

Today i went to work as usual,we must arrive at workplace before 8:30 every morning,i was nearly late,but seemingly there was a little time to buy some breakfast as soon as possible,i ran toward the mess hall and was ready to bring the breakfast to my office.but i found my card which be used in paying the meals' fee be left at home when i opened my wallet,now the breakfast was in my hands,If I gave it back that was awkward ,maybe it was not allowed,The bar's rules were that neither cash could be used in it nor recharging money in the morning.in other words i falled into an embarrassed situation.there was no acquaintance around at that time ,fortuniately,the man behind me saw the while thing,he was eager to help me pay the bill,i feld deeply grateful ,said thanks several times and asked him to leave a telephone number ,then i can find him and pay back the money ,the man is kind-hearted ,he said he didn't mind me paid back or not,just forgot it.see you around. A cute man .please Do not misunderstand me,I like all kind-hearted persons,the incident make me feel warm and sunshine.next time when i encounter somebody needs help,I also offer the help to him.In fact this is the second time, event happened like this i encountered in this mess hall,I am lucky enough,everytime i was moved when i saw some people help others or do some good things for others,i like the warm scenes of life.Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably.ps:there may be some mistakes on sentences grammer or word spelling in my english articles,if you find it please tell me ,help me modify them,3q




Today is cloudy and a little cold, jianjie (my husband) and i were out,we went to visit our house which is building .we measured its actuate size,climbed to the fourteenth floor to see the area which will be belong to us.it had to say this is exciting for us .As the younger generation in China,we are stuggling for the house and we can live in it soon .so we went tovisit several furniture stores to choose some furniture for my house . we went back at nightfall, we chated with my parents like usual ,when we talked on the topic of my future direction after supertime , and they knew i want to go to school again .my father said" if you gain something and be certain to lost something,you've married you should have responsibility on famliy ".though he was euphemistic, i know his mean .In fact,i have considered for a long time on this , it is my dream.i very very want to relaize it .i pursuaded myself that do what i want to do is correct,.but is it right?I do not know. my husband is a very good man,we love each other so deeply,we undergoed many frustrations and unforgettable time.we married last year.He knew that is my dream,He do not against my decision,but not surport obviously.i feel contradictive sometimes. On the one hand i am not confident enough on my studying capcity wheather i can obtain my masterate.i know my english is chinese-englisn,my spoken english is poor,my writting english often have many mistakes on grammer .On the other hand it is the gap between reality and dream.we all work can reduce stress of life .and the surport of my family is important for me. I will insist on studying englisn/ reading the books on literature ,Whatever how the future is .that's all.


How time flies!


How time flies! I have gratuated more than two years. Many things took place in this two years,relatives (my grandfather)passed away ,relatives got ill and recovery,I changed job and bought new house, etc.By undergoing these , i have to admit that i have got matured little by little.Maybe the experience is good for me,at least it taught me how to face frustation how to get along with bad situation ,unhappy things ,ahd made me get strong and optimistic.which i am pround is that my shouder can burdern more heavy stuff compared before . But time flies too quickly, my parentce's hair get white,their health is not as good as before,my mother's waist turned bend ,more and more people came and disappeaed in my life.Resently i found my new favorate interesting is seeking the feeling of past,listen old songs,missed my old house and the taste of delicious food often be ate in childhood...,I occaionally thought my age had turned to the age of my mother when she was young (when i was young ,my mother is tall,but npw she is shorter than me).That's not can be prevent thing actially,we grow up ,turn old and disappear finally.so we must learn how to live,live happily. Somebody says "Growing old is the complusory course,getting matured is elective course ",that is ture. although sometimes we feel confused,sometimeswe feel fragile ,sometimes we feel tired ,but i know your heart also have the passion of life, the body can get old ,the idea can't. So i must keep my step with time,and being a better person ,learn more knowledge,honor to parents,and follow my heart to do something that i want to do,for example going back to school again,yes ,i turly want to go to school again,though there maybe many obscales in front of the road,i always insit on studying ,reading that is the proof i never give up my dream. the whole wrold steps aside for the man who knows where he is going.i believe!