

A wicked Rosa and a conniving Wins
2017-06-09 This is the title of my next creative project. Loosely based on certain people I have encountered.

The wicked Rosa is a female in her late 30s. Ever since she was born, she had always felt inferior to her more talented, beautiful and popular cousin. An innate nerd, she struggles with her own real identity and have spent thousands of dollars trying to change her looks and physical shape. However, laziness is her main problem. All good results require hard work and sacrifices. The ever short-cut queen, she recklessly spends money as a desperate attempt to outshine her cousin whom she envies with a vengeance. A sort of admiration-hate relationship. As much as Rosa admires her cousin, each ounce of admiration equates to a gallon of seething envy on her side. Insecurity and blatant denial of her natural self is her eventual downfall as she pushes her doormat husband to slog so that he could earn money to pay for her pathetic attempts to be beautiful like those models in the glossy magazines. This petty shrew eventually drives her husband to an early death and with her own bare hands destroys their marriage and her life.

The conniving Wins is an outsider to the family. An illegitimate child (or in colloquial terms a bastard child), he was born out of wedlock after his naive mom got duped by the small town Casanova. As an apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Wins grew up chasing tiny skirts at the tender age of 5 starting with the neighborhood girls. A destroyer at heart, probably due to the broken family and a deep sense of unworthiness, he loathes his friends with happy families and secretly casts evil curses on them hoping he can transfer his private agony to these innocent families. Masking his loneliness with pride and ego, he becomes a top-class salesman selling ice to Eskimos and sand to Arabs. His most evil doing was pushing one of his half-sister to near suicide after she tried to help him turn over a new leaf. There are certain darkness where even the most powerful light can't penetrate. Karma struck him hard one day when all the evil curses he orchestrated returned to him ten fold. Lesson here, what goes around comes around. You can't outwit the Creator.

Will this make a compelling film script? What do you think?

The Indochine director's revenge


jaseminsibo 2017-06-19 19:53

Bollywood? Why not?!

jaseminsibo 2017-06-19 19:53

Yes a novelist and learning to be a screenwriter.

jaseminsibo 2017-06-19 19:51


seneca 2017-06-15 08:30

Then you are one of my idols. I love Indian food too.

jaseminsibo 2017-06-15 00:16

Great point, thanks!

jaseminsibo 2017-06-15 00:15

Bollywood is cool. I used to perform classical Indian dance on stage and I love cooking Indian meals!

jaseminsibo 2017-06-15 00:15

Thx all for the comments. I am branching out from an author to a filmmaker and actress! I am toying with some movie ideas here and appreciate all your feedback. Check my films on www.imdb.me/jaseminho. I welcome your suggestions :)

jaseminsibo 2017-06-15 00:13

Thx! I am a new filmmaker and actress. I am working on creating my 1st feature film based on one of my books. www.imdb.me/jaseminho

Jaaja 2017-06-12 12:08

I think there is too much prejudice and forced feelings in your text. Perhaps you should try to appear more neutral, and give the audience the task of deciding how they feel about the characters or their behaviour.

seneca 2017-06-12 08:26

A film script? Maybe. Perhaps. But compelling??? Your imagination is too conventional: the guy always has to bad, a victimiser; the girl innocent, a victim.
Bollywood might show a passing interest in it!