one day. Haha....
As I said surviving alone in this small land give me a lot of time to think about many things,
almost everything. I believe that if we pay attention in our life, we will learn something new everyday.
That lessons we can use later if we come cross with the same situation ever again.
But to write a diary, with long flowery words turning upside down is not suit for me.
I just read and wrote quotes that actually simplify what happened. I got this idea from a book.
It has been a month since my first trial, quite a lot motivated and inspiring new life quotes,
but most of them I keep it as secrets. So, whenever I feel down, I will look at those quotes again.
Thus, I can regain my strength and step forward with confident. Call me Mr. Independent.Haha...
Most people tend to forget easily. That's why we were asked to always remind and give advices to each other.
By this diary quotes' method, I could say, you can make it as reminder to yourself.
It's about your life experiences. Especially those who in the same boat with me,
living alone with nobody around that you can hang out. You can either wrote quotes to keep the
memories on a particular day or you can have a look back when you need simple words
but easily touch your heart to keep you move on.
Words that expressed from the heart will touch a heart too.


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