2018-01-23It was a very surreal feeling to me. A few months after I wrapped my student film Le Grand Central in New York, I came across John Wick 2 and realized the eerie similarity. Roman and Greek mythology, dark underworld, suspense, revenge, vigilante, honor, sacred vows and mysterious characters emerging from far flung exotic places.
I swear, I did not know anything about John Wick or what its creators were attempting to do before LGC was produced. Was it a spiritual intervention.? Parallel worlds colliding in New York and Rome? Did mighty Zeus and Jupiter have a hand at orchestrating this supernatural coincidence?
I have goosebumps as I write this. I am awed. Humbled. I can only be at my best and jump at the opportunities as soon as it presents itself.
Watch this space....
Manifestation of Henna at Grand Central Terminal, New York.