

2017 is just in the past, and today is the first day of 2018. Looking back on 2017, I had a very extraordinary life, and I had experienced a lot of things that meant a great deal to me. On the whole, I like the past year. In the past year, there have been a lot of annoying things on micro-blog, and all these things have aroused the discussion of Internet users. But what I'm different from the other micro-blog users is that I never comment on it. Although I seem to be "unconcerned" from this point, I really care about some of the hot issues on micro-blog. It is my concern about the hot issues on micro-blog that brings me a lot of "annoyances". Just like the "child abuse case" and "JiangGe case",these two events have stirred up a big wave on micro-blog. Many netizens, after paying attention to the two events, commented on the darkness of the society. Even more, there are some doubts about the quality of kindness, because they see the kindness to be trampled in these cases. But it is not difficult to find, in fact, there are many well-known sayings about improving moral cultivation and maintaining noble sentiment in the various historical stages of each country. What does that mean? This shows that the sages have also faced the problems of moral decline. So when we face these problems again, we should bring the value of our tradition to the care of our time in order to prevent the moral degradation of our society. The darker the world is, the more it explains the importance of the light, the more corrupted the morality it is, the more it embodies the value of kindness, and the more misfortunes you see, the more you should continue to be kindhearted.


Recently,a popular game named King of Glory has provoked much discussion over the Internet,many pupils play this game on their parents’ smartphones with a lack of restraint during their spare time, which causes discontent among their parents and teachers,because they consider that the game is purely a novelty or just for wasting time。 Despite the fact that Tencent,the developer of the game,has already taken steps to limit the playtime of young players,however,to many pupils, the obsession with this game is hard to give up。Who should be blamed and who should be held responsible for this unhealthy phenomenon are the main reasons why the dispute over this game can not be dispersed for a long time。 In fact,I barely know how to play this game,but what I know is the disadvantages of playing smartphones for a long time。Just as a Chinese ancient poem goes,“Old king hall swallows, flying into the homes of ordinary people”, mobile phone,once a luxury,has already become very common in our daily life。 With the market competition becoming increasingly fierce, the development of mobile phone and APP is changing with each passing day。The function of the mobile phone is also perfect day by day。So it is not difficult to understand why we depend more and more on smartphones,because they are truly a very convenient and useful tool to kill free time。 With the frequency I play my smartphone increasing,I gradually find that it becomes harder for me to concentrate on my works that I have to finish in silence with a calm mind。Even something I can deal with in a short time when there without a smartphone by my side takes me a loner time to finish now。Most of the time is wasted by browsing messages on smartphone during the process of solving the problems。 So from my own personal experience,we can find that the parents and teachers are right to be worried about their kids and students who are addicted to the King of Glory day by day。The key to solving this problem at its root is how to make kids aware of the disadvantages of indulging in games,only by doing so can kids kill their free time with a healthy way,or the parents and teachers can only manage their bodys and behaviors, but can't control their hearts and thoughts。 Fig. pupils who play King of Glory (the pictures come from the Internet)


With the starting of this new semester,many university students who want to continue their study after graduation begin to review their specialized course in full swing。This is a very good phenomenon in the eyes of many teachers and parents because the university students who are discursive in peacetime finally find a goal for which to try。But the reason why they want to receive graduate study may be various from person to person,someone may want to learn more knowledge for the scientific research in their near future,someone may just want to avoid employment pressure and some students even just follow the crowded。 The expectation that our society is full of intellectuals who have Master’s degree may be good for all of us,but it may be not good for you if you can not understand the true meaning of receiving graduate study。Obviously,the phenomenon that the number of students who take the postgraduate examination is increasing year by year is not simply a personal problem but a society problem,when it comes to this phenomenon,we can not just stand by and do nothing。In fact,as college students,we should look before we leap,we should understand the true meaning of graduate study and find out which kind of future is we really expect instead of following the crowded and starting another three years without any aim。 What the society really needs is the high quality of Masters instead of the large amount of Masters,the best for others is not necessarily the best for you,only we all find our own proper place to contribute ourselves for the development of society can the society function well。