

Though the great attainments China has made in recent years, it is still a zigzag path for the descendants of the dragon to match their social ethics awareness with China's economic miracle. The Chinese tourists became the universal cynosure once again in the wake of "martial art" show outbreakd at a china Eastern Airlines flight before takeoff from Phuket, Thailand in February, 2014. Last Thursday, a Chinese passager assaulted the crew by tossing hot water at a flight attendant, which lead to a U turn of the flight and ejection of all the involved passagers. In footage released by China's state television CCTV, a male passenger threatened to bomb the plane. He later said the attendant was scalded by accident during a tussle over a bill they had requested for the hot water. This is not the first time for the Chinese tourists to demean themselves oversea. As the hot water mentioned, any trifles would touch off a staggering strife on plane, such as seat arrangement, name calling, long waits. It looks like the Chinese people are all but pacifist, they are more keen to be gladiators in the public than citizens of other countries, which are exactly the opposite of the maxim of " peace is most precious" preached by the Chinese ancestors. Definitely,the perpetrators could not escape the humiliating verdict on their rough behaviour. And it is widely acknowledged that the poor social ethics awareness are part of the problem. As China making a miraculous economic achievement in recently years, the citizen's moral standard failed to grow in tandem with their economic one, which lead to the popularity of unscrupulous tourists abroad. And what's worse is that the number of the tourist increases dramatically in the decade. More than 100 million Chinese have traveled overseas this year, more than any other country,which means the uncivilized behaviour is more likely to happen if not fettered by the authority. While the tourist industry continue to keep it up, such spectre will haunt the Chinese people for a long time. However, for China's national image, the Chinese government began to interfere such matters as never before. It is said that the travel agency will be punished for the dereliction of duty and the perpetrators will be blacklisted for bad credit. It is unfair to blame the travel agency for passagers' feckless behaviour, and the penalty is also unsustainable and bad for the tourist boom because the travel agency will delibrately sort out the passager for fair of future punishment, which will further lead to an outbreak of quarrel between buyers and sellers. However, the blacklist may workable. The low cost of offence has always been accused of the root cause of tourist deliquency. Though the individual credit record will not totally stop the offence abroad, more or less, it will slow the fist when considering the future travel convenience. Boldness in tourism development, boldness in travel stimulus, stagnancy in tourist regulation. This is the fact faces the Chinese government, an overhaul of travel regulation is indispensable if China wants to maintain its tourist boom. And definitely, it need some time.


Three months has gone by since I decide to participate the Chinadaily blog test. At the last day, I really confused what I want to write and should write.My mind was glutted with some political and social issues, such as the anti-corruption fight against Zhou Yongkang, a former top state leader, the food safety problem triggered by the Husi scandal, and other hot issues. However, with a deep analysis on these issues, I found it is always humdrum to write something you not involved. So I make a decision to write about myself. At the beggining time, the blog test is unattractive to me. I was taking part in the advanced interpretation test in May. Due to some objective reasons and ulterior motive, the examiner deny me at the oral test, even the most of my answers is right. I was really shocked by their behavior and frustrated by the result. It looks like my months' hard work is invalid and useless. I use one week to calm down. Though I lose this time, I never lose my hope. I always hold the conviction that people should pursue something other than the entertainment and relaxing. If I can not make the progress in one way, just change it. Writting is a good idea. Sometimes writting is not as easy as somebody think. I always spend 3-5 hours on my blog to write something I satisfied.The process of writing is full of dictionary checking and consideration to avoid spellling and tense mistakes. It really a time-consuming work and arduous task for me, because I have to work in the day time and nursing my baby at night, while doing housework and other trifles. It always 9 o'clock at night when I finish everything. And then take a bath and go sleep because of the weary mind and body. This has become my daily routine and lifestyle. I have to say that the best way to promote the english is not speaking ,reading but writing. The writting is the process of writing something down while read it in your mind. It will yield twice the result with half the efforts. I am so impressed at this point since I try to write something. If you want to learn the english well, writting is indispensable. I don't know whether I will continue to write after the ending of blog test. But I really learn a lot from the blogs write by other people. To check the blog has already become my daily job, and the blog has beocme my great source for english study. Last but not least, hope everybody could reap the benefit from the blog test and make progress on english study. Cheers, toast to the efforts we made in the past three month!


It has been pretty grusome for the airline industry this year. First, the Malaysia airline MH370 was ended in the southern India Ocean in 8th March,2014, the wreckage and 239 people are still unfound.And now, MH17, the another plane of the identical airlines, was shot over east Ukraine last week, killing 298 people on board.Then a TransAsia ATR72 crashed at the vicinity of Penghu,Taiwan Island,40 people were claimed to be dead. Last Thursday, an Air Algerie MD-83 with 116 passagers crash in Mali. Given the fatality and the terrifying death toll, it looks like the air traffic is no longer safer than ever before.All these tragegy has seriously sap the people's confidence and renew the questions about its security and stability.Even some people have already choose alternative means of transportation,such as railway,express way, and coach.It seems like people have already disillusioned from the falsehood that plane is the safest way to travel. As an observer,however,I have to say things are not always what they seem. At a tough time like this, it is worth remind people that flying remains the safest modes of transportation on earth. Especially since the airline accidents become the cynosure of all eyes. According to the statistics shared by the following website(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_665f5c460100hnvq.html), in the past 25 years, the average motality for the airliner is about 0.5 ppm,with European countries and U.S.A reach 0.25 ppm, and Asia countries climb to 1 ppm. In other words, if one man take the flight everyday, it will take him 10'000 years to meet one accident in U.S.A and 2700 years to come across the catastrophe in Asia,which is much less than the time taken by driving.In extreme case, you even can not promise the safety in 1000 years due to the misdeed and traffic offence of some drivers. And now since the technological advancement and managerial improvement in avaiation, the overall safety level has been elevated to a record high. In the United States, there hasn't been a airline crash since 2009, which is really a enviable record. By 2008, the fatality slumped by 80%. Despite the remarkable improvement, there always seem to be some new danger hiding behind the clouds posed to wreak havoc that no one has previous considered. The M17 is the best case. Its tradegy remind us that the efforts to enhance the aviation safty should never end.Both the subjective and objective factors could cotribute to the air accidents. On the one hand we should try our best to avoid the subjective causes, on the other hand, we should have a sober awareness on the situation and fully recognize the objective causes to reduce the risk of catastrophe. There is still a long and uphill journey for airlines to guarantee the safety of aviation, however, undoubtedly, air traffic is still the safest mode of transportation in the world.


To have a baby is always a joyous and anguished experience for the new parents,because sometimes the little baby is the angel from the paradise,bring you incessant laughing, and sometimes she is just the demon escaped from the Hades, endless mischief she will exert on you. It also bring dramatically change to your peaceful life,physically or mentally.Maybe the best question should be what doesn't change after you have a baby.Here I list ten things that change when you have a baby. Before the childbearing we have plenty of time to go out to shopping,strolling,excursion. But now all the things has become the past, our lives are occupied with little trifles,such as breast and bottle feeding, diapering, washing and cleaning,etc.We have to say goodbye to the past jovial life. It's too bad, but it is worthwhile. Why I pick out the diaper changing as a seperate topic? Because it is more intractable and troublesome than somebody thought. Even sometimes you will do it at the risk of sprayed by your own baby. Just image the wet trousers and clothes urinated by your sweetheart. How embarrassing you are! Since you give the life to your own baby, it is your responsibility to parent them and no good to pass the buck. In order to be a good dad, I also bought some books, which named Parenting for Dummies, hope it will work. In the past, it is unexceptional for us to have a gathering with our friends. But now the gathering is slip away from us. We can not leave our baby alone at home. All we can do is coax our baby then have a short break.We are so poor! A months ago, we still use the alarm clock to wake us, but now the clock could have a full time rest. We never need it again! The cry of baby has become our battle horn, when she is yelling, all of us will wake up without any complaint. I have to say the cry of the baby is more useful than the clock! When we once believe we were fearless, now we find ourselves afraid, because our baby has become our Achilles heel, any unhappiness and hurt will unaffordable.We have to take her seriously. Meanwhile I have to say that where we once afraid, we are now fearless. Anything our baby concerned, we will stand out and speak our mind boldly. The life is so paradoxical. Both my wife and I has become morning person due to the business schedule. We have to wake up early to prepare the breast milk for our daughter. If I could not milk my wife timely, she will suffer engorgement and never has the breast milk again.What a big catastrophe it will be! The heavy task has absolutely demoralized us. We are burned out by the trifles.It is really a painful joy and joyful pain. Silence? You say silence? What's that? Since the birth of my little daughter, I never know what is the silence. Do you want to know the function of the breast? It serve as the pacifier!


Last week has witnessed one of the greatest moment in my life - the birth of my little princess. All the family members are swimming in the bliss and highly praise the gift bestowed by god. However,before the birth, I was tortured by the mixed feelings,including apprehension, misgivings and excitement. Fortunately, the birth of my baby is smooth and prompt, and my wife is in rapid recovery and rejuvenation. What a good news for both me and my family. (上个星期见证了我人生中最伟大的时刻-我家小公主的诞生,所有的家庭成员都沉浸在幸福当中,并且赞叹这上帝所赐给我们的礼物。但是,在出生前,我心中五味杂成,百感交集,既担忧,焦虑,同时又充满兴奋。幸运的是,宝宝的诞生既顺利又快速,同时我老婆也恢复迅速,这一切对我和家庭来说都是好消息) Sighed at the few photographs and pictures taken in my own childhood, I think it is my duty and responsibility to record the story of my little baby and photograph her early life, which will absolve myself from the blame as a negligent father. So the following pictures are taken in chronological order. (感叹于自己童年时拍照甚少,我觉得作为一个爸爸,有责任有义务记录小宝宝的童年故事,这样将来我就不会被指责为不称职的爸爸了,呵呵。以下照片按照时间顺序拍摄) My little princess, it is the period in which you stay at your mommy's womb. Owing to the increasing size of your body, your mum has suffered a great inconvenience in the daily life. she can not stand up on her own, still less can she bend down. So you must never be unworthy of the pain your mum suffered and her expectation of you. (我的小公主,这还是你呆在妈妈子宫里的时候。由于你不断的长大,给你妈妈的日常生活造成了巨大的不便。她有时候不能单独站起来,更别提弯腰了。所以你不能辜负妈妈为你所承受的痛苦以及她对你的期望。) The first day of your life. You lay in slumber with messy hair. To be honest, i could not believe it is my baby whose appearance is far from what I imaged. But I have to admit that your appearance is identical to me, we are related. In another word, you are my baby! (你人生的第一天,你酣睡入眠,头发缭乱。老实说,我真的难以相信这竟然是我家宝宝,和我所想象的相差太远了。但我不得不承认你和我长得很像,我们有着相同的血脉。换句话说,你是我的宝宝!) The seventh day of your life. You open you eyes and stare at me. Now you become more beautiful and comely. I can faintly see your double eyelids which is a significant mark of a great beauty in morden times.Good job, girl! (你人生第七天。你张开眼睛 注视着我。现在你变的更漂亮和清秀了。我能隐约看到你的双眼皮,这在当今时代可是一个大美人的重要标志哦,干的漂亮,宝贝!) The ninth day of your life.You looks very comfortable in your cozy nest.You are a little stronger and chubby. In addition, something happened on your body, you old skin has been replaced by the new one, I can see the "white wrinkle" on your arms. (你人生的第九天,你在安乐窝里看上去非常舒服。你更健壮了,而且胖乎乎的,此外,你的身体发生了一些变化。新皮肤代替了老皮肤。我可以看到你手臂上的白色“皱纹 And sometimes you are so annoying, you always cry, even cry for cry, which made us very headache and confused. What we can do is just pat your back and comfort you.Dad try everything I can do, a pacifier,music, and even sometimes I have to sing a lullaby (但是有的时候你很烦人,经常哭,甚至为了哭而哭,这使我们非常头痛和困惑。我们所能做的就是轻拍你后背,安慰你,爸爸试了很多方法,奶嘴,音乐,甚至有时要唱摇篮曲) No one love you more than me except your mommy. After your birth, you mum gaze at you , which give a manifestation of maternal ove. you have the same feature with your mum, big eye, doulbe eyelids, and sharp little chin.Perfect! (这世界上没有人比我爱你更多, 除了你妈妈。你出生后,你妈妈凝视着你。变现出了极其强烈的母爱。你和你妈妈有很多共同点,大眼睛,双眼皮,尖下巴。太完美了!) Sometimes you always mug yourself, which is so funny and hilarious. You enrich our life, we all love you, my little princess. It is our common aspiration that you could grow up every day, and one day become the most beautiful princess in the world. Don't disappointed us, come on, little princess! (有时你经常扮鬼脸,非常搞笑和有趣,你让我们的生活丰富多彩,我们都爱你,小公主。我们都希望你每天都能长大,直到有一天变成全世界最漂亮的公主,别让我们失望,加油!)


Yesterday, I participated in the Shanghai auto plate auction again after the failure in May. As usually, I suffered a second defeat even with the help of my wife,which made me so frustrate. But some data and statistices as followed astound me. The number of the bidders reached 135,677-dragging the success rate to a all-time low of 5.5 percent. The number of bidders of yesterday's aution was up 21,556 from the last month. The average winning price was 73,896- down 607 yuan from last month.In the second hand market, the price of the second hand plate has soar to 12,000 yuan, 3000 yuan increase from the previous month. Just think about these ludicrous figures, 13,577 people scramble for only 7400 car plate, which made all the people less likely to procure one plate than ever before. While the second hand car plate is unaffordable for the majority of the bidders. On the one hand, people are holding back due to the expensive used plate, on the other hand they have little chance to acquire a new plate. All this drive the number of participator to a record high, which made people less likely to get even one plate. This is totally a vicious circle. However, something will change from the July. Shanghai government introduce two new rules yesterday in an attempt to reduce the number of bidders at the monthly car plate auction. From July, only holders of driving license can bid,and those who are successful can not take part in the auction for three years.The new rules follows a wave a panic bidding after the city raise its emmission standard to national V. This led a 50% increase in bidders as April was the last chance for owner of out of town registered national VI cars to change to Shanghai license plate. Afterward,the number continue to rise in May and June. People are so outraged by the rocketing bidders and the interrupted data transmission. The grumble and complaint can been seen everywhere on Internet.Which has already make it become one of the intractable problems the government faced. I really hope the new policy will work and help the people like me to get a better chance in the bidding, and wish this policy will benefit those with a genuine need. The effect of these policy is expected next month.


Recently, a post concerning the manipulation of world cup has become the cynosure of all hardcore football fans. (you could visit the following website for more details http://sports.qq.com/a/20140628/015034.htm) It is said the international football match has been rigged by the european bookmaker such as William Hill, Ladbrokes through transnational bribery, legal sponsorships, threat and even intimidation. Even the eventful 2014 World Cup can not escape the control of such big names. All the alleged upset and dark horse in 2014 world cup are plotted by these lottery coporation in order to turn the tide and defraud great money from the bettors. this article also give several plausible argument, including whopping sponsorships, black whistle and rocketing advertisement fee. All seems well explained the inside transaction behind these match. But do you believe it? At the first sight, I have to say this post is so reasonable that it could full explain the elimination of the Spain,England and Italy and the great loss the gambler suffered. Due to the great amount of money sponsored by the bookies, all the world renowed team and club has already become the pawns of the gambling companys. By throwing a game, all the player cooperate with the company and give great suprise to the gamblers. As a result, the bookmaker and the team will make great fortune from such scam, while the bettors are doomed to fail. However, it is the World Cup rather than the League or the club tournament we talk about. As the world top-grade match, the World Cup has become the hotspot issue for all people on earth. It is not only embody the spirit of fair play, but also a manifestation of great personal honors and responsibility. Since it is the whole country that stand behind them, all they can do is nothing but fight courageouly for their nation and people. To them, money is far less significent than it was. Especially for some teams of developed country such as England, Germany, America, the world cup is the best arena to show national strength rather than the cash cow. Second, all the match will be supervised by the FIFA and the mass media. Any cheating or fraud will result in severe punishment and peanlty. And even a lifetime ban would be considered. So this is not the loss a single player could affored. With the transparent mechanism and rigorous scrunity, there is little room for rent-seeking. In conclusion, I would believe the world cup is land of Elysium rather than the Augean stable.


Chen guang biao,the erratic chinese magnate, who is Renowned for his dramatic publicity stunts promoting philanthropic causes, has issued a full-page billingual advertisement in the New Nork Times on June 16 and 18,2014. As he put it, he will host a charity luncheon for 1,000 poor and destitute Americans and each participant will receive another 300 dollars bonus. Against the backdrop of Lei Feng,the Chinese soldier from the Mao-era who is celebrated as the mouthpiece of pure altruism, Chen has named himself as China's Lei Feng in new era and give a short summary of both guys‘ common points.He also tell the American media that there are philanthropists in China. This is not the first time for Chen to show his theatrical philanthropic stunt. In 2008, he arrived at the scene of 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan just hours after the cataclysm took place and hand out cash to the victims,which has be acclaimed by the former premier Wen Jiabao as a entrepreneur full of conscience and responsibility. In 2010, he promise to donate all his weath after he meet his death. In 2012, this billionaire reiterate China's claim to Diaoyu Island on New York Times. In 2013, chen build a money wall with 16 tons of RMB which equivalent of 1.5 billion to carry forward the practice of economic census.All of these enable him to become the most controversial figure and a leading philanthropist in Asia on Forbes. Whereas not everyone is taken with Chen's flashy genorosity. Some people think that chen is a totally clown who is well versed in self-promotional stunts. All he has done is to show off rather than to help the people in need, and stray from the traditional chinese culture. But still many people in favor of Chen's act. They believe that though the high-profile behavior, the purpose and principle of Chen is for the benifit of the mass, which is very rare in the current acquisitive society and should be advocated. In my personal opinion, the charity and genorosity should not be blamed regardless of the purpose and method.These people has play a pivital role in maitain social stabiliy and narrow the gap between the rich and the poor. Last but not least, the guy is also controvisal for another reason. The following english namecard has induce a wide range of criticism.


It is universally know that the relationship between the United States and Russia has come to a deadlock due to the fierce divergence on the Syria Crisis and the situation in Ukraine. Influenced by this tense bilateral relationship, the personal relationship between Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin has deteriorated significantly than ever before. At the ceremony held in Normandy to mark the 70th anniversity of D-Days landing, the U.S official make a statement that president Obama will not meet Vladimir Putin. And the host country do their utmost efforts to avoid the encounter of such heavyweights, which compel the French president Francois Hollande to hold two dinners with Obama and Putin respectively. (Don't you think funny?) However, recently a video released by Sina.com give us an opportunity to view the relationship at a different angle. Since the disfunciton of the China daily blog mechanism, I can only provide the hyperlink as followed. http://video.sina.com.cn/p/news/yc/v/2014-06-09/192864015245.html?bsh_bid=425695596 ( I really don't know why I could not play video directly on the blog. I have try many times but end up an unaccessible content, which really confused me, so anyone who can tell me how to embed the video would be appreciated.) This video describe the relationship between Obama and Putin in a tone of joshing affection. As the most illustrious politician of world's two most powerful nations, the two guys are really the hotspot in the international arena. Obama impressed us by his strong social responsibility, openness,optimism,while Putin renowed for his prowess and playing hard ball.We would think they are born to be rivals rather than friends.But all this could be change after we see this video...... This video chronicles the remarkable happenings since the inauguration of two great men.The following are the screenshot of the footage. Moscow has witness their first meeting in July 2009 after Obama has elected as the president of the United States. As the host,Putin warmly welcome his counterpart and invite Obama to have a breakfast with Russian flavor. The smile of the Obama is so innocent and pure that no one could turn his back on it. That's the beggining of their story Both of them were reelected as the president of their own country in 2012.Now no one could prevent them from developing an unusual relationship... At the G20 summit held in Mexico in June 2012, Obama give a thumbs-up sign to Putin. And in response, Putin tell him a joke, both guys swimming in bliss.... Now the time travel back to the G8 summit in Northern Ireland in June 2013.Due to the serious disagreement on Syria Crisis, Obama turn the cold shoulder to Putin at the beggining time. However, Putin was rewarded with a sweet smile at the end of the bilateral meeting.Probablely, the implication is that whatever happened, we still be bosom friends. Their relationship is once again challenged by the global surveillance program disclosed by Snowden and the referendum in Crimea, which has lead to a monstrous rift between two guys. It looks like the relationship come to a end... An episode got our attention. In the TV program, Putin was asked "when he drop into the water, will Obama save him?". The answer is yes. And in the press conference, Obama also willing to give his hand to Putin. It seems like their relationship take a favorable turn. At the ceremony held in Normandy , though Obama said he will not meet Putin, an instant moment has shooted by the cameraman. In such case, we may be encouraged to think the "couple" looking at each other with amorous eyes.


It is common knowledge that the Shanghai government will hold the license plate auciton at the third Saturday of every month. This auction mechanism remains one of the most contentious and divisive debates for shanghainese due to its unfairness and irrationality. Last Saturday, my wilfe participate in this most competitive auction game. Though under the great help of my veteran colleague, she still failed this time. And her explanation is that the last miniute bid is hardly access to the server because of the network congestion. Don't you think it is funny? She has not been given a opportunity to raise her hand! Something is still interesting in the data released by the authority. According to official statistics, 11,000 people scramble for 7000 plate on May 24 with the lowest and average hammer price hit 74,400 and 74,503. The success rate is less than 7%. The average transaction price is only 103 yuan higher than the lowest bid. How closely they are! However, this is not the end of my story,we still can dig deeply into these data. Let's focus on the auction rules stipulated by the Shanghai government. 1.any initial offer higher than 72,600 would be treated as overbid and prohibited. 2. each participant could only revise the bid twice in final stage.3 the maximum bid increment is 300 yuan at every turn.So you can not raise the price substantially through repeatly bidding. And ascribe to the inevitable trend of rising, any early bid would be surpassed by the later ones. Which mean all the bids before 11:29 are useless and futile. Thanks to the lessons of the previous auction, all bidders are fully aware that and rare people give their bid before 11:29.Torrents of last minute's bidding flood into the network, which will definitely trigger a online congestion. Only when their bids accepted by the terminals at the last 20-30s could people have a fighting chance. As a result, it is the fluke rather than the high bids leading to the successful bidding. In conclusion, the monthly event in Shanghai is essentially a lottery game instead of real auction. Just like the auto plate auction in Beijing but with a different form.