

Half past 4 in the morning in Harvard
Although I have nothing to write these days,I still wanna share one of my favorite book these days.It's half past 4 in the morning in Harvard.

I was totally affected by the cover of the book.I thought it contain the best secret of success and actually it did.Although there is some rumor pass in the air that this is used to play a trick of people's thought,we still can not deny that it is a good book.

As far as I know,Harvard University is the best University in the world in Acadamic ways.So many policitians and cerebrity graduated from here in their early years,including U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon; American political leaders John Hancock, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Al Gore, George W. Bush and Barack Obama; Chilean President Sebastián Piñera; Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos; Costa Rican President José María Figueres; Mexican Presidents Felipe Calderón,[123] Carlos Salinas de Gortari and Miguel de la Madrid; Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj; Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo; Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou; Canadian Governor General David Lloyd Johnston; Indian Member of Parliament Jayant Sinha; Albanian Prime Minister Fan S. Noli; Canadian Prime Ministers Mackenzie King and Pierre Trudeau; Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras; Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto; U. S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan; Canadian political leader Michael Ignatieff; Pakistani Members of Provincial Assembly Murtaza Bhutto and Sanam Bhutto; Bangladesh Minister of Finance Abul Maal Abdul Muhith; President of Puntland Abdiweli Mohamed Ali; U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Anthony Luzzatto Gardner;Civil rights leader W. E. B. Du Bois; philosopher Henry David Thoreau; authors Ralph Waldo Emerson and William S. Burroughs; educator Harlan Hanson; poets Wallace Stevens, T. S. Eliot and E. E. Cummings; conductor Leonard Bernstein; cellist Yo Yo Ma; pianist and composer Charlie Albright; composer John Alden Carpenter; comedian, television show host and writer Conan O'Brien; actors Tatyana Ali, Nestor Carbonell, Matt Damon, Fred Gwynne,Hill Harper, Rashida Jones, Tommy Lee Jones, Ashley Judd, Jack Lemmon, Natalie Portman, Mira Sorvino, Elisabeth Shue, and Scottie Thompson; film directorsDarren Aronofsky, Terrence Malick, Mira Nair, and Whit Stillman; architect Philip Johnson; musicians Rivers Cuomo, Tom Morello, and Gram Parsons; musician, producer and composer Ryan Leslie; serial killer Ted Kaczynski; programmer and activist Richard Stallman; NFL quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick; NFL center Matt Birk; NBA player Jeremy Lin; US Ski Team skier Ryan Max Riley; physician Sachin H. Jain; physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer; computer pioneer and inventor An Wang; Tibetologist George de Roerich; and Marshall Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto.I am sorry that I can hardly acknowledge them one by one and just copied from Internet,I still wanna say,all of their world beating acheivement can be attribute to their deligient during the period of college.I still wanna say,I can imagine how hardworking they are.It is said that the libraries here are full of students in 4:30 in the morning.In fact,people even have spare time to talk other things.The only thing they can do is reading the material and searching for the subjest in the whole day.Here you can not see someone doing other things.Every corner here are a mobile library,including the canteen.I wanna say,while we are watching videos,playing computer games,hitting with all kinds of girls in our college life,they are reading,practicing,fighting,those who acts better than us are more hard working than us,that's the most terrible thing happen in the world.

Then I wanna share some of the wisdoms from the book to you if you don't mind.Because I really draw inspiration from this book.Although I have no chance to go for further study in Harvard University,I still wanna learn something from them.Everytime I am playing,watching videos or hitting with the girls,I should remind myself that there is a group of people fighting in the other corner of the world.

Frist,you must be delligient.In fact,you can not even notice that this 4 years is the golden period in our life.We must cherish every time to create everything we want.Time and tide waits for no man.Thus,the golden years would not happen again.We should make full use of the limit time to create the unlimited value.The most talent one must be the most deligient one.We must try our best to do everything to make all the impossible possible.

Second,you must be confident.Although sometimes I felt uncomfident when standing in the stage.I still wanna say,every miracle come from incredible confidence.For a person,I think confident is the fundermental element to acheive everything.You must believe yourself before you let others believe yourself.Only with the confidence can come into a strong will.

Third,you should have the passion to do the things.It is said that you can hardly feel tired when you are doing what you like.That's true.You should have passion to do what you want to do and let it become a part of your life.When you feel what you like,just use your passion to do it.Then you will find that it is really easy to acheive it.

Forth,you must to finish the things on time.It is a very common phenomenon that everytime we got the homework,we would not did it until the last day when we should hand on our homework.I wanna say,please,be efficient,never let things until tomorrow.We must learn how to manage our time.Also,once we get the mission,the frist time we should think how we can finish it.

Fifth,you must have a willing to study.Nowadays,study is the most important part for our future.You may think it is so tough to study,but turst me,it is just temporary.But if you would not study,you will fell very tough in the future.It is really rediculous that the purpose for study is only for pass the examination because the knowledge is unvaluable.

Sixth,you must reach the breakthrough stage and have the ability of innovation.As one of the most powerful weapon of initiciate productivty,innovation plays every part towards our daily life.I strongly believe innovation play a very important part for the application of our knowledge.In fact,we can use the creativity to do eveything we want,only if a good inspiration spark into our mind.

Seventh,time management is one of the most important part to do everything.If you can not manage your time,you can not manage everything you want.No matter how hectic your life is,you must do a list to what you should to and follow yur plan so that you can deal with things properly even though you come across the emergency.

Eighth,you must to learn how to control yourself.I must admit that I haven't done so well in this aspect cause everytime I have a plan to study but cancelled because something appealed me from the Internet.In other words,I can not control myself properly.But I have to do it because if I can't control myself,I can't control everything happen in my life.

Ninth,what your life will be is desiged by what kind of dream you have.Every moment no matter what kind of difficulty you face,you should not give up your dream.But you should dream what you want.In other words,you should have a big dream in order to fall asleep and have a dream.Dream is the direction of the life just like the compass play the role with the vessel.So yu should make it clear what you want and persuit it.

Last,I wanna say,please hold every chance.The key to successful is depend on the chance you can hold.But the chance would not drop in front of you from the sky,you must seek for the chance and hold it tighty.Chances just like the beautiful girls,they could only receive those who dare to show their love.

This is all my sharing.Although I don't know whether it is right,different people have different opinion and I am looking for your opinion.


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