

Right brain vs Left brain

Do you know whether you are a right-brain-user or a left-brain-user?

Normally people will define which brain-user are you by looking at which hand you use most in such that if

you are right-handed, you use your left brain more and if you are left-handed, you use your right brain more.

Now, there's also belief that people who are left-handed are more creative. This is because people who uses right

brain tends to have more imagination and can picture things.


  • uses logic
  • detail oriented
  • facts rule
  • words and language
  • present and past
  • math and science
  • can comprehend
  • knowing
  • acknowledges
  • order/pattern perception
  • knows object name
  • reality based
  • forms strategies
  • practical
  • safe


  • uses feeling
  • "big picture" oriented
  • imagination rules
  • symbols and images
  • present and future
  • philosophy & religion
  • can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
  • believes
  • appreciates
  • spatial perception
  • knows object function
  • fantasy based
  • presents possibilities
  • impetuous
  • risk taking

So, do you know which brain you use more?

Take a look at the girl below.. and try not think dirty okay...

*If the girl is turning slow, give it some time to load finish will ya XD

Do you see the girl turning clockwise, or anti-clockwise?

If you see it turning anti-clockwise, then you are left-brain user; if you see it turning clockwise, then you

are the right-brain-user.

Most people will see it turning anti-clockwise but apparently if you focused hard enough,

you can make it change direction at your will.

Well, I successfully make it change direction at will and if I can, so can you XD

And believe me, there's nothing wrong with the gif file nor there's anything wrong with your eyes. All that is to do

is your left and right brain that determine the direction. Dont get frustrated and blame me when you cant do it yeah!

Try it! It's fun!


HailChina! 2015-03-27 11:46

I am not most people.

JimmyLau 2015-03-26 09:51

Thanks for sharing.

财神 2015-03-25 15:22

i haven't found yet which brain working for me till now. 

teamkrejados 2015-03-25 15:10

i'm so sorry my friend! While the topic is interesting and fun, right/versus/left brain is just a myth. Please read on: http://psychology.about.com/od/cognitivepsychology/a/left-brain-right-brain.htm

voice_cd 2015-03-25 09:41

Thanks for sharing your opinion here. We have highlighted your blog.