

Thanks for the brilliant weather these days that I can enjoy the beautiful sunshine in winter. At noon, besides remembering TEM-8 words and listening to pleasing music, I also ream poems by Yeats, a romantic poet in Ireland. Every moment I read his poem, When you are old, lots of mixed feelings crowd into my mind. Sometimes, I may be moved to tears, especially when the rhythm of the song, when you are old, plays. After knowing about Yeats’s experience, I have to admit that he is a truly romantic and determined man. The lady and Yeats shared the common ideal and pursuit that is the struggle for the liberation of Ireland. They both possess the character of romance. On the condition, the love as if the water in the valley, flows fast but lonely.Yeats dared to pursue his dream lover and to express his love for his beloved. Unfortunately, his love was not accepted. Though rejected for numerous times, Yeats still didn’t forget his deep love for the dreaming lady. Despite the unpleasant changes after many years, Yeats continued to show his love for the old lady in his fifties, never minding her gray hair and wrinkled face. When you are old and gray and full of sleep And nodding by the fire,take down this bookAnd slowly read,and dream of the soft look  Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;    How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face;   And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur,a little sadly,how love fled   And paced upon the mountains overhead   And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.(BY William Butler Yeats)当你老了(飞白译)   当你老了,白发苍苍,睡意朦胧,  在炉前打盹,请取下这本诗篇,  慢慢吟诵,梦见你当年的双眼  那柔美的光芒与青幽的晕影;     多少人真情假意,爱过你的美丽,  爱过你欢乐而迷人的青春,  唯独一人爱你朝圣者的心,  爱你日益凋谢的脸上的衰戚;     当你佝偻着,在灼热的炉栅边,  你将轻轻诉说,带着一丝伤感:  逝去的爱,如今已步上高山,  在密密星群里埋藏它的赧颜。These sentences are beautiful and sincere, bringing us a feeling of true love, care and understanding. ‘How many loved your moments of glad grace/ And loved your beauty with love false or true/ But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you/ And loved the sorrows of your changing face’ I believe that is the deep love that can be told by time. Whatever the result, we still see how powerful the true love is. a man are willing to spend all his lifetime to keep his love for only one lady, never changing regardless of the rush of time. Lovers would say “I love you” to his or her beloved most times, but what is love? Probably it is the one who has really experienced that kind of real emotion can have sincere emotion of the appearance. Love is not merely the words, but means more in life. Therefore, never say love to anybody when you haven’t made the decision.Anywhere, anytime, referring to love, the Chinese saying(愿得一人心,白首不分离) is my policy. Loving a man is my need, but that doesn’t mean I can take a casual attitude towards love, and then let someone to satisfy my need. Rather, I can live my life in a footloose style, but must take love seriously. I ever pursued a man with my sincerity, my determination as well as my perseverance. During that period, all I cared about was not the result, but my attitude and my constant passion for him. I hope I am a lady that is loyal to my beyond like a solid stone, no matter what changes occur to us. Only one still loved the sorrows of your changing face regardless of the changes.The Wind Among the Weeds


I have never expected a natural disaster that will occur to me, but the flood in Wuhan this time really shocks me.Actually, for about half a month, it has been raining in Wuhan, and we don’t pay much attention to that,for everything goes well, except for the inconvenient transportation. Also, the continuous rain is a good opportunity to decrease the high temperature of the previous time properly. From yesterday evening, however, the non-stop rain suddenly worsened the situation, filling the whole city with the high-above-ground water everywhere. The moment I wake up today, I hear the horrible and scaring thunder, with the sound of rain. When I open the Wifi and browse the Wechat, OMG, all the Wuhan has become a flood city, and the rain has caused disastrous results. Surprisingly, all the information about the flood bombards us all of a sudden. We are told that the listening exam, which should be held this morning, has been called off and the exact date is not certain. That means when to have a summer holiday is still a mystery, and what’s worse, we may be forced to change our ticket to home. From the update news and pictures, we can clearly see that the whole campus is surrounded with “vast sea”, the road disappearing with the high-level lake. Worse still, all the transportation including the public bus, the subway, planes and trains break down completely, which poses a dramatic threat to our departure. In the countryside, the land, the houses, and the trees are washed away, leaving the villagers in risk. Such cruel scenes are too many to count. Nearly one night and one morning, I feel myself in a refugee camp for the first time.Well, the flood can’t still destroy our hope and love. Though it is raining heavily, the diligent students here still insist on going to the self-learning room to prepare for the final. Some wait in the dorm to wait for the latest information, and our teachers always inform us of the potential dangers and care about our safety all the time. One of my classmates from Police Academy tells me that they put many sand bags o the dangerous place to reduce the effect of flood at 11:00 yesterday evening. What makes me moved is that our Premier Li Keqiang rushes to Wuhan immediately, visits the trapped villagers and guides the local people to fight against the flood. The scene reminds me of some of our great premiers, Wen Jiabao, Zhu Rongji and so on.Confronted with disasters, our country don’t abandon us, and instead they are with us for ever. Love, like the the light in the darkness, guides us to the bright world, and gives us support and faith. God bless us! May the flood go away fast and everybody here be well.our play ground becomes a swimming pool.the broken tree and the above-ground lakeOur underground parking lot is flooded with waterthe splendid scenery of vast sea in my schoolstudents rush to the self-learing room to prepare for the final.the great plicemenour respected Premier


Someone ever said, “Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.” Nevertheless, for us girls, we tend to think further and expect too much of love when we haven’t found the right person. Exactly during that period, we ought to take care of our heart in case of being hurt, just because of strong desire for love.Taking me for example, in spite of some weaknesses, I still consider myself a passionate and confident girl. I am keen on cooking, traveling, reading, hiking, and learning all types of novel things. Generally speaking, I think I am nice. In the heart of every girl, there will be a Mr. Right, and so it is the same with I. I have great admiration for certain boys who are intelligent, outgoing, tall, and so on. However, why haven’t I found my part? Is it the problem of my timidity, my high standards, or the fact that he hasn’t found my charm? I don’t know yet. This question, like a maze, still confuses me.Last week, on the app超级课程表, I made the aquiantance of a man, who was a junior(according to his information on the app)in the university where I am studying currently. He said he once majored in Communication Engineering, and now work in the business of the relevant field. Working in the state-owned enterprise, and living near the university, he said his time was relatively available. He added that he would have more free time to accompany me to shopping, running and studying, and I just answered “HEHE”. Also, he asked some information about me, such as my major, my hobbies, my emotional state, my hometown and so on. After knowing that we had common in hobbies, traveling and eating, I seemed to be a little attracted by the talkative and considerate man. Perhaps in the future, we could be friends, and he could provide some beneficial suggestions for me, as he was a little older and more knowledgeable. Meanwhile, he also took interest in me, as he often made some compliments for me. As a result, we added the ID of QQ, and chatted frequently there. Over QQ, he told me that actually he had graduated. All of a sudden, I felt I was cheated. Browsing his QQ space, it showed that he was 24 and he had graduated for about two years. When I asked how old he was, he let me guess and were unwilling to tell me. But I thought again and it was all right, as we could be friends, learning from each other. Every day, he would send me warm messages, and I have to admit that he really knows how to care about girls, and how to make girls happy. Some messages, however, are similar to Lover's honeyed words. For a relatively conventional girl as well as the short-time acquaintance, or having not known him well, I get somewhat sick, and just say HaHaHa. He always says that I will accompany you if I can go off work early, and I answer “it is OK”. I can say that he has strong feelings for me.He is an science student; he says he is 172cm tall; his QQ tells he was 24; he enjoys traveling; he is talkative and humorous. All these qualities seems to be suitable for my choice, I have to say, though cosmetically I just want to make friends with him. I just wonder what will happen next.This Friday, about at 10:00 pm, he told me that he was on the way home, and the bus would arrive at the university. He asked if I could come out to meet him, and rejected, though he insisted on several times, because it was too late and this happened too unexpectedly. Reaching home, he said if it was convenient for me to go out on Saturday. As a matter of fact, I had planned to sing songs in KTV, but with some curiosity and his sincere invitation, I agreed to come out with him. As for the issue of safety, I told my roommates the fact and remind them to phone me in the evening. Also, I suppose there will be OK for a brave and adventurous girl. My friends, I know that you will say I am crazy or stupid.He made arrangement that we would eat lunch at a restaurant, then climbing on the Campus of Huazhong Agricultural University and finally watched two movies, We Graduated and Warcraft. On Saturday we are scheduled to meet each other. He is good, but unfortunately he is not tall as he said before. Precisely speaking, he is shorter than I, 165 cm. Some of his behaviors are not satisfying; for example, he doesn’t pay attention to hygiene. He cares about me, trying to make physical with me, for example, cleaning the dirty things on my face, but I always reject that behavior, which makes me uncomfortable. We talked much, and as scheduled, watched the last film, Warcraft. He is a good man, but frankly speaking, he is not my choice. If possible, he can be my friends.Lying on the bed, I make mature reflection. This seems to be a funny story, which shows my fool mind. I am too crazy about love to lose myself. Maybe he doesn’t know how I truly feel, but I still couldn’t tell him my feelings directly. I will regard him as one of my friends, or old brother, but won’t my choice. This week, I spend much time on the incident, and next I will focus on my preparation for the final.For girls, this kind of act is not unusual to see nowadays, and it is not rational, and even dangerous. Probably, loneliness can also build up the character of people, if we can tolerate that. Girls, if you haven’t find the right one, please remember the sentence—To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. You should have great faith that there will be one person, waiting for you and loving you for ever. Please keep calm and rational, and take care of your heart.


Efficiency? Yes!


What is efficiency? Wikipedia tells us that efficiency is the ability to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money, and time in doing something or in producing a desired result. In a more general sense, it is the ability to do things well, successfully, and without waste. Absolutely, efficiency is the essential factor to consider when people make a decision or implement a task. Especially for leaders, efficiency values most not only in the meeting but also in the process of work.At the moment, I am really interested in this topic--the importance of efficiency in the School Union, and express myself in this way. Actually, today I am occupied with lots of assignments. I took the class, Accounting, all the day as I minor in the Finance and Trade. After that, I, as a judge, was called to watch the shows the students of our department would perform for an annual evening party, and then point out where they should improve. In fact, because of only ten shows, I have planned to finish watching the shows at about 8:00 pm, and then go back to the dorm to carry out my schedule--take the online class, Market Leader Interactive; read Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper; listening to music and sleep.Can you imagine what happened then? At the end of the performance, our chairman of the School Union mentioned another task--design and put some pictures and words in the building hall. Then we, group of the chairman, together measured the size of the walls and talked how to design these walls in an original way. We decided to divide into three groups and each made one practical plan. OK, I thought it would be over, but that was not that way. He guided us to the meeting room, and let us think it specifically, or especially how to design it. Strangely, two girls should talk about the design in more details, for about forty minutes.Oh, man! Just at that moment, I was totally speechless...I still had numerous things to do. Now that you have divided us into three groups and decided on the deadline, we promise accomplishing the task in time. As a vice president, we are supposed to bear the responsibility to do what we should, but why do you still waste our time to do some useless and unmeaningful things? Why don’t you lead us think instead of making the other two girls talking about the plan? Why don’t you make full preparations in advance and inform us of some necessary tasks? Don’t you understand how irritated and bored of us sitting there, hating thinking anything that time?Unlike you, you can fail the subjects and contribute most of your time to the School Union, but we can’t. We have to learn well, live well, the School Union is just a platform for us to improve our comprehensive skills and anneal ourselves, but not the whole life of our college. We can say, at this position we have chosen, we will do our best to make a few contributions for our department in the spare time. However, We reject doing things at the cost of wasting time and energy.I think I have great sense of responsibility--Once there is something that is my duty, I will do it immediately and perfectly. I have passion and power to finish all the tasks that are allocated to me, I hope I can finish them within my scheduled time. Or I mean I dislike doing things that cost too much unnecessary time, which is a waste of my life. I hate doing things at the time when I am not in the mood. If a task can be done with relative short time, there is no need doing it with more time. We all know that, the excess time is just used to do things irrelevant to the topic, such as laughing, gossiping, and so on. In an economic view, the opportunity cost of the excess time is hard to calculate. Economic teaches me whenever doing a thing, the first you should remember is the opportunity cost, and then to balance which choice is perfect. Only in this way can time be effectively and efficiently made use of. How precious is time for us! Life is not long, we have much to do, so why not focus on the efficiency of time when you make a decision?


When a person suffers the ups and downs in life, he may have a relatively clear understanding of the meaning about the whole life. That is: however hard and complicated it is, you should look on the bright side. Just as the well-known saying goes, Sunshine is always in the rain. If you fail to look on the bright side, but immerse yourself in the failure and depression, then the sunshine will be always far away from you.We can’t deny that people have a tendency to look for and remember the worst in life sometimes. It is human nature, right? Of course, there is a great deal of corruption, cheat, filth, and evil in the contemporary society to make people confused, frustrated and suspicious. If you focus only on these negative phenomena, however, you will never win the battle to obtain happiness and satisfaction. Actually, for every corrupt politician, there is one who is an honest and dedicated public servant. For every entrepreneur who are greedy for numerous profits, there is a business executive who works very hard and is willing to bear the social responsibility, such as donating money for charity and producing environmentally-friendly goods. For every teacher who will only place a big emphasis on the grades of students, there is one who attach great significance to the virtue of students. As long as you look on the positive side, then you will definitely achieve joy and confidence.Yesterday, I read an article written by How about Henan people, which inspired me a lot. When it comes to the Henan, you may think of the large population and the poor economy, even the not-reliable people. I have no idea why people think that way, but that is their original opinion. In the essay, talked about her terrible experience in henan, which were mostly about her being cheated and unfairly treated. That was a really awful memory for everybody, but why did she still stay and teach in Henan ? She said the most important reason was that there were some friendly, warm-hearted colleagues and friends. These guys were like her Chinese family, giving them comfort and sincere care. Absolutely yes, I am from Henan, and also I often hear that most people have a bad opinion on us. I think that is not wise to judge a group of people that way. After all, I am an easy-going, kind and enthusiastic girl, and I believe that there will be more persons like me. This topic reminds me of the situations happening in the train. It is not surprising to see that before the Spring Festival, a large number of passengers crowd into the train, some even with no seats. In such a crowded place, mothers with babies will suffer lots of troubles. To illustrate, when a baby is crying, the mother will have difficulty in calming it down. The baby keeps crying, which may annoy other passengers. Some even shout at the mother, “Lady, please don’t take your baby with yourself if you can’t control him.” The crying may lead to constant cruel criticism among people. Nevertheless, there are someone who will help the mother and make funny jokes to stop the crying. There will be someone who will sing songs to make the baby asleep.Taking my experience in the School Union for example, frankly speaking, most people don’t think well of the organization. For their part, the School Union is like a dark place, where students in poor grades fight against each other for good reputation, or something that is beneficial for their awards. Students there try to build up close relationships with teacher, and that will improve their status in the department. In some cases, we have to admit that, but that is not exactly true. Since I entered college, with the determination to improve myself, I took part in the group. From the small position to the vice chairman today, I have a lot to say. The School Union really empowers me to implement many plans that will promote the establishment of our department. I grasp every chance to build up my character by communicating other students as well as the teachers. Don’t I understand the negative view of the School Union? Yes, I am well aware of that, but I just want to learn much that can not be learned from books. No matter what the other members do, gossiping or joking, I am supposed to be clear about my responsibility, my work. I want to be the best of myself in the best time of my life. So just as you can see, even in the worst situations, there will be something that brings us hope and content. This is true that where there is hope, there is life. But only when you have great faith in life and look on the bright side, can you gain the final happiness. The world may be filled with mean-spirited creeps, but it doesn’t trouble much to find the friendly, passionate people who show great interests in the volunteer work and environmental protection. Anyway, look on the bright side and you will realize your dream. the smiling face among the desperate.


Currently, entertaining TV shows have gained great popularity among youngsters, which throws a big temptation for our daily life. It is not unusual to see that a large number of college students are immersed in watching entertaining TV shows. This obviously brings considerable disadvantages to their social life, major learning as well as personal values.Students’ social life is overwhelmingly influenced, as they focus more on the gossips of popular stars, and that is actually none of their business. Frankly speaking, some TV shows are just a platform to provide audience with pure entertainment. After watching and laughing, they seem to sense nothing. Meanwhile, the information on the shows changes students’ behaviors in public. Some students may use what they learn from the shows, such as the four-letter words and the net words, which is not welcome and unappreciated.Students’ major learning may be obstructed, even though some amusing TV shows contain certain science knowledge. Appealed deeply to the funny shows, numerous students concentrate much attention on watching and laughing. To illustrate, the moment they wake up, they will definitely surf the Internet to choose which fancy show to watch today. In the evening, they lie in the bed an watch their favorite until 1:00am. What’s worse, they even make the most of the class time to watch the shows, with major books covering to confuse teachers. Consequently, spending too much time on the shows, some college students do a terrible performance in their major learning.Students’ personal values are greatly changed, even abandoning inherit virtues, such as diligence, honesty and so on. We have to admit that culture shocks have a huge impact on us in the world of globalization. Every day, exposed to various kinds of information of different countries, they will gradually change their styles and values. Taking the dating shows for example, some girls’ opinion on marriage pose great threat to students’ judgement. They may be in a dilemma while choosing their choosing their true love. Sp these types of entertaining shows are not beneficial for college students to develop a rational character.To conclude, the temptation of some amusing TV shows is too deep to avoid in term of students’ social life, major learning, and personal values. Probably, only in reasonable control and management, may these TV shows contribute a lot to people in the future.


In a series of British Darkest Taboos, I’ve heard of a scaring and tragic story that took place in Caterham--- Fourteen-year-old Breck was lured to his death by eighteen-year-old Lewis on Feb.17th,2014. Actually, Breck and Lewis were just net friends, who both were addicted to playing computer games. Before they acquainted, Breck was a cute and smart boy, while Lewis was mentally unhealthy because of poor upbringings. In order to gain Breck’s trust, Lewis talked to him in a friendly way and they corresponded by sending E-mails regularly. Lewis sometimes taught Breck to be an spirit-independent man and not always listen to his parents. Meanwhile, Breck regarded him as his best friends and poured out all he desired to express. Having known such dangerous relationships, Breck’s mother, Lorin, suggested his son stopping communicating with Lewis in case of being cheated, or even murdered. Living in a divorced family, Breck, however, failed to take her advice. After several months when Lewis asked Breck to go out and meet with each other, Breck didn’t hesitate to agree immediately, just leaving one message to his father. As Breck arrived at Lewis’s flat, they seemed to quarrel for a while. Then Lewis used duct tape to bind Breck’s wrists and finally slashed his throat in a sadistic way.With regard to such a disturbing tragedy, who should be to blame? Personally, the whole society, school as well family are supposed to take it seriously. If the government makes great efforts, for example, implementing new laws to regulate online markets, to create a harmonious society, then the crime rate will drop. If the school focuses on the both physical and mental health of students, such as holding relevant lectures, then teenagers will lead a carefree and meaningful school life. If the family is harmonious and parents communicate much with their children about school and personal life, then parents can deal with some problems more easily. Taking Breck for example, if his parents hadn’t got divorced and cared about his life, he would have spared his time staying with his parents and classmates rather than online friends.At the same time, as a teenager, we are supposed to bear responsibility for ourselves. In the golden age, it is extremely stupid to spend most of our time in online gaming. In this fast-speed society, all varieties of temptation surrounds us anytime. Well, when confronted with that, we should think twice and be cautious about our choice as well as retain the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Only in this way can we live happily ad safely.