


Today I’d like to share an article with all of you, which is about love and like, because at my vacation time, there are so many people ask me, do you have a boyfriend? Or it’s time for you to find a boyfriend. Oh no, I’m young, I have dreams, earning money or living a high stander life is my goal, so I’ m not concerned about my love state.

Sometimes my little sister told me, I love my neighbor, because he is good at math; I want to marry XiaoMing, because he always treat on me; I like XiaoLiang, because he helps me a lot. I smiled and asked she, what do you think of love and like, it looks simple but in other words it’s hard to say what love or like really is. I make up a little information about it.

In front of the person you love, your heart beats faster; but in front of the person you like, you get happy.

In front of the person you love, winter seems like spring; but in front of the person you like, winter is just beautiful winter.

If you look into the eyes of the one you love, you blush; but if you look into the eyes of the one you like, you smile.

In front of the person you love, you can’t say everything on your mind; but in front of the person you like, you can.

In front of the person you love, you tend to get shy; but in front of the person you like, you can show your own self.

The person you love comes into your mind every 2 minutes, you can’t look straight into the eyes of the one you love; but you can always smile into the eyes of the one you like.

When the one you love is crying, you cry with them; but when the one you like is crying, you end up comforting.

The feeling of love starts from the eye, and the feeling of like starts from the ear. So if you stop liking a person you used to like, all you need to do is cover your ears. But if you try to close your eyes, love turns into a teardrop and remains in your heart forever after.

Loving a person or like, we should ask our inner side, whatever we decided, we should from heart and by heart.


laneferm 2014-08-13 13:53

probably the most important thing is to make yourself available. Then, be presentable etc...these are some of the basic's which Im sure you already do. Also, not to take things too seriously. This can lead to problems. Give and take and  just enjoy each others company. Go slow too... 

Hannah.E 2014-08-09 10:05

So do not always try to find the boundary line, one day you will percerve it.
sorry for the failure of the driving license, it is a busy summer holiday for you. come on~

seaandson 2014-08-08 21:16

first of all, i'm sorry to reply you late,because i was busy with my driver's license,but i was fail in the end.
the saying that you mentioned is right,but sometimes we are confused with love and like,maybe love a person everyday is sunday,otherwise is monday,including me,i can't understand what love or like is,i just feel happy to meet the person who i like or love

seaandson 2014-08-08 21:01

hi,laneferm,i'm so happy to see your commend,but you know nowadays i'm busy with my driver's license,so......
in china,people like a person who's rish,fun, tall,but as you mentioned time and experience will proof love,i haven't find my true love

Hannah.E 2014-08-07 19:10

haha, your conclusion is interesting.
After your post, I would rather to like instead of love, because I want to be happy, I want to express everything in my mind, I want to have a beautiful winter which is one of the must seasons, and I want to be meself.
I also hear one difference between love and like, it goes, love is like a flower, if you like it, you will pick it, but if you love it, you will water for it.