

Today I’d like to post some of my street vendor’s pictures, do you want to join me? It will run only for 2 months (our summer vacation time), until now there are 4 bosses and 4 shares, obviously, I’m the big boss. You guys may want to know what did I sell? How’s it going? Why did I come into being this kind of idea? What did I learn from the small business? And other questions, so I will share my mind and experience to you ,I do hope you guys could give some constrictive comments to me, at the same time, this summer must be difference and funny to me and my partners. First of all, our investment is 600yuan and we sell the cold drink, just like the cold soup of green beans, plum and tremella, they called me Soup Queen,we bought materials, bowls, chairs and tables, disposable cups and other little but important things, there were our cost. Our plan is to earn more then 5 thousands yuan per month, but only for 2 yuan you could taste the soup, so, accounting it, how many cups shall we sell? It’s a joke, because our final goal is exercise, experience, not money. Those days I felt very tired, so did they, thanks to our good sell, we must buy lot of materials every day, then, cook and wash bottles. No one knows how word- hard we are, no one helps us, only by ourselves. I don’t know when do we give up, before we want to run the small business, we made a good blueprint, once we try it, I felt it was difficult and I need to learn more about the skill of selling, communicating and management. Anyway, I should hold on.


My hometown is a rainy place, which makes​me have a special feeling about the rain. I like rainy day, sitting on the old wicker chair which covered with red rusty, reading, drinking tea, listening to the rhythm of the rain. So I enjoy it, then my thoughts get back to a dozen years ago. "Mom, dad, where are you?" Hum! 20 years ago, my family was very poor, when it rains, all over the horse filled with pots. In order to make a living, my parents have to get up in the middle of the night, wearing hats and rain clothes, going to pick vegetables for a sell at market in the next day .I was very young, my parents afraid that I woke up and crying, so before leaving they always live an apple on the bed every day, because once I woke up and found they were not here, I start to crying, then I saw and ate it, I stop cry and fall asleep quietly. I have a big difference between other children, they always accompanied with their parents from day in and day out, accompanied play, accompanied to school, only one person accompanied with me was my bed. I played on it until fall asleep until dawn, until my parents came back...... Today, two years later, I living in another city due to my study, where the weather is good, to be honest I am not missing the rain, but the parents worked hard back. Chinese New Year I back home, everything has no changed, but parents face, time fight again in their old face. Before leaving, parents standing at the station, looking at the vehicle became farther. All of love and sadness turned into “be careful!" it forever engraved in my heart. Thanksgiving is love, comfort, return, and indispensable, it is full of happiness. It spread out through love, hearts and hands, Thanksgiving will always be with me. Let's make the rain turned into a paper cranes, flying home and telling my parents: everything is fine!




Today I’d like to share an article with all of you, which is about love and like, because at my vacation time, there are so many people ask me, do you have a boyfriend? Or it’s time for you to find a boyfriend. Oh no, I’m young, I have dreams, earning money or living a high stander life is my goal, so I’ m not concerned about my love state. Sometimes my little sister told me, I love my neighbor, because he is good at math; I want to marry XiaoMing, because he always treat on me; I like XiaoLiang, because he helps me a lot. I smiled and asked she, what do you think of love and like, it looks simple but in other words it’s hard to say what love or like really is. I make up a little information about it. In front of the person you love, your heart beats faster; but in front of the person you like, you get happy. In front of the person you love, winter seems like spring; but in front of the person you like, winter is just beautiful winter. If you look into the eyes of the one you love, you blush; but if you look into the eyes of the one you like, you smile. In front of the person you love, you can’t say everything on your mind; but in front of the person you like, you can. In front of the person you love, you tend to get shy; but in front of the person you like, you can show your own self. The person you love comes into your mind every 2 minutes, you can’t look straight into the eyes of the one you love; but you can always smile into the eyes of the one you like. When the one you love is crying, you cry with them; but when the one you like is crying, you end up comforting. The feeling of love starts from the eye, and the feeling of like starts from the ear. So if you stop liking a person you used to like, all you need to do is cover your ears. But if you try to close your eyes, love turns into a teardrop and remains in your heart forever after. Loving a person or like, we should ask our inner side, whatever we decided, we should from heart and by heart.


Before my summer vacation, my plan was to read a classic, let my brain take a break. I always been curious about a novel I never read in high school. Summer is the perfect chance to finally sit down and read it. Then, do some volunteer, try a new form of exercise to lose my weight. Until yesterday, I changed a lot. Guess what? I told some of my friends about that why don’t we make something exciting in the last summer vacation? Or we can earn money, have fun, and try everything we imaged and we like. They said street vendor and do some business, I can’t believe the words from their beautiful mouth. It sounds simple, I know. It is a simple concept. The problem is, it's very hard to do, it takes a lot of work, for example what kind of goods do we sell? What’s the main target? How to run the business? Where do we get the cheap but good material? I think the summer is a great time to explore something new , but street vendor is none of our major, someone will laugh at us, there is a lot of challenge for us because we are green to try it, nobody will help us, once we do, we must insist and be brave to solute every trouble in front of us. Today, we decided to sell beverage which made by ourselves. For instance, the soup of bean, plum, melon juice and other three kinds of food beverage. At the first, our cost is only 600 RMB, then, I asked my parents for where shall we go to buy the economy row material, we have to cook and drink first, I’m looking forward to tomorrow, it must be fun. Do you?


As Steve Jobs mentioned when he said this at a Stanford University commencement speech: Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. If you start with one small, positive thing and practice it, you will find that life is beautiful, learning to appreciate the good life, you will change your mind and choose to be happy, and regardless of the bad events around you. Write down what you're grateful for each day. For instance, a person help you get out of trouble, your boyfriend buy a gift to you, you have a promotion and so forth. Because when you're feeling really down, read what you wrote previously. This will improve your spirits. If you accumulate this regularly, you will find that your list will get longer and longer. Your mind will get better naturally. Be positive, be brave, be thankful for everyday. If you are having health problems, be grateful for what does work: "I really do appreciate my eyes that can see, my ears that hear, my mouth that tastes, my legs that walk, my arms that lift, my hands that write, my mind that thinks, my knees that bend and my tongue that talks. Compare with others, you could say: I’m lucky, unless birth and die, everything is nothing. Keep moving." Learn to handle your finances better. In this way you could buy everything you like. No matter how you feel today, get up early, dress up and show up. Then say thank you for this wonderful, glorious day, I’m coming!


These days I browsed many blogs’ blog, and I found that there is the same topic about love, just like what is love? First love, blind date and others, I’d like to know is there has any pure friendship between boys and girls? Some people say no, because the purpose of friendship between them is love, I think it not only for respecting of each other or siblings love but a further love, but this love is under the truly love. However some people think that there has a pure friendship between them unless they were pretended unknown or never say the affair words. Well, I’ m in favor of the latter, but I have a bosom friend and I like him more than my boyfriend. I know we’ll never be with, because I’ m afraid that one day we’ re apart, we won’t be bosom friends anymore, I think sometime our friendship just like siblings, he plays a brother role in my life, helping me. Nowadays, we haven’t meet each other for many ages, but I still remember he told me when you feel frustrated, you should look at the little golden man that I send to you , it does matter how many times you fail, you must keep you head up, because you’ll never know what happens next second. I’ m thankful for that he has done for me, it was about my further study, he gave me many good comments, then helped me to learn more, he is one of the best person to be my teacher, about my life, we can laugh at each other without any hesitation, he said he could laugh regardless of the self-image only company with me. I called him master, KongFu panda. Then there were so many warm things that I couldn’t account. It’s unbelievable that we just know each other because of an English oral competition, we were a same team, I still remember our team name is “Achievers”, it stands for anyone can achieve any thing if they really want to. We came from different university, but we are Nanpingese, Fujian province. It’s fate, right? He is the best student at his university, so, I followed his steep, learned from him, I have no idea which links us to become bosom friends, maybe we have the same topic, we both like English, or same interests, even though contact is lost, our memories still last. He always encourage me, acted me as the top students, I just want to tell you every time I feel down, recall your smile, your encouragement, they make me strong to face down, because I know the little golden man will give me power and you’ll look at me, motivating me go, go, go.


I do not know how they got together but I admired my grandparents’ love, even though the world is big, their hearts always linked to each other. They lived together for more than fifty years, from young boy and girl to grandfather and grandmother. Grandparents usually frugally, for me it is generous. Grandfather love me very much, though I learning far away from home, we often call each other and talk about life conditions, so my roommates always envied me. I must be a good girl and repay him by the most outstanding academic performance. At home, my favorite person is my grandfather. He was not only my elders, my friends, but my good model. Grandfather was an old driver, but he retired from now on has 15 years and he said when he was young, he was addicted to gambling, but later he found other people cheated on it. Well, he vowed never gamble again. At last, he did it. Grandma is a typical traditional Chinese housewife who caring kids all the time. I miss my grandmother's cooking, especially the sweet and sour pork, I'm going to run a shop called "The Taste of Grandma "I will express the taste and love to everyone. Now I still living with them, they are more than 70 years old, and twice a year holiday is their busiest time for their own niece. In the morning, they go to the market to buy vegetables, food. Probably around 9:00, they are ready to drink tea together and cook together at noon. In the afternoon grandfather accompany with grandmother to jump Square Dance, then grandmother accompany with grandfather to go for a walk at night in return. Grandmother helps him cut the hair, grandfather helps her wash, grandmother doing the laundry, grandfather mopping the floor. 365 every single day, they like a couple fall in love, holding hands to give each other warm, quietly passing the wordless love. Grandpa said, she suffered a lot of bad things when she was young, so I want to cherish her more. They supporting each other for 50 several spring and autumn period, it is not easy. Grandma said that my grandfather was a young handsome man, but I never worried about him coming out of the chaos, it doesn’t matter how much he gave I will receive. Every time when my grandmother cooked something delicious, good food always hid in the bottom of the bowl of grandpa’s and he transferred them every time when grandma did not pay attention to the two bowls. But finally they always share the delicious that hid in the bowl with a smile. I think this is special love between the older generations. In fact, the mutual support between husband and wife is the greatest happiness of life. Growing old together is the highest level of love. I hope that all the couples can love each other like my grandparents, health and happiness.