

What a meaningful activitiy!
The day before,our major hold a wonderful activity.It is because we haven't get together for a long time.It is necessary for us to have this kind of activity.In fact,as a junior student,we seldom have activity because the purpose of the party is mainly follow the polocy of our school commitee.It is really boring before.As a result,in order to make our meeting more funny and interesting,we decided to have this kind of activity outdoors.

In order to hold this kind of activity we really spend for a long time.As you can see in the picture,we blew the balloons,prepared the places,and designed all kinds of interesting games.Although it is really hard,for we can communicate esch other,for we can enjoy a great time,for we can get together again,we worth it.

The frist game was tag of war.It made us remember the period when we were kids.This is a kind of uneasy work.In order to demolish our rivals,we must learn to cooperation and use our strength at the same time and the same point.It is uneasy for us to win the game,but we won anyway.

After the match,we all felt so tired.It is really funny to sit around the ground and enjoy the beautiful sunshine and wonderful performance.In fact,there are many person in our major who is really good at it.We haven't sit together for such a long time since the ending of the military training.It reminded us the period of soldier training.At that time,we struggled together,we encouraged each other,we shared good times and bad times caused we are a team!

The next game is relay race.Frist,we must use our barefoot to run a distance.Then we had five people but six feet running race.This is also a test of the ability of collaboration.Five people must walk in the same rhythm and same race.Although I am not used to it,I still finish the whole race with my fellow companion.

One thing I really appreciate is that the way to divide the groups.I can be one of the fellow companions with the people I am not familiar with.It really do great helpful for us to get to know each other again.

Unfortunely,the time when we get together pass so fast that we can not fully enjoy ourselves.We will have it next time anyway.Although we are relutant to finished this kind of activity,I still wanna say,let's call it a day.At last,we leave the photo for memorize this kind of special activity.


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