

Learning to appreciate the good life

As Steve Jobs mentioned when he said this at a Stanford University commencement speech:

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.

If you start with one small, positive thing and practice it, you will find that life is beautiful, learning to appreciate the good life, you will change your mind and choose to be happy, and regardless of the bad events around you.

Write down what you're grateful for each day. For instance, a person help you get out of trouble, your boyfriend buy a gift to you, you have a promotion and so forth. Because when you're feeling really down, read what you wrote previously. This will improve your spirits. If you accumulate this regularly, you will find that your list will get longer and longer. Your mind will get better naturally.

Be positive, be brave, be thankful for everyday. If you are having health problems, be grateful for what does work: "I really do appreciate my eyes that can see, my ears that hear, my mouth that tastes, my legs that walk, my arms that lift, my hands that write, my mind that thinks, my knees that bend and my tongue that talks. Compare with others, you could say: I’m lucky, unless birth and die, everything is nothing. Keep moving."

Learn to handle your finances better. In this way you could buy everything you like. No matter how you feel today, get up early, dress up and show up. Then say thank you for this wonderful, glorious day, I’m coming!


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