

Today is cloudy and a little cold, jianjie (my husband) and i were out,we went to visit our house which is building .we measured its actuate size,climbed to the fourteenth floor to see the area which will be belong to us.it had to say this is exciting for us .As the younger generation in China,we are stuggling for the house and we can live in it soon .so we went tovisit several furniture stores to choose some furniture for my house .
we went back at nightfall, we chated with my parents like usual ,when we talked on the topic of my future direction after supertime , and they knew i want to go to school again .my father said" if you gain something and be certain to lost something,you've married you should have responsibility on famliy ".though he was euphemistic, i know his mean .In fact,i have considered for a long time on this , it is my dream.i very very want to relaize it .i pursuaded myself that do what i want to do is correct,.but is it right?I do not know. my husband is a very good man,we love each other so deeply,we undergoed many frustrations and unforgettable time.we married last year.He knew that is my dream,He do not against my decision,but not surport obviously.i feel contradictive sometimes.
On the one hand i am not confident enough on my studying capcity wheather i can obtain my masterate.i know my english is chinese-englisn,my spoken english is poor,my writting english often have many mistakes on grammer .On the other hand it is the gap between reality and dream.we all work can reduce stress of life .and the surport of my family is important for me.
I will insist on studying englisn/ reading the books on literature ,Whatever how the future is .that's all.


springclover 2013-03-28 12:00

thanks your answer.i confessed your answer ,but um....how to say ,i think the  pursuit of being a better me is a behaviour  more  about how to relizing one's value not just on making more money or obtaining others' praise,the reputation... ,the more is a nature behaviour obeying your heart's feeling.do you agree with me ?

中国玉Milo 2013-03-25 16:50

Hi, friend. I can understand your feeling at present. Because I am in the same situation with you. Last summar, I accomplished my graduate scores and got master degree. Now, i am working in an automobile manufactural company which is located in Zheng Zhou city, Henan province. But, i am not very happy because it is free in working time and the salary is low. As to me, the youth should have enough work to do in order to improve their working experience rather than killing time as elder workers. I have decided to go on studying for Phd although i am 28 old this year and  bacltor. Nowadays, the best way to earn money is in merchant, which has been proved by a great number of persons. While, i am born in rural area of Henan province and my home town is so poor that i didn't have enough money to start a merchant career. Maybe it is very cruel for poor youth. However, another route and the only route maybe easy for the poors, which is study. Today, education is rather fair to erery one in China for some extent. Consequently, if you are poor youth and want to change your poor life, please study hard.

springclover 2013-03-25 14:00

Thanks your list .all the plants are obeying a law of nature all the seasons,i surly want  if i can,but for me  not only obtaining a master degree but also  pursuiting a  style of life,i want to change my life to be a better me,actually,now my job is a copywriter in a small company with low wage and idle time (not relate to english),although there are more and more jobs in china as you said ,but  more College Students there. Hunting Jobs besides work experience the major field and education is important,as 80s our live is not easy.i also want to  be the rudder of my life to see  the outside world ,maybe one day i saw many  scenery then i can live like a spring clover,

huaren2323 2013-03-24 22:09

Hi SpringClover....I was in your situation..to study some more or to work....You have (a) A loving husband (Jianjie) (b) a suuporting family ( your father and maybe your mother and siblings) (c) obviously a job and your Jianjie job to be able to fford the soon to be your apartmnet at 14th floor) (d) you live in China which will have more and more jobs (e) you know English....YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY THAT YOUR JOURNEY ALREADY TAKE THIS FAR. I would list down what (1) allthe things that will make you happy and (2) all the things that will make you sad and discuss your list with what Jianjie list and your father list have..and then make a wise and happy decision. A Master's degree is not always helpful for your future happiness. Like Springclover, life is short enjoy it while you can...when summer comes it is hot when winter comes it is freezing cold..what wil the sping clover do when this happens?