

Junior:another turning point
At the beginning of the third year of my college life,I discovered time runs so fast.When I was a freshman,I was very curious about everything of my college.When I was a suphermore,I was busy for so many affairs of my life.However,I have never asked myself,what do I want?What could I get?What should I do?

As time went by,we are not a youngster anymore.We should consider it carefully about what should we do about our future.As a junior student,we could not waste the time anymore because no more time are available to waste.In fact,just like so many people,I am considering where should I go.Occationally,there is two choice,try your best to acheive your postgraduate degree or just graduate directly and compete with tens of millions of students hunting for jobs.But I think I wanna go for further study,that's the reason why I am crazy about learning English and German.I don't know how can I do in the next step,I just know I need to study harder and harder,no,I must study harder and harder.At the beginning of this semester,I was really appreciated that I can pass the CET6.But if I wanna pass the IELTS of Daf,I still have a long distance to go.I musn't say I can't pass it,when you lack of confidence about yourself,you could acheive nothing.

I still wanna say,compare with the freshman or suphermore,the junior student have less class.But it doesn't mean that the mission of study is much more lighter because you can find that your text book is much more thicker.Everyday you must study inicially without other's supervise.No one could take the responsibility to you if you are not deligent enough.The advantage is also obvious,you can have more time to deal with your hobby,such as build your musule strength in the gymnasium or something.I can have much space to do what I want.One thing I must realize is if I can't walk today,I have to run tomorrow.

These days I have consulted some agency about further study,appoximately,I know what should I do.But my directions are still very obscure.I personally think if you want to be successful,you must to be indifferent.I need to improve performance,pass the related certificate,write some introduction letter and apply for the school what I want.Lastly,I encouraged myself to consult my veteran uncle although the econo
mic condition of my family is not so good.Then I realised how stupid I am,I forgot to consult something related to the scholarship.I have not realized my father is not 李刚.My family can not afford me if I go for further study.May be I should go to the headquater of some agency to have a deeper consult.Although my uncle is not support me to go for futher study when I graduate,he still suggess I should continue learning the language and get the certificate because it is really helpful for my development in the future.All in all,I can find a job in the foreign enterprise and seek for the chance.It remembered me that is what Candice have done before.After all,it is much easier for a company to afford me than my parents.

Although I am really into science research,maybe I could not want to get the postgraduate degree in the domestic school.My headmaster said,if I get a postgraduate degree in some better school,there will be more and better chance.I still wanna consider carefully what Air have said to us,give myself more choice to make rather than go straight to the dead end.I should not be so impatient,I should calm down.Now my talent could not afford my abition,the best way is calm down to study.

Just like what I have experienced in the homecoming party of our major,it is a little hard to think about what can I be after ten years.I must learn how to change what I can change,receive what I can not change.Grab every chance to study and improve myself.Waste the time in the college life is a kind of idoit behavor.It just like pollute the environment,you can not see the problems in a short time,it is a very long-term effect.When the problem occurs,it is too late to settle it down.I don't know whether it is propoble to study with those who want to get the postgraduate degree in the whole summer holiday.I just realize yesterday is a memory,tomorrow is still a mystery,but today is a gift.Just live for today!Just like the Secret said,it is just a car driving at night from California to New York,but I can only see the next 200 feet.I just need to realize the next 200 feet will appear in front of my eye and the next,next 200 feet will come into my life constantly,and I would finally arrive at the destination.Just take the frist step in faith,you don't have to see the whole staircase,just take the frist step is ok.I could only believe I can acheive it and don't care too much about how to acheive it.The best way to perdict your future is to create it!


teamkrejados 2014-09-06 09:55

thoughtful and introspective.

ColinSpeakman 2014-09-05 23:10


Joseph1993 2014-09-05 22:04

I know,I will take more consult and consider it carefully.I will reconsider which wind is blowing is the most suitable for me.Thank you.

ColinSpeakman 2014-09-05 18:09

The car driving from California to New York will not make it without refueling - trust me, I know!  So every so often, you do need to stop and think of your direction, which way the wind is blowing, and whether that matters to you!  You put up some motivational pictures!