

Getting my dream back
I can't remember exactly when i began to lose my dream and the courage to dream for bright and beautiful things. And i guess it must be the time that fear to the so called reality started to take the space over 50% in my heart, which broke the balance in pursuing a peaceful but positive and active lifestyle. Meanwhile, i began to lose confidence and always feel timid to be myself and express myself. Sometimes, i even thought it was a misery to live even though it is wrong and dangerous to keep such an attitude toward life, i just can't stop thinking in that way.
It's really high time for me to make some change, though i know it will be hard and i should be brave enough to step forward and to get back my confidence and to get my dream, i will try as possible as i can. I will do this not only for myself, but also for my beloved ones and people who love me in their deep heart.It's never too late to learn, i believe i can make it.


LaoSun 2016-03-22 22:59


Echo/hanhan 2016-02-19 16:45

Thanks for you wishes, dear.I thought a lot after reading your words, life is indeed not easy, so cherish what you possess now and be content and happy. Wish you lead a simple but enjoyable life too.

zsj8904@126.com 2016-02-19 09:04

Dear hanhan, thanks a lot for your nice words, i found myself being busy earning a life in the past 2 years, sometimes i felt that i i ccould not catch up with the time moving, and also became less passionate than i have always been, and never be happy as easily as i was when i was a young girl. I also like the movie Shawshank Redemption,it is a real Inspirational movie. Any way, we have to be positive, life is too short, we don't have time to waste on negative emotions. Wish you a very happy 2016, and good luck for your lifetime!

Echo/hanhan 2016-02-18 17:57

Sometimes i feel the same as you. It is easy for everyone to forget his dreams sometimes, but what matters most is that he will stand again and go back to the pursuing track.
When I lose myself, I will watch some positive movies to cheer myself up. Yesterday, I watched the Shawshank Redemption again, and felt motivated greatly.
Come on, dear. good luck for you

samlam 2015-12-29 14:30

Dream is always a bright light ahead of us, leading us to a right direction. No matter what it will become, fails or succeed, dream encourages us to do something we like or we are interested in. A positive guiding is from our dream.

宁檬 2015-12-10 09:03

Sure you have every right to dream big and then fight hard for anything that is beautiful and wonderul! Just believe in yourself and never stop trying. Only time will tell.

juliuy 2014-04-20 22:51

You mentioned "the courage to dream for bright and beautiful things". Once I heard an inspiring advice to become dreamers in the best sense. Have the courage to dream about the "bright and beautiful things" as vividly as you can! That is why we are here for.    I also once stopped dreaming, and that was a big mistake. Your post has reminded me all of that, thank you!

zsj8904@126.com 2013-07-14 10:46

I have read many of your blogs carefully, and i found that you are very nice person with a loving heart to your student and even the whole world. I believe that most people have benefitted from you a lot. I am also encouraged and influenced by you, you are a very good example. Thank you!

zsj8904@126.com 2013-07-14 10:42

From what you say, i can feel that dream has a life, it needs care and love, adn also most importantly, it needs effort to achieve it. I benefitted from your comment a lot, thank you very much!

520157 2013-07-14 09:15

Quite profound and educative! Thank you very much for your tree story!