To have a baby is always a joyous and anguished experience for the new parents,because sometimes the little baby is the angel from the paradise,bring you incessant laughing, and sometimes she is just the demon escaped from the Hades, endless mischief she will exert on you. It also bring dramatically change to your peaceful life,physically or mentally.Maybe the best question should be what doesn't change after you have a baby.Here I list ten things that change when you have a baby.
Before the childbearing we have plenty of time to go out to shopping,strolling,excursion. But now all the things has become the past, our lives are occupied with little trifles,such as breast and bottle feeding, diapering, washing and cleaning,etc.We have to say goodbye to the past jovial life. It's too bad, but it is worthwhile.
Why I pick out the diaper changing as a seperate topic? Because it is more intractable and troublesome than somebody thought. Even sometimes you will do it at the risk of sprayed by your own baby. Just image the wet trousers and clothes urinated by your sweetheart. How embarrassing you are!

Since you give the life to your own baby, it is your responsibility to parent them and no good to pass the buck. In order to be a good dad, I also bought some books, which named Parenting for Dummies, hope it will work.
In the past, it is unexceptional for us to have a gathering with our friends. But now the gathering is slip away from us. We can not leave our baby alone at home. All we can do is coax our baby then have a short break.We are so poor!

A months ago, we still use the alarm clock to wake us, but now the clock could have a full time rest. We never need it again! The cry of baby has become our battle horn, when she is yelling, all of us will wake up without any complaint. I have to say the cry of the baby is more useful than the clock!
When we once believe we were fearless, now we find ourselves afraid, because our baby has become our Achilles heel, any unhappiness and hurt will unaffordable.We have to take her seriously. Meanwhile I have to say that where we once afraid, we are now fearless. Anything our baby concerned, we will stand out and speak our mind boldly. The life is so paradoxical.
Both my wife and I has become morning person due to the business schedule. We have to wake up early to prepare the breast milk for our daughter. If I could not milk my wife timely, she will suffer engorgement and never has the breast milk again.What a big catastrophe it will be!
The heavy task has absolutely demoralized us. We are burned out by the trifles.It is really a painful joy and joyful pain.
Silence? You say silence? What's that? Since the birth of my little daughter, I never know what is the silence.
Do you want to know the function of the breast? It serve as the pacifier!