

My Chrismas


Chrismas is so popular in China.In fact,everyone have their own living style towards Chrismas.Now,I am gonna telling you what I have experienced during Chrismas. During the Chrismas,I became one of the audiences in the celebration of EC's 25th anniversity.I have never know a lot from the old Enlish society.In fact,it is one of the oldest society in our compus.Their performance was so terrific. In fact,lots of people came here to watch ther performances,including two foreigners,Mindia and Llyord.What's more,there were also lots of English teachers here.It was supported by so many enterprise in our compus,including the University of Wolverhamption,a university have the cooperation relationship with our school.In fact,I wanna become an exchange student here,but fail because there was some misunderstanding between me and my parents with money. I still wanna say,this is not the point.The most important thing is I can enjoy my life.I got the prize accidently though logged in the wechat wall.What a coincidence.I think I am so lucky to get the prize with so many apples and stand on the big stage to express my feeling toward the prize.Of course,I felt so nervous.Of course I need some change because I have been knocked out at the frist round of speech competition of Mindia Prize.Mindia said he is looking forward to seeing me standing on the stage.Now I am moving forward.Unfortunately the apples have been robbed by so many kids. In the Chrismas,I had a party with some of the schoolmates and enjoyed myself.It is uneasy for us to meet together with the same interest.It is one of my greatest fortune to improve myself. But the class still have to take,I have to deal with the whole day experiment.Although it is too dirty and dangerous,I still have to face it because it is just a part of my life.I really dislike the arrangement of our school because the experiment class haven't written in the student plan.We can not get the notification until the last day before the experient.It is a kind of interrupt of our daily life.


Major design


In fact, I haven't written the blog for a couple of days.Now I will show you what I was busy for these days. Now,I am finished the design of the subject,unfortunately,none of our design can pass,may be our teacher is so strict for us,but one thing we have to consider is the problem around us. I didn't think my design is very well made.I think it is too stupid because most of the words are copied from the Internet.I can not counted how many words are made of our opinion,may be it is one of our failure. Another failure for us is the drawing of the Auto CAD.In fact,I just wanna say,what I am drawing is the dumbest picture in the world because it is too stupid.I don't know what I am drawing,but one thing I am certain is that I am not familiar with this kind of software.Maybe I should practice more. Although I am serious,I still can not be a successful engineer in our major because my design is too stupid.In order to become a successful designer,I still have a long way to go.But I really hate myself can not make full use of what I learned.I can not imagine how can I hand in such a stupid design to my boss,it is really awful.The biggest problem for our college students is our ability can not catch up with our qualification.This is what I am worried about.If this problem continue to exist,we can hardly surrive in the cruel sociaty. But the best news for us is that we can find out our problem and position in time so that we can change ourself although we have only one year and half.In order not to let ourselves down,I need to have a change even though it is a very tough process.


This passage is witten to Mindia-My favorite foreigen teacher I've ever met.Although my English journey with him have almost over,there is still some unforgetable memory between he and us. In fact,before he came to teach our class,we all have known him because of his special hairstyle and dressing.As we all know,he is a teacher teaching in the business institute.He is also very active in our school life.We can see him in the canteen,some streets,and the gymnasium.It is no doubt that he is one of the most interesting person in our compus. Ok,let's get down to business.Before we took the class,we have heard about there will be a foreign teacher teach us oral English.But we have never know who he or she is.One thing is really certain is that we are all curious about our mysterious foreign teacher.When our frist class begin,the answer comes out,it is the most funny,inicialting,interesing Mindia. His outstanding hairstyle,dressing and special habit makes us wondering how interesting he is,but that's not the reason why we love him.In fact,there is something important thing on his mind so that makes it unforgetable for everyone he met.We are really love his totally dovation for his teaching job,his deep love towards our country and his absolutely faithful on his dream. His magical spirital power come from every word he said,erery action he did,every exciting emotion he expressed and every interesting experience he took.He is the person who is full of love,passion,dream and enthusiastic toword his life,his job and his student.That is the most important reason why he love him.As we all knows,he has 10 classes in a day,he should teach so many classes and students in the same semester,but he can remember the name,the character,the personality of everyone in our class.I strongly feel his love toward this country expersially when he said he had been here for 6 years and had the meaning to devote his career teaching Chinese English for his whole life.His exaggerate words had totally enlightened us to search for the goal,persuit for the goal and have a positive attitude towards the life no matter how many hardships and obstacle we come across.It is really hard to imagine how he did it.Sometimes we missed his class because of other reason,but in the moment we said goodbye to him can we discover how reluctant we are.Today we are strongly,passionately,madly missed every moment we have got together with him.We have never imagine how fast the time pass that we can never get together to listen to his wonderful oral English class again.I still remember the class he made,it is full of philosophy and passion.It seems that he used his life instead of his mouth to stand on the stage and give the lesson for us.As a college student,I felt totally shameful when I am watching those stupid videos,delaying the things I must do,forgetting about what I am persuit for. I also noticed I can not change the negetive,passive,fomalist college life,but I can change my mind to make the window open so that the sunlight can shine into my mind.As far as I am alive,I will do what I can do to learn from Mindia to make the life become more and more wonderful. Every time I saw those pictures,some wonderful recall with Mindia came into my mind.It reminded me I had an amazing oral English teacher,and it also remind me don't forget to magic our life.


CET spoken test


I just wanna say something happen in the CET spoken Test last weekend.In fact,I have to rush to Hunan Normal University in advance and live nearby there so that I can catch up with the test in the next day. Thanks for my teaching assistant in the Hunan University so that I can rent a house in a very low price.And then I stayed here for a night and prepared for the test. In fact,I really enjoy the beautiful,peaceful landscape at the bottom of Yuelu Mountain.But I also know the purpose I came here is not enjoy the beautiful landscape,but get a good performance before the test. But I don't think I did a very good job during the examination because I felt so nervous when I saw the timer flying.I also wanna say I am not really good at the topic although College Entrance Examination is very close to my life.I shouldn't watch the timer,it drives me nut. After the test,I walked along Central South University with my teaching assistant in school time and acknowledge the life of the postgraduate student.After talking to her I think I would have a good idea about whether I should persuit the postgraduate degree in my college time. One thing I wanna say is about this alarm clock.Before I walked into the clock,I received a call from my family member saying they are really object me to be an exchange student.At frist,they said they would support me if I go for further study,but now they break down their promise.They said I should stay in my hometown and do the job they recommend to be,but I don't like this kind of stuff at all!Then I came across this clock.It reminded me that time is limited,if I wanna take control of my life,hurry up! Then I walked along the vihicle-free promenade and found so many international shop,for example,Wolkmart,H&M and any kind of famous branch.I felt like buying the whole street but I suddenly realize that I have no money,no car,no house,no ability right now,so the person who take control of my life is not me without enough capital.I need some change! At last,I spent a long time waitting for the coach and finally came back.


Sports meeting


I am so glad that I can appear in the Chinadaily again because I haven't write the blog fora long time.To be honest,I published a blog before,but fail because something was wrong with the system.So let's go into the topic. These days I attended the 1500 meters race in the Sports meeting.I wanna say,as a Junior student,I felt a sense of honor to have the competition with the freshman who is full of passion,dream.Although I don't know the outcome of the competition,I still wanna try my best. In fact,I was worried at frist,expecially when I found myself cought a cold and had some problem with my stomach.In fact,I wanna have some trainning but the air condition is not allow.The air quality always drive us crazy.But I don't need to worry about that because we will face another problem,dreadful weather. In fact,this is also a expression of our youth,vigorious,ambtion. Then the competition begin.I don't like to follow those who use most of the strength without a reasonable tackle.I know the rhythm and the tackle are the most important element to improve proformance.As a result,I should run with a patient mind and search the chance to exceed the rivals one by one. I felt my preformance was so excellence when I got a great rank and reserve a lot of strength before the competition finished.Then I used most of my strength dash towards the finishing line and finally defeated all the rivals in our group. I felt so happy that when I heard myself finished the race before 5 minutes although it is not a high level competition.I was so pound of myself.Finally I got the silver medal after summerize the performance of 3 groups.In fact,I have so many things and emotions to express and I actually did in the lost blog.But time is limited,so I wish I will have more acheivements in the following days in this semester.


Although I have nothing to write these days,I still wanna share one of my favorite book these days.It's half past 4 in the morning in Harvard. I was totally affected by the cover of the book.I thought it contain the best secret of success and actually it did.Although there is some rumor pass in the air that this is used to play a trick of people's thought,we still can not deny that it is a good book. As far as I know,Harvard University is the best University in the world in Acadamic ways.So many policitians and cerebrity graduated from here in their early years,including U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon; American political leaders John Hancock, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Al Gore, George W. Bush and Barack Obama; Chilean President Sebastián Piñera; Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos; Costa Rican President José María Figueres; Mexican Presidents Felipe Calderón,[123] Carlos Salinas de Gortari and Miguel de la Madrid; Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj; Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo; Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou; Canadian Governor General David Lloyd Johnston; Indian Member of Parliament Jayant Sinha; Albanian Prime Minister Fan S. Noli; Canadian Prime Ministers Mackenzie King and Pierre Trudeau; Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras; Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto; U. S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan; Canadian political leader Michael Ignatieff; Pakistani Members of Provincial Assembly Murtaza Bhutto and Sanam Bhutto; Bangladesh Minister of Finance Abul Maal Abdul Muhith; President of Puntland Abdiweli Mohamed Ali; U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Anthony Luzzatto Gardner;Civil rights leader W. E. B. Du Bois; philosopher Henry David Thoreau; authors Ralph Waldo Emerson and William S. Burroughs; educator Harlan Hanson; poets Wallace Stevens, T. S. Eliot and E. E. Cummings; conductor Leonard Bernstein; cellist Yo Yo Ma; pianist and composer Charlie Albright; composer John Alden Carpenter; comedian, television show host and writer Conan O'Brien; actors Tatyana Ali, Nestor Carbonell, Matt Damon, Fred Gwynne,Hill Harper, Rashida Jones, Tommy Lee Jones, Ashley Judd, Jack Lemmon, Natalie Portman, Mira Sorvino, Elisabeth Shue, and Scottie Thompson; film directorsDarren Aronofsky, Terrence Malick, Mira Nair, and Whit Stillman; architect Philip Johnson; musicians Rivers Cuomo, Tom Morello, and Gram Parsons; musician, producer and composer Ryan Leslie; serial killer Ted Kaczynski; programmer and activist Richard Stallman; NFL quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick; NFL center Matt Birk; NBA player Jeremy Lin; US Ski Team skier Ryan Max Riley; physician Sachin H. Jain; physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer; computer pioneer and inventor An Wang; Tibetologist George de Roerich; and Marshall Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto.I am sorry that I can hardly acknowledge them one by one and just copied from Internet,I still wanna say,all of their world beating acheivement can be attribute to their deligient during the period of college.I still wanna say,I can imagine how hardworking they are.It is said that the libraries here are full of students in 4:30 in the morning.In fact,people even have spare time to talk other things.The only thing they can do is reading the material and searching for the subjest in the whole day.Here you can not see someone doing other things.Every corner here are a mobile library,including the canteen.I wanna say,while we are watching videos,playing computer games,hitting with all kinds of girls in our college life,they are reading,practicing,fighting,those who acts better than us are more hard working than us,that's the most terrible thing happen in the world. Then I wanna share some of the wisdoms from the book to you if you don't mind.Because I really draw inspiration from this book.Although I have no chance to go for further study in Harvard University,I still wanna learn something from them.Everytime I am playing,watching videos or hitting with the girls,I should remind myself that there is a group of people fighting in the other corner of the world. Frist,you must be delligient.In fact,you can not even notice that this 4 years is the golden period in our life.We must cherish every time to create everything we want.Time and tide waits for no man.Thus,the golden years would not happen again.We should make full use of the limit time to create the unlimited value.The most talent one must be the most deligient one.We must try our best to do everything to make all the impossible possible. Second,you must be confident.Although sometimes I felt uncomfident when standing in the stage.I still wanna say,every miracle come from incredible confidence.For a person,I think confident is the fundermental element to acheive everything.You must believe yourself before you let others believe yourself.Only with the confidence can come into a strong will. Third,you should have the passion to do the things.It is said that you can hardly feel tired when you are doing what you like.That's true.You should have passion to do what you want to do and let it become a part of your life.When you feel what you like,just use your passion to do it.Then you will find that it is really easy to acheive it. Forth,you must to finish the things on time.It is a very common phenomenon that everytime we got the homework,we would not did it until the last day when we should hand on our homework.I wanna say,please,be efficient,never let things until tomorrow.We must learn how to manage our time.Also,once we get the mission,the frist time we should think how we can finish it. Fifth,you must have a willing to study.Nowadays,study is the most important part for our future.You may think it is so tough to study,but turst me,it is just temporary.But if you would not study,you will fell very tough in the future.It is really rediculous that the purpose for study is only for pass the examination because the knowledge is unvaluable. Sixth,you must reach the breakthrough stage and have the ability of innovation.As one of the most powerful weapon of initiciate productivty,innovation plays every part towards our daily life.I strongly believe innovation play a very important part for the application of our knowledge.In fact,we can use the creativity to do eveything we want,only if a good inspiration spark into our mind. Seventh,time management is one of the most important part to do everything.If you can not manage your time,you can not manage everything you want.No matter how hectic your life is,you must do a list to what you should to and follow yur plan so that you can deal with things properly even though you come across the emergency. Eighth,you must to learn how to control yourself.I must admit that I haven't done so well in this aspect cause everytime I have a plan to study but cancelled because something appealed me from the Internet.In other words,I can not control myself properly.But I have to do it because if I can't control myself,I can't control everything happen in my life. Ninth,what your life will be is desiged by what kind of dream you have.Every moment no matter what kind of difficulty you face,you should not give up your dream.But you should dream what you want.In other words,you should have a big dream in order to fall asleep and have a dream.Dream is the direction of the life just like the compass play the role with the vessel.So yu should make it clear what you want and persuit it. Last,I wanna say,please hold every chance.The key to successful is depend on the chance you can hold.But the chance would not drop in front of you from the sky,you must seek for the chance and hold it tighty.Chances just like the beautiful girls,they could only receive those who dare to show their love. This is all my sharing.Although I don't know whether it is right,different people have different opinion and I am looking for your opinion.


The day before,our major hold a wonderful activity.It is because we haven't get together for a long time.It is necessary for us to have this kind of activity.In fact,as a junior student,we seldom have activity because the purpose of the party is mainly follow the polocy of our school commitee.It is really boring before.As a result,in order to make our meeting more funny and interesting,we decided to have this kind of activity outdoors. In order to hold this kind of activity we really spend for a long time.As you can see in the picture,we blew the balloons,prepared the places,and designed all kinds of interesting games.Although it is really hard,for we can communicate esch other,for we can enjoy a great time,for we can get together again,we worth it. The frist game was tag of war.It made us remember the period when we were kids.This is a kind of uneasy work.In order to demolish our rivals,we must learn to cooperation and use our strength at the same time and the same point.It is uneasy for us to win the game,but we won anyway. After the match,we all felt so tired.It is really funny to sit around the ground and enjoy the beautiful sunshine and wonderful performance.In fact,there are many person in our major who is really good at it.We haven't sit together for such a long time since the ending of the military training.It reminded us the period of soldier training.At that time,we struggled together,we encouraged each other,we shared good times and bad times caused we are a team! The next game is relay race.Frist,we must use our barefoot to run a distance.Then we had five people but six feet running race.This is also a test of the ability of collaboration.Five people must walk in the same rhythm and same race.Although I am not used to it,I still finish the whole race with my fellow companion. One thing I really appreciate is that the way to divide the groups.I can be one of the fellow companions with the people I am not familiar with.It really do great helpful for us to get to know each other again. Unfortunely,the time when we get together pass so fast that we can not fully enjoy ourselves.We will have it next time anyway.Although we are relutant to finished this kind of activity,I still wanna say,let's call it a day.At last,we leave the photo for memorize this kind of special activity.


To be honest,I really hate go outside in the National Day because you can hardly catch up the bus and do anything you want because there are seas of people.Safty is another problem you should face.For example,your stuff can be stolen when you can not fully focus on it.It make me feel so awful to take the bus in this kind of special day.No,I should say,I felt awesomely terrible in this kind of situation.It is no doubt that the best choice to spend the day is stay in our own domitory and see how miserable the people have suffered outside. Actually,I don't want to go for travel,I just wanna take the bus to the gymnasium in downtown.I have to catch the bus among so many people.I just wanna go there to take part in a special competition.It is a kind of custume running.When I saw it in the Internet,I felt it very interesting if I join in them and run happily. It is the frist time held in our city so I could not miss it. Now let me interduce it carefully.It is a kind of special competition.The competitors' clothes and body would dress up with different colors and paintings.It may happened before the race,or during the race.The rule is the same with the normal race,the one who finish the race can get the rank or acheive the prize and reward.Of course,the frist one who win the prize can get 2000 yuan.It is a kind of celebration for foreign country.It is a great honor for me to join in the special 5000m race. +In fact,I came here too early because I can hardly see anybody here.The worker here just gave me the cloth,the number and a bottle of redbull.In fact,it was sponsored by redbull company.The competitor should hand in 50 yuan to log in the race.Also,the one who haven't pay the money can not get the cloth,number and drinks,and their mark are invaild.It made me wait for such a long time because the race have delayed. We will have a competition in the bank of XiangJiang River.It is a kind of suitable environment for us to enjoy the beautiful landscape while running.Maybe I should not treat it too seriously,it is just kind of relax.Just do the things as I usually do is ok. During decorating,I came across several black people.Then I had a conversation with them.I acknowledged that their speed for long distance run is awesomely unbelievable.In fact,they can finish the race within 15 minute.They come from Kenya,a country which win their fair share of titles,demolishing rivals with seeming ease in such kind of competition.In a word,it is kind of moloply.I felt totally astonished by they have won the world beating result. Then I came across several schoolmates form our institute.They just came here and have fun.Actually,we had something discussion about this race.The most funny thing is that we used all kinds of painting decorating ourselves and took the amazing photos. FFinally the race began,and we started to run.I ccould hardly see anyone I have met before because it was totally in a mess.I really enjoy the way which I could exceed the rivals one by one while running.Actually,there are lots of them who are not really good at it,also there are lots of them who are really good at it.For example,those people from Kenya I met run amazingly fast.It is really hard for me to persist running until arriving to the finishing line.As time went by,I felt totally exhausted while running but I was relutant to give up.Finally I was the 20th competitor who finish the race.I am so sorry for the one who run in front of me had an invalid mark because of his misunderstood of the race.Whether there is the prize is nothing important.The most important thing is enjoy it. This is the photo of me after the face.It is funny and interesting.I think it was a funny day for me.Although I had not get the prize,I still felt very happy and excited for the competition.At last,I wanna say to the foreigners,"Congratulations,you are so excellent and finally acheive yourself!


At the beginning of the third year of my college life,I discovered time runs so fast.When I was a freshman,I was very curious about everything of my college.When I was a suphermore,I was busy for so many affairs of my life.However,I have never asked myself,what do I want?What could I get?What should I do? As time went by,we are not a youngster anymore.We should consider it carefully about what should we do about our future.As a junior student,we could not waste the time anymore because no more time are available to waste.In fact,just like so many people,I am considering where should I go.Occationally,there is two choice,try your best to acheive your postgraduate degree or just graduate directly and compete with tens of millions of students hunting for jobs.But I think I wanna go for further study,that's the reason why I am crazy about learning English and German.I don't know how can I do in the next step,I just know I need to study harder and harder,no,I must study harder and harder.At the beginning of this semester,I was really appreciated that I can pass the CET6.But if I wanna pass the IELTS of Daf,I still have a long distance to go.I musn't say I can't pass it,when you lack of confidence about yourself,you could acheive nothing. I still wanna say,compare with the freshman or suphermore,the junior student have less class.But it doesn't mean that the mission of study is much more lighter because you can find that your text book is much more thicker.Everyday you must study inicially without other's supervise.No one could take the responsibility to you if you are not deligent enough.The advantage is also obvious,you can have more time to deal with your hobby,such as build your musule strength in the gymnasium or something.I can have much space to do what I want.One thing I must realize is if I can't walk today,I have to run tomorrow. These days I have consulted some agency about further study,appoximately,I know what should I do.But my directions are still very obscure.I personally think if you want to be successful,you must to be indifferent.I need to improve performance,pass the related certificate,write some introduction letter and apply for the school what I want.Lastly,I encouraged myself to consult my veteran uncle although the econo mic condition of my family is not so good.Then I realised how stupid I am,I forgot to consult something related to the scholarship.I have not realized my father is not 李刚.My family can not afford me if I go for further study.May be I should go to the headquater of some agency to have a deeper consult.Although my uncle is not support me to go for futher study when I graduate,he still suggess I should continue learning the language and get the certificate because it is really helpful for my development in the future.All in all,I can find a job in the foreign enterprise and seek for the chance.It remembered me that is what Candice have done before.After all,it is much easier for a company to afford me than my parents. Although I am really into science research,maybe I could not want to get the postgraduate degree in the domestic school.My headmaster said,if I get a postgraduate degree in some better school,there will be more and better chance.I still wanna consider carefully what Air have said to us,give myself more choice to make rather than go straight to the dead end.I should not be so impatient,I should calm down.Now my talent could not afford my abition,the best way is calm down to study. Just like what I have experienced in the homecoming party of our major,it is a little hard to think about what can I be after ten years.I must learn how to change what I can change,receive what I can not change.Grab every chance to study and improve myself.Waste the time in the college life is a kind of idoit behavor.It just like pollute the environment,you can not see the problems in a short time,it is a very long-term effect.When the problem occurs,it is too late to settle it down.I don't know whether it is propoble to study with those who want to get the postgraduate degree in the whole summer holiday.I just realize yesterday is a memory,tomorrow is still a mystery,but today is a gift.Just live for today!Just like the Secret said,it is just a car driving at night from California to New York,but I can only see the next 200 feet.I just need to realize the next 200 feet will appear in front of my eye and the next,next 200 feet will come into my life constantly,and I would finally arrive at the destination.Just take the frist step in faith,you don't have to see the whole staircase,just take the frist step is ok.I could only believe I can acheive it and don't care too much about how to acheive it.The best way to perdict your future is to create it!


social survey


Today,I had finished my survey in order to complete the assignment of Marx Institute.In fact,I wanna write an essay and practice my ability of personal interaction,so I went to the Rain Park and Chi Pashih Park to have a survery to a local people. It can not deny that it is a really difficult work for me because I have to choose a topic.Just as what I choose in the picture,the topic I have chosen has been underlined.This topic is much easier than others because it is related to our daily life.And then,I have to prepare some of the questions to ask the passers-by.One thing I really regret is that I didn't prepared a questionare.If there was a questionare here,it could make the work much more easier. At frist,I considered I could get 50 samples or even 100,but to my surprise,I could only get 30 samples although I tried my best to asked every stranger I 've ever meet.It is no doubt that it is really hard to get some of the samples and acknowledge what they think.The dialect is the biggest gap between me and them because I think it is even much more harder than English.It really drive me crazy. I walked to the park in the morning.To my surprise,I can hardly see any people here.Occasionally,there are much more eldery go here to have morning excerise.But consider the eldery is the most important part of the cultural life,I think they have lots of feeling about this feeling.OMG,they can hardly have interested in it.I don't know why they neglect what I have asked,maybe they can hardly know what I mean or they showed no interested in it. After lunch,I walked along the Rain Park and then slept in the brunch.I absolutely know it is so dangerous to sleep in the public,but I was too tried.I could also hardly saw any people here.Only a few eldery stayed here playing poker,they refused my survey.Then I walked along and found someone to ask.Unfortunely,a guard here checked me and expelled me out of the park because survey is not allow here.I can hardly have some samples,what a poor luck.But there is a few sample found in the road outside the park which made me feel a little bit sence of comfort. Finally,I went back to this park and continue my survey.Finally,there were more and more people in the park so that I can get the samples much more easier.I went forward and ask one and other stranger initially.Although there were something misunderstanding or something like that,I still had a feeling of satifiction in this survey. So let me summarise the survey.The topic is the cultural construction of the commity in the city.It is revelant to the cultural life.Considering this kind of life is revelant to the eldery,so most of the samples came from the eldery.They can divided into three different kinds.The frist kind of them,or the most of them,showed no interested in what I asked,some of them even thought I wanna play a trick to their money,so they are unwilling to answer me.The second kind of them,showed they are satisfy with all kinds of activity held by the community.And they also think such kind of activity can enrich their life.The third kind of them,disatisfy what the community or even the government have done.In another words,they thought what the government have done is not they mean.But they are the person I like the most because they are so talkative and dare to say the truth.Although I don't like the tone from the tollernt of abuse,I still listened carefully and tried my best to catch every word they said.They showed me that they really miss the period of Chairman Mao because the though of the people were so pure.They also showed a lot of the problem of the modern society.Include the unsafe security condition,the lack of responsibility of the government.For example,it is really expensive and really hard to see a doctor.Because of inflation,raising a child or maintaining the life become more and more difficult.The most severe problem is the corruption,the crimers can do what they want without the restristion of the law through bribing the government officers or something like that.I think there is still a long period for the government to slove this kind of problem. I had also made some stupid mistake.For example,I don't know why I could ask a bagger or disable these questions.The skill of interaction is still need to improve.After the survey,I have to write a 2000-word-survey.I wish I can get this credit successfully and it become the most essential part of my life.