

A beautiful mind.....OBOR and G20 summit
2017-07-05 The annual G20 summit will be held in Hamburg, Germany this year. I am filled with excitement as to what will pan out this year, and whether there were any significant progress from last year's discussions touted in Beijing.

I spoke vehemently about China's One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative and I still believe it can garner a strong position in the global transcontinental space. With US's new president Trump officially pulling the country out of the TPP pact, it is now on the hunt for a more lucrative and attractive equivalent.

I am a lover and champion of ancient heritage, culture and philosophy. Isn't OBOR a Chinese philosophy akin to US's Constitution and Confucius's teachings? What is philosophy but our way of thinking which affects our subsequent actions and entailing consequences?

Everything comes from our minds. We all are planting seeds inside our minds, be it of harmony, prosperity, evil, treachery, destruction, resurrection, unity or discord.

So guard your minds, my family and friends. For what we think, becomes reality.

Artist unknown - credit reserved


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