

Goodbye New York, Hello Hollywood!
2017-09-13 Finally one of my biggest dreams is about to come true! After 39 years of watching Hollywood TV and films from my small hometown of Ipoh, Malaysia.......I am moving to Hollywood next week! Yippeeee :D

My family had one of the fondest memories of huddling together around our 1st TV when it came out in the 80s. I remember my dad bought it and invited our neighbours to come watch this magical thing called moving images on the screen. It was black and white then and yet we were all so thrilled and fascinated! And then, colored TV came and added pixel-ed rainbows in our dull lives! WOW!!!! How remarkable is technology that is able to bring remarkable talents from all over the world into our living rooms!! Have you ever wondered?

My dad is a mechanical engineer by training and maybe I inherited that bit of talent from him. I started dabbling in filmmaking using my Samsung smartphone each time I published my novellas. I wanted to bring my characters to life and off I went gallivanting around regions and re-enacting certain climaxes from my 3 diversely genre-ed novellas. From dramatic, humor to fantasy......I loved portraying the characters and how lucky are we to be living in this smartphone generation? Be it a Xiaomi, Samsung, Apple or HTC......I truly believe there is a smartphone for anyone depending on his or her taste and preference.

My favorite is mashing (American slang), or merging all the different technologies in making my films. Just like cooking, it tastes better with various layers and tapestry of cultures all over the world, isn't it?

I am so excited to be moving to Hollywood and chasing my dreams. I can almost see the finishing line....the light at the end of the tunnel. I hope my journey has inspired some of you to chase yours. Anything is truly possible if you have courage, good planning, creative thinking, authenticity, a mutually beneficial thinking (win-win) and most importantly dare to fail! Failure is the mother of all success, my mother taught me that :)

I wish all of your dreams will come true!

My debut film in Grand Central Terminal, New York


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