

How time flies!
2013-03-22 How time flies! I have gratuated more than two years. Many things took place in this two years,relatives (my grandfather)passed away ,relatives got ill and recovery,I changed job and bought new house, etc.By undergoing these , i have to admit that i have got matured little by little.Maybe the experience is good for me,at least it taught me how to face frustation how to get along with bad situation ,unhappy things ,ahd made me get strong and optimistic.which i am pround is that my shouder can burdern more heavy stuff compared before .
But time flies too quickly, my parentce's hair get white,their health is not as good as before,my mother's waist turned bend ,more and more people came and disappeaed in my life.Resently i found my new favorate interesting is seeking the feeling of past,listen old songs,missed my old house and the taste of delicious food often be ate in childhood...,I occaionally thought my age had turned to the age of my mother when she was young (when i was young ,my mother is tall,but npw she is shorter than me).That's not can be prevent thing actially,we grow up ,turn old and disappear finally.so we must learn how to live,live happily.
Somebody says "Growing old is the complusory course,getting matured is elective course ",that is ture. although sometimes we feel confused,sometimeswe feel fragile ,sometimes we feel tired ,but i know your heart also have the passion of life, the body can get old ,the idea can't.
So i must keep my step with time,and being a better person ,learn more knowledge,honor to parents,and follow my heart to do something that i want to do,for example going back to school again,yes ,i turly want to go to school again,though there maybe many obscales in front of the road,i always insit on studying ,reading that is the proof i never give up my dream.
the whole wrold steps aside for the man who knows where he is going.i believe!


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