

A Small Incident which makes me feel warm
2013-04-12 Today i went to work as usual,we must arrive at workplace before 8:30 every morning,i was nearly late,but seemingly there was a little time to buy some breakfast as soon as possible,i ran toward the mess hall and was ready to bring the breakfast to my office.but i found my card which be used in paying the meals' fee be left at home when i opened my wallet,now the breakfast was in my hands,If I gave it back that was awkward ,maybe it was not allowed,The bar's rules were that neither cash could be used in it nor recharging money in the morning.in other words i falled into an embarrassed situation.
there was no acquaintance around at that time ,fortuniately,the man behind me saw the while thing,he was eager to help me pay the bill,i feld deeply grateful ,said thanks several times and asked him to leave a telephone number ,then i can find him and pay back the money ,the man is kind-hearted ,he said he didn't mind me paid back or not,just forgot it.see you around. A cute man .please Do not misunderstand me,I like all kind-hearted persons,the incident make me feel warm and sunshine.next time when i encounter somebody needs help,I also offer the help to him.
In fact this is the second time, event happened like this i encountered in this mess hall,I am lucky enough,everytime i was moved when i saw some people help others or do some good things for others,i like the warm scenes of life.
Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably.

ps:there may be some mistakes on sentences grammer or word spelling in my english articles,if you find it please tell me ,help me modify them,3q


springclover 2013-04-23 09:03

食堂 餐厅

lnjiajia 2013-04-18 15:07

Dear,what is MESS HALL? 市场吗?早市?morning market?餐厅 carfeteria?