

the most exciting thing in my last summer vacation(2)

Today I’d like to post some of my street vendor’s pictures, do you want to join me? It will run only for 2 months (our summer vacation time), until now there are 4 bosses and 4 shares, obviously, I’m the big boss. You guys may want to know what did I sell? How’s it going? Why did I come into being this kind of idea? What did I learn from the small business? And other questions, so I will share my mind and experience to you ,I do hope you guys could give some constrictive comments to me, at the same time, this summer must be difference and funny to me and my partners.

First of all, our investment is 600yuan and we sell the cold drink, just like the cold soup of green beans, plum and tremella, they called me Soup Queen,we bought materials, bowls, chairs and tables, disposable cups and other little but important things, there were our cost. Our plan is to earn more then 5 thousands yuan per month, but only for 2 yuan you could taste the soup, so, accounting it, how many cups shall we sell? It’s a joke, because our final goal is exercise, experience, not money.

Those days I felt very tired, so did they, thanks to our good sell, we must buy lot of materials every day, then, cook and wash bottles. No one knows how word- hard we are, no one helps us, only by ourselves. I don’t know when do we give up, before we want to run the small business, we made a good blueprint, once we try it, I felt it was difficult and I need to learn more about the skill of selling, communicating and management. Anyway, I should hold on.


财神 2014-08-12 13:10

it was expensive, so i hadnt came to buy your stuff.did you notice this? 

SEARU 2014-08-12 09:50

Real things makes your blog so wonderful!

Hannah.E 2014-08-12 09:12

ohhh, I haven't heard it yet, but it seems cool, come on~ 

seaandson 2014-08-12 00:07

   i wanna treat you very much if it could be.
the first one is our preproduct,then,it will be cut,do you know xian cao mi?仙草蜜?we buy it from market,because it cost too much time, i hear that make it by a kind of grass

seaandson 2014-08-11 23:56

   welcome, i will treat you

seaandson 2014-08-11 23:54

it taste sweet,cool,welcome

seaandson 2014-08-11 23:43

you got it

seaandson 2014-08-11 23:42

yep, joy i think,untill today we've earned only 1800yuan, but we all tired,i wanna give up.

seaandson 2014-08-11 23:40

thank you!  i'm so happy to read your commend. 

Joseph1993 2014-08-11 22:42

In fact,I wanna have a taste.