

social survey

Today,I had finished my survey in order to complete the assignment of Marx Institute.In fact,I wanna write an essay and practice my ability of personal interaction,so I went to the Rain Park and Chi Pashih Park to have a survery to a local people.

It can not deny that it is a really difficult work for me because I have to choose a topic.Just as what I choose in the picture,the topic I have chosen has been underlined.This topic is much easier than others because it is related to our daily life.And then,I have to prepare some of the questions to ask the passers-by.One thing I really regret is that I didn't prepared a questionare.If there was a questionare here,it could make the work much more easier.

At frist,I considered I could get 50 samples or even 100,but to my surprise,I could only get 30 samples although I tried my best to asked every stranger I 've ever meet.It is no doubt that it is really hard to get some of the samples and acknowledge what they think.The dialect is the biggest gap between me and them because I think it is even much more harder than English.It really drive me crazy.

I walked to the park in the morning.To my surprise,I can hardly see any people here.Occasionally,there are much more eldery go here to have morning excerise.But consider the eldery is the most important part of the cultural life,I think they have lots of feeling about this feeling.OMG,they can hardly have interested in it.I don't know why they neglect what I have asked,maybe they can hardly know what I mean or they showed no interested in it.

After lunch,I walked along the Rain Park and then slept in the brunch.I absolutely know it is so dangerous to sleep in the public,but I was too tried.I could also hardly saw any people here.Only a few eldery stayed here playing poker,they refused my survey.Then I walked along and found someone to ask.Unfortunely,a guard here checked me and expelled me out of the park because survey is not allow here.I can hardly have some samples,what a poor luck.But there is a few sample found in the road outside the park which made me feel a little bit sence of comfort.

Finally,I went back to this park and continue my survey.Finally,there were more and more people in the park so that I can get the samples much more easier.I went forward and ask one and other stranger initially.Although there were something misunderstanding or something like that,I still had a feeling of satifiction in this survey.

So let me summarise the survey.The topic is the cultural construction of the commity in the city.It is revelant to the cultural life.Considering this kind of life is revelant to the eldery,so most of the samples came from the eldery.They can divided into three different kinds.The frist kind of them,or the most of them,showed no interested in what I asked,some of them even thought I wanna play a trick to their money,so they are unwilling to answer me.The second kind of them,showed they are satisfy with all kinds of activity held by the community.And they also think such kind of activity can enrich their life.The third kind of them,disatisfy what the community or even the government have done.In another words,they thought what the government have done is not they mean.But they are the person I like the most because they are so talkative and dare to say the truth.Although I don't like the tone from the tollernt of abuse,I still listened carefully and tried my best to catch every word they said.They showed me that they really miss the period of Chairman Mao because the though of the people were so pure.They also showed a lot of the problem of the modern society.Include the unsafe security condition,the lack of responsibility of the government.For example,it is really expensive and really hard to see a doctor.Because of inflation,raising a child or maintaining the life become more and more difficult.The most severe problem is the corruption,the crimers can do what they want without the restristion of the law through bribing the government officers or something like that.I think there is still a long period for the government to slove this kind of problem.

I had also made some stupid mistake.For example,I don't know why I could ask a bagger or disable these questions.The skill of interaction is still need to improve.After the survey,I have to write a 2000-word-survey.I wish I can get this credit successfully and it become the most essential part of my life.


Hannah.E 2014-08-08 10:25

After this survey, I believe you have acquired a lot. 
sometimes during the process, you may face many hurdles, but just do it.
Best luck of you in the future.