2013-03-21 God is equal to every one,isn't he?I turly want to know what the answer is.when I was young i think it's no doubt" sure",but when i grew up i saw some phenomena of life,some people are born with a sliver spoon in their mouth,they have good family,high-ranking parents、accepted good education and so good things around them,in contrast with those who were born in a rural area and evrything has to reply on themselives,their parents were simple and honest famers who scarely can't afford to their tuition .they must make great efforts to change their life if they don't want live like their fatherhood,the starting point is not fair,isn't it?
I do not very care the point of the material life,but i turly want to know wheather it is same on the spiritual life of each person?the longness of happy times ,the amount of undergoed frustration and the satisfation of life.maybe everyone's life is different and can't be measured exactly.whatever,I know we should treasure the life of ourselives ,all the experience is so meaningful so unforgetable ,don't envy others' life,i believe the life God have arranged for , is your home-work you should complete no matter what the world is!
hello,i think you misunderstand me ,i am not learn about religions,just say my feeling not about history and any religions,i am a freshman of english language,maybe somewhere exress not well,不好意思
Seeing your question and comment, i had the idea to express something that may be help you to undertand things properly.First of all, when you say the word"God", it would be better to be very claer of which deity you re talking about; cause there re a lot of religions and also fake ideologies(as a result of your researches, you ll find it out).There is a book that talks much more about the Hebrew people and their deity called Ahayah Asher Ahahyah, some people just call YAH.This is the biblical deity, and he choose the children of Jacob to be his own people; he gave them commandments, laws and decrees, not a religion; religions have come mainly with gentiles nation, for they were sun, moonk, and stars worshippers, in fact thyey worship demons.So, the bible contqains a lot of information that will move your life indeed if you re brave and hoinest enough to recognize thoise facts.why are there so much violence, hatred, wars and turmoil in the world today?this book has the key answer to your questions.Again, i dont send you to run after any roman so called christian denomination, they re mostly corrupted and dont rely on the bible to testify their faith; so i just advise you to read about this book on your own forst, then asking questions to people who know better based on truth.Darwinism, Marxism, Chrsitianity, atheism all of this, are roman greek philosophies; i dont advise you to get into.for the whole, i wish you the best to know about the MOST HIGH and his truth the Holy Scriptures AKA BIBLE.Xiexie
God is in everyone soul.
During world history, some people plays role of God (like a they think), some people begin wars on behalf of God, some people think, that God speak with them. But really, i think all those cases are examples of hypocrites for hidding of thruth arrogant wish. National (popular, for crowd) God is good instrument for managment of uneducated people. And i agree with robert237, that is simple bussines. Everyone need understand, that nobody can not tell on behalf of God.
You are a spiritual person. God is easy to know for someone like you.
Many people waste their lives believing someone else can do the spiritual work for them so the join a religion.
These religions always demands a fee or repayment of one sort or another, usually money. They are nothing more
than a business. There is nothing spiritual about religions.
You are a lucky person.
Mr. Mao's homework was to do his best to end the inequality caused by the privileged and obscenely rich.
The world could use more like him, especially today.