

Boarding or not? That is a question
It has been pretty grusome for the airline industry this year.
First, the Malaysia airline MH370 was ended in the southern India Ocean in 8th March,2014, the wreckage and 239 people are still unfound.And now, MH17, the another plane of the identical airlines, was shot over east Ukraine last week, killing 298 people on board.Then a TransAsia ATR72 crashed at the vicinity of Penghu,Taiwan Island,40 people were claimed to be dead. Last Thursday, an Air Algerie MD-83 with 116 passagers crash in Mali.
Given the fatality and the terrifying death toll, it looks like the air traffic is no longer safer than ever before.All these tragegy has seriously sap the people's confidence and renew the questions about its security and stability.Even some people have already choose alternative means of transportation,such as railway,express way, and coach.It seems like people have already disillusioned from the falsehood that plane is the safest way to travel. As an observer,however,I have to say things are not always what they seem.
At a tough time like this, it is worth remind people that flying remains the safest modes of transportation on earth. Especially since the airline accidents become the cynosure of all eyes. According to the statistics shared by the following website(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_665f5c460100hnvq.html), in the past 25 years, the average motality for the airliner is about 0.5 ppm,with European countries and U.S.A reach 0.25 ppm, and Asia countries climb to 1 ppm. In other words, if one man take the flight everyday, it will take him 10'000 years to meet one accident in U.S.A and 2700 years to come across the catastrophe in Asia,which is much less than the time taken by driving.In extreme case, you even can not promise the safety in 1000 years due to the misdeed and traffic offence of some drivers. And now since the technological advancement and managerial improvement in avaiation, the overall safety level has been elevated to a record high. In the United States, there hasn't been a airline crash since 2009, which is really a enviable record. By 2008, the fatality slumped by 80%.
Despite the remarkable improvement, there always seem to be some new danger hiding behind the clouds posed to wreak havoc that no one has previous considered. The M17 is the best case. Its tradegy remind us that the efforts to enhance the aviation safty should never end.Both the subjective and objective factors could cotribute to the air accidents. On the one hand we should try our best to avoid the subjective causes, on the other hand, we should have a sober awareness on the situation and fully recognize the objective causes to reduce the risk of catastrophe.
There is still a long and uphill journey for airlines to guarantee the safety of aviation, however, undoubtedly, air traffic is still the safest mode of transportation in the world.


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