

Finally one of my biggest dreams is about to come true! After 39 years of watching Hollywood TV and films from my small hometown of Ipoh, Malaysia.......I am moving to Hollywood next week! Yippeeee :DMy family had one of the fondest memories of huddling together around our 1st TV when it came out in the 80s. I remember my dad bought it and invited our neighbours to come watch this magical thing called moving images on the screen. It was black and white then and yet we were all so thrilled and fascinated! And then, colored TV came and added pixel-ed rainbows in our dull lives! WOW!!!! How remarkable is technology that is able to bring remarkable talents from all over the world into our living rooms!! Have you ever wondered?My dad is a mechanical engineer by training and maybe I inherited that bit of talent from him. I started dabbling in filmmaking using my Samsung smartphone each time I published my novellas. I wanted to bring my characters to life and off I went gallivanting around regions and re-enacting certain climaxes from my 3 diversely genre-ed novellas. From dramatic, humor to fantasy......I loved portraying the characters and how lucky are we to be living in this smartphone generation? Be it a Xiaomi, Samsung, Apple or HTC......I truly believe there is a smartphone for anyone depending on his or her taste and preference. My favorite is mashing (American slang), or merging all the different technologies in making my films. Just like cooking, it tastes better with various layers and tapestry of cultures all over the world, isn't it?I am so excited to be moving to Hollywood and chasing my dreams. I can almost see the finishing line....the light at the end of the tunnel. I hope my journey has inspired some of you to chase yours. Anything is truly possible if you have courage, good planning, creative thinking, authenticity, a mutually beneficial thinking (win-win) and most importantly dare to fail! Failure is the mother of all success, my mother taught me that :)I wish all of your dreams will come true! My debut film in Grand Central Terminal, New York


This is the title of my next creative project. Loosely based on certain people I have encountered.The wicked Rosa is a female in her late 30s. Ever since she was born, she had always felt inferior to her more talented, beautiful and popular cousin. An innate nerd, she struggles with her own real identity and have spent thousands of dollars trying to change her looks and physical shape. However, laziness is her main problem. All good results require hard work and sacrifices. The ever short-cut queen, she recklessly spends money as a desperate attempt to outshine her cousin whom she envies with a vengeance. A sort of admiration-hate relationship. As much as Rosa admires her cousin, each ounce of admiration equates to a gallon of seething envy on her side. Insecurity and blatant denial of her natural self is her eventual downfall as she pushes her doormat husband to slog so that he could earn money to pay for her pathetic attempts to be beautiful like those models in the glossy magazines. This petty shrew eventually drives her husband to an early death and with her own bare hands destroys their marriage and her life. The conniving Wins is an outsider to the family. An illegitimate child (or in colloquial terms a bastard child), he was born out of wedlock after his naive mom got duped by the small town Casanova. As an apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Wins grew up chasing tiny skirts at the tender age of 5 starting with the neighborhood girls. A destroyer at heart, probably due to the broken family and a deep sense of unworthiness, he loathes his friends with happy families and secretly casts evil curses on them hoping he can transfer his private agony to these innocent families. Masking his loneliness with pride and ego, he becomes a top-class salesman selling ice to Eskimos and sand to Arabs. His most evil doing was pushing one of his half-sister to near suicide after she tried to help him turn over a new leaf. There are certain darkness where even the most powerful light can't penetrate. Karma struck him hard one day when all the evil curses he orchestrated returned to him ten fold. Lesson here, what goes around comes around. You can't outwit the Creator.Will this make a compelling film script? What do you think? The Indochine director's revenge


Will to win


I write this blog with a heavy heart. I was born a twin, and raised in a family where meritocracy and competency was championed. My parents are very Western-minded. Even though I may be a twin, they cherished individual efforts and resulting rewards. For is it fair, if let's say I being the more hardworking and gifted twin devote my energy, blood, sweat and tears in creating a successful project but my other twin DEMANDS the same recognition and reward? It's not fair, is it? It's outright bullying and oppression. I have come to accept the fact that there will always be a slight tension with my twin in regards to due recognition and sisterly love. Just because I honor our sisterhood doesn't mean I have to succumb to outright biasness and unfair treatment. I am an advocate of never mixing business with pleasure, family included. When it comes to business and work, it's all about efforts, contribution, value-add and competency. When it comes to family, then it's about offering emotional support but not at my own personal expense, health or wealth aspect. We are our own champions in life. We all need support and help once in a while but it is wrong to expect others to do the work for you and then claim the credit yourself. This is wrong thinking, expectation and human values. When I become a parent, I will inculcate the values of diligence, ethics, hard work, self-reliance, team player, abundance mindset and will to win. For each of us have our own dreams to chase, mountains to remove and raging seas to calm. We are all equipped to live a life of abundance.