It is universally know that the relationship between the United States and Russia has come to a deadlock due to the fierce divergence on the Syria Crisis and the situation in Ukraine. Influenced by this tense bilateral relationship, the personal relationship between Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin has deteriorated significantly than ever before.
At the ceremony held in Normandy to mark the 70th anniversity of D-Days landing, the U.S official make a statement that president Obama will not meet Vladimir Putin. And the host country do their utmost efforts to avoid the encounter of such heavyweights, which compel the French president Francois Hollande to hold two dinners with Obama and Putin respectively. (Don't you think funny?
( I really don't know why I could not play video directly on the blog. I have try many times but end up an unaccessible content, which really confused me, so anyone who can tell me how to embed the video would be appreciated.)
This video describe the relationship between Obama and Putin in a tone of joshing affection. As the most illustrious politician of world's two most powerful nations, the two guys are really the hotspot in the international arena. Obama impressed us by his strong social responsibility, openness,optimism,while Putin renowed for his prowess and playing hard ball.We would think they are born to be rivals rather than friends.But all this could be change after we see this video......
This video chronicles the remarkable happenings since the inauguration of two great men.The following are the screenshot of the footage.
Moscow has witness their first meeting in July 2009 after Obama has elected as the president of the United States. As the host,Putin warmly welcome his counterpart and invite Obama to have a breakfast with Russian flavor. The smile of the Obama is so innocent and pure that no one could turn his back on it. That's the beggining of their story
Both of them were reelected as the president of their own country in 2012.Now no one could prevent them from developing an unusual relationship...
At the G20 summit held in Mexico in June 2012, Obama give a thumbs-up sign to Putin. And in response, Putin tell him a joke, both guys swimming in bliss....

Now the time travel back to the G8 summit in Northern Ireland in June 2013.Due to the serious disagreement on Syria Crisis, Obama turn the cold shoulder to Putin at the beggining time. However, Putin was rewarded with a sweet smile at the end of the bilateral meeting.Probablely, the implication is that whatever happened, we still be bosom friends.

Their relationship is once again challenged by the global surveillance program disclosed by Snowden and the referendum in Crimea, which has lead to a monstrous rift between two guys. It looks like the relationship come to a end...

An episode got our attention. In the TV program, Putin was asked "when he drop into the water, will Obama save him?". The answer is yes. And in the press conference, Obama also willing to give his hand to Putin. It seems like their relationship take a favorable turn.

At the ceremony held in Normandy , though Obama said he will not meet Putin, an instant moment has shooted by the cameraman. In such case, we may be encouraged to think the "couple" looking at each other with amorous eyes.