

the most contentious business tycoon in China - Chen Guang Biao
Chen guang biao,the erratic chinese magnate, who is Renowned for his dramatic publicity stunts promoting philanthropic causes, has issued a full-page billingual advertisement in the New Nork Times on June 16 and 18,2014. As he put it, he will host a charity luncheon for 1,000 poor and destitute Americans and each participant will receive another 300 dollars bonus. Against the backdrop of Lei Feng,the Chinese soldier from the Mao-era who is celebrated as the mouthpiece of pure altruism, Chen has named himself as China's Lei Feng in new era and give a short summary of both guys‘ common points.He also tell the American media that there are philanthropists in China.
This is not the first time for Chen to show his theatrical philanthropic stunt. In 2008, he arrived at the scene of 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan just hours after the cataclysm took place and hand out cash to the victims,which has be acclaimed by the former premier Wen Jiabao as a entrepreneur full of conscience and responsibility. In 2010, he promise to donate all his weath after he meet his death. In 2012, this billionaire reiterate China's claim to Diaoyu Island on New York Times. In 2013, chen build a money wall with 16 tons of RMB which equivalent of 1.5 billion to carry forward the practice of economic census.All of these enable him to become the most controversial figure and a leading philanthropist in Asia on Forbes.
Whereas not everyone is taken with Chen's flashy genorosity. Some people think that chen is a totally clown who is well versed in self-promotional stunts. All he has done is to show off rather than to help the people in need, and stray from the traditional chinese culture. But still many people in favor of Chen's act. They believe that though the high-profile behavior, the purpose and principle of Chen is for the benifit of the mass, which is very rare in the current acquisitive society and should be advocated. In my personal opinion, the charity and genorosity should not be blamed regardless of the purpose and method.These people has play a pivital role in maitain social stabiliy and narrow the gap between the rich and the poor.
Last but not least, the guy is also controvisal for another reason. The following english namecard has induce a wide range of criticism.


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