

Sometimes I wonder for a better solution.

Would you rather save up every single penny while you're still young, so that you're able to "enjoy life" when you're older
(as in getting a big house, big car, traveling etc)? OR would you rather spend on clothes, shoes and makeup to fulfill your
vanity needs? (well, life is short ain't it? and you can't bring money to your grave)
I have this ongoing endless debate inside my mind regarding this issue. I believe that both has its pros and cons. But which
is a better solution? like some might say, we lose our youth as time goes by. Teenagers and young adults are always
targets in this competitive market. in short, nicer clothes are always suitable for the young ones. But then, what if you
shop endlessly to get nice clothes and shoes until you're unable to save up? I believe this is definitely not a wise choice,
well, unless you have a rich dad to financially support you all the time.

Basically I feel so stuck in this mess right now. A part of me wanna look good all the time. And another part of me
wants to save up for my future. Sigh, human ah human.

On the other hand, even if I want to shop till I drop in city. I probably won't be able to do that. Cuz all the clothes
here are practically those China-made chiffon clothes that are sold online! Despite the disappointing quality, they are
also overpriced.Like way OVER.

Sigh, so disappointed. I'm totally short of clothes right now. Well, I think I have to make do with what I have. Despite
the satisfactionof earning few more clothes, I can't help but to feel a little heartache when I think of my bank balance.Sigh
what to do? if only I have a job and a good pay. Guess it's back to balancing both my current and future needs. Save and
spend wisely people!


Mumu_Bin 2017-02-12 13:50

I used to ponder a lot over this issue. but, lately, I figured out that there is no need trying to find which one is better, because there is no best solution in our life. we can choose our own lifestyle, but the only thing we should bear in mind is that no matter what sort of life we select, we should be responsible for our own choice. for me, i will spend time doing what i enjoy and trying new things in life.

HailChina! 2017-02-07 09:25

I do not care about a big house or a big car or traveling. I also do not care about clothes or shoes or whatever else people spend money on. I do not like to eat fancy food. I really do not need a lot of money. The only reason I would need money is to have sex with females. I mostly spend my income on drugs and prostitutes in recent times. Drugs and prostitutes make me happy. But lately I have been thinking that I would like a Sugar Baby and apparently I need about $3000 a month for that at least. Maybe if I save up I will be able to afford a Sugar Baby for a few years when I am older. $3000 a month isnt a lot though when you think about what a good looking prostitute can earn. You probably wouldnt get a great Sugar Baby or much out of one for $3000 a month. You get about six hours of pretty decent hooker sex for $3000. I want a Sugar Baby but the more I think about it the more it seems like a waste compared to having sex with prostitutes.

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