



CongruitismA practical implementation of socialism, communism, and other equitable social and economic systems.An introduction to congruitism.Until anarchy is a fair, viable, and peaceful possibility for the human race, congruitism is the best possiblesocial system. This being the case a strong government is necessary to keep the order and to provide the frameworkfor a peaceful, and thriving society. This is what congruitism is designed to do.What is congruitism?Let's start with the definition of congruous.1. a: being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence1. b: conforming to the circumstances or requirements of a situation : appropriate2. a: marked or enhanced by harmonious agreement among constituent elementsThe result of an incongruous society is confusion, greed, inequity, violence, and mistrust.What could be more incongruous than 85 people having as much wealth as the lower half of the human race.That's 85 versus 3,400,000,000. This is what feudalism have brought mankind. Today feudalism has becomecapitalism but the same structure exists. About the only difference is the very small number of feudal elitewere owners of land and resources. The very small number of capitalist elite are owners of not only land andresources but of factories and banks which print, or otherwise create, money at the whim of the elite.Karl Marx called this "the means of production".Another example of incongruity in today's world the idolization of billionaires.What billionaire worked 20,000 times longer or harder than the average worker for each of those billions?None of them of course.Some examples of social systems that offer more in the way of congruity are socialism and communism.Both share the same objectives as congruitism. All three promote a more fair and equitable society.It is not the purpose of this website to go over old ground and spell out exactly what communism andsocialism are. Both have been documented well enough and both have been interpreted in many ways.Some interpretations are so totally inaccurate they constitute a direct and deliberate attack on communism.It is the objective of capitalists to demonize any social system that would compete. In more extreme casescapitalists have resorted to genocide to further their hold on mankind. The Vietnam war is a case in point.Today countries with competing social systems have nuclear deterrence so the capitalists are less likely toresort to genocide to further their cause. They have recently relied more on their massive propaganda campaignsrather than genocide. Western imperialism and capitalism go hand in hand. It is hard to differentiatebetween the two. During the past 500 years the Europeans have used genocide to steal away three continentsfrom the native inhabitants. Somewhere along the way feudalism gave way to capitalism. Again, these two arehard to differentiate. Technology has bridged the gap between the two in terms of practical distinctions.Let's start with a brief description of the differences between congruitism and capitalism.- Congruitism is based on collective effort dependent on cooperation and mutual respect.- Capitalism is a greed based system where ruthless competition is encouraged over cooperation.The goal of congruitism is for everyone to contribute according to their abilities and for everyone to beprovided the basic needs of a decent life. The rewards of work are commensurate with contributions to society.In the past communism and socialism relied primarily on taxes along with wage and price controls to try andachieve an equitable society. Unfortunately the tools have not existed to implement these in a practical way.The capitalists were always there to corrupt any attempt by communists and socialists to form a more equitablesociety. Taxes could always be avoided through devious means. Wages and prices could always be skewed by thecapitalists favorite economic weapon, the law of supply and demand. This isn't really a law or principle at all.It is extortion made possible by organized gangs of capitalist schemers. Capitalism is corruption with procedures.It really is that simple. You can indulge in long winded debates but it always boils down to this simple truth.Capitalism is corruption proceduralized.With capitalism the most aggressive and ruthless accumulate the most resources and then use this advantage toaccumulate even more resources. The obvious effect of this is to concentrate more and more resources to fewerand fewer people. The vast majority of people are left behind and have to cater to the lucky few and hope for"some crumbs from the table". This is how 85 people ended up with as much wealth as the lower one half(3,400,000,000) of the world's population.Congruitism is a framework that allows a more advanced social system to work.Whether that more advanced social system is called communism, socialism, or congruitism.. it doesn't matter.A framework needs to be put in place that allows a more advanced social system to thrive.Up to this point the prevailing capitalist governments would use any means necessary to prevent communismfrom gaining acceptance as an alternate form of government. This will no longer work. The information agerenders the capitalists use of indoctrination from kindergarten through graduate school ineffective.People no longer believe that simply serving the rich will bring them satisfying lives. Trying to kill offcommunism by use of war was a total disaster for the USA and their allies. It is unlikely any nation, no matterhow reactionary, would try that again.This website is a work on progress. As time passes more will be revealed about the practical implementation ofcongruitism. Just as the information age marches on, so will the inevitability of congruitism.


Occupy Wallstreet protesters were working to free themselves from the tyranny and slavery of what is sold as democracy.Democracy in today's world is letting the rich become even richer at the expense of everyone else by offering alimited selection of candidates who are all bought and paid for by the rich. The elections don't matter. Whoeveris elected will continue to serve the rich. If he or she doesn't they will be dealt with accordingly. Accidents,scandals, exposed corruption, personal defects.. they all are convenient methods for removing an unruly stoogewho fails to support those who put him in office in the first place.The propagandists from the west have continually stated but have never allowed to be proven "communism is notpossible because of human frailty". So far they have invaded nations attempting communism and killed those whopromoted communism and tirelessly spread lies about communism and put sanctions on communist nations.The rich capitalist will do anything including murder to try and prove that communism is not possible.On the other hand the protesters in Hong Kong are working to become enslaved to rich capitalist masters.It has been proven time and again in the west that democracy is not possible because of human frailty.The rich become richer and more powerful and elections become meaningless exercises where there is no real choice.The only choice is which talking head you would rather hear until the next election. Nothing changes except therich getting richer.The exuberant youth in Hong Kong can hardly be blamed for thinking democracy actually takes place in a world wherethe obscenely rich own entire nations that claim to be democracies. The rich are well practiced in selling their scam.In the U.S. their job is made effortless due to the indoctrination of all citizens since entering kindergarten.In Hong Kong there are still many people who were spared the indoctrination of western education and theseprotests will fizzle as the naive youth return to their iPhones and dating games.Those who control the monetary system, control the elections. It will never change. Democracy is not possible.It is far better to work toward the future and the future is communism. No amount of killing will change that.It is better that everybody be given a decent living than for a few to become obscenely rich at the expenseof everyone else. Mankind will progress despite the best efforts western nations owned by a few rich capitalists.Listen to the news. Next will be western propagandists listing heroes who became victims of the very governmentthe west is trying to overthrow. Try to overthrow a government and then blame that government for defending itself.The west is becoming very predictable. They no longer are capable of military victories so they turn to subversionand propaganda. The fall of the west is not only predictable but pathetic.


China is steadily leaving the capitalist phase of communism behind. In the coming years more and more businessactivities will be handed off to computers which do not have egos to be stroked by bloated pay checks.In the mean time the pay for those who make far more than the people who do the real work will be lowered.If only the USA had the guts to do this.But in the USA the rich own the nation so this is not possible. Computers are far superior with handling numbers and details which drive the logistics of any economy.Humans must be phased out of such important positions. They really have no place there in the future.The USA economy is in decline and deeply in debt due to their massive welfare for the rich programs startedin the 1980s. During the best days of the USA the tax rates on the most wealty were up to 90% and evenhigher in certain cases. Since the welfare for the rich began in the 1980s the USA has been in steady declinedespite all the technological advancements which should have rewarded the people who do the real work.Instead, all the cream from these advancements were systematically skimmed off the top by people whoalready had more money than they deserved. The USA is now paying the price. It is losing its place as theleading economic power as it should. China is not leading the way and showing the world that socialism is the future. What will the next step be in China's rise to the #1 world super power?In my opinion it will be a progressive tax system where the very richest are taxed as they wereduring the most dynamic times in the USA.Any nation that wants to progress cannot afford to support super rich parasites.Nobody should have a net worth over $50,000,000 USD no matter what.No person with one billion dollars worked 20,000 times longer or harder than the average person.No person with 50 billion dollars worked 1,000,000 times longer or harder than the average person.Will the nations of the west leave the dark ages behind and adopt socialism before they become thirdworld nations? Who knows. Maybe they need to hit bottom before they are ready for help. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------China´s Public CEOS Receive Pay Cut Chinese president Xi Jinping approved a reform to reduce senior executive pay in state owned enterprises byup to a 50 percent. Chinese executives at major stated owned enterprises will receive a pay cut the South China Morning Postreported on Thursday.The cuts will be made to narrow the gap between executive salaries and regular employees. The reforms come as a result of public criticism that the executives were recieving pay checks and privileges akinto those of their western counterparts, and earning significantly more than their fellow employees. The executiveshave also been criticized for an alleged lack of efficiency and transparency. China must improve income distribution in state companies and ensure executives are not over paid, among otherthings, President Xi Jinping was quoted by Xinhua as saying. The reform will affect executives of state companies controlled both by national authorities and by provincialgovernments. Also, the job responsibilities of government appointed executives will be amended gradually.Some will join the board of directors, while newly recruited senior managers with salaries in line withinternational standards, will handle day-to-day operations.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A choice between aggressive war mongers or even more aggressive war mongers.That is the "choice" the U.S. citizens have the "freedom" to choose from in the coming presidential election.Hillary Clinton is the one that is slightly less aggressive than the Republicans who are always foaming atthe mouth for a new armed conflict somewhere in the world.But even this "less aggressive" choice wants to go back to killing more people in the mideast thinking itwill somehow lead to a more secure world, especially for the U.S.I don't know about you but in the 59 years I have been on earth I found that assaulting your neighborson a regular basis does not make for a peaceful life. Telling your neighbors you are assaulting them becauseyou think you know better what is good for them than they do never helps matters either. This slightly less aggressive choice also wants more support for the playland of rich Jews that Hitler set up prior toWWII in what the Jews eventually named Israel. And this is supposed to help bring peace to the mideast how? The glamour of marketing terms such as "freedome of choice" and "Democracy" are losing their luster.We in the U.S. have no choice but to support our obscenely rich capitalist masters and fight their wars for them.There is never another choice given to us and we are kept ignorant of better social and economic systems whichare not taught in our schools. We are only taught about how great America is and that capitalism is the onlyeconomic system that works... as long as the most powerful nation in the world keeps beating other systems down.Maybe China will be able to give us another choice in the U.S. someday. One can only hope. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WASHINGTON - Distancing herself from President Barack Obama's foreign policy, potential 2016 U.S. presidentialcandidate Hillary Clinton said that the U.S. decision not to intervene early in the Syrian civil war was a "failure." Republican critics have faulted Obama for doing too little to support Syrians who rose up against PresidentBashar al-Assad. Syria has been torn apart by a civil war for three years, with Assad staying in power and Islamicmilitants among the opposition gaining strength. "The failure to help build up a credible fighting force of the people who were the originators of the protests againstAssad - there were Islamists, there were secularists, there was everything in the middle - the failure to do that left abig vacuum, which the jihadists have now filled," Clinton said in a recent interview. Clinton was Obama's secretary of state during his first term as president, stepping down in early 2013, so she waspart of the administration during the start of the Syria uprising. Seen as a possible strong contender for the 2016U.S. Democratic presidential nomination, she ran unsuccessfully against Obama for the party's nomination in 2008. Asked about Obama's slogan of "Don’t do stupid stuff" to describe his foreign policy thinking, Clinton said,"Great nations need organizing principles, and 'Don’t do stupid stuff’ is not an organizing principle." In the interview, Clinton also offered strong support for Israel and for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has atense relationship with Obama. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Guilin is my favorite city in China because of its beauty, its water ways, its cafes, and most of all because I met my wife there. It is her hometown and we will both retire there in a few years. Not only is Guilin a fascinating city, there are many interesting places to visit within a short drive from there. The Ling (sometimes called Lingqu) canal is the oldest canal in the world. It was built about 2200 years ago and connects two major river systems, the Yangtze (to the east) and the Pearl River. The Longsheng Rice Terraces is another manmade wonder that was built around 650 years ago. I have some photos of both of these places in my CD homepage Albums. The Gudong Waterfall Park is another attraction that is worth visiting. The hike to the top of all these waterfalls isn’t very difficult and if you want, you can take a ride to the bottom on a personal rail car that you control the speed of with a brake. If you want you can also climb up some of the waterfalls with the help of chains that are placed for the convenience of amateur climbers. I have only been in Guilin during the winter and spring but my wife tells me it gets pretty hot in the summertime. That’s OK because I grew up in the Midwest of the U.S. where it gets very hot and humid during the summer months. It rarely freezes in the winter and the spring and autumn are pleasant. Guilin receives a lot of rain, especially in late spring and early summer. Because of this there is lush plant life and many large trees in the area. Being from the California I’m used to having a car to get around. In fact, it’s practically a necessity in California. But in Guilin most everything is within walking distance and if you need to go further the busescome by every 5 minutes on the busy streets and every 10-15 minutes just about everywhere else. There are plenty of taxis too and most trips are only 6 yuan. It’s a perfect place to retire. My wife greeting me on my first visit to Guilin, 2009 One of many pagodas in the waterways of Guilin. No photo spread of Guilin would be complete without a shot of The Elephant Rock. A fisherman and his cormorant on the Li River. Another pagoda on a Guilin waterway. A fisherman and his cormorants fishing during the night on a Guilin waterway. Two pagodas at night on a Guilin waterway. A beautiful glass structure illuminated with colorful lights on a Guilin waterway. One of the many charming bridges on the waterways through the middle of Guilin. We're taking a night time tour boat through the center of Guilin. Musicians playing traditional Chinese instruments on a stage by a Guilin waterway. It was December when we took this water tour at night. They are dressed warmly. The Jiefang Bridge over the Li River in central Guilin. Having tea in a restaurant overlooking the above bridge. I took the picture of the bridge from this booth. Shops along a pleasant walking street in central Guilin. A river gauge by the Li River. My wife says during bad floods it nears the top of this gauge. An Iron bell in a small park my wife used to visit as a little girl.. Fuboshan Park. It's in her old neighborhood in central Guilin. A boat resting on calm water in the center of Guilin. Another pretty bridge on a Guilin waterway giving boats passage. A train is approaching and pedestrians hardly notice. I love trains. In the U.S. train right-of-ways are almost always restricted or fenced off. I love the way trains can be viewed up close in Guilin. People gathering to board tour boats on the Li River in Guilin. Horse statues along the Li River near the Jiefang Bridge. This is on the way to Seven Star Park. A pagoda on a hillside overlooking a Guilin waterway just outside Seven Star Park. Camel Rock in Seven Star Park. It's easy to see how this rock got its name. A pond in Seven Star Park. A waterfall in Seven Star Park. A bridge over a Guilin waterway in Yushan Park. I water wheel in Yushan Park. As you can see, Guilin is a very beautiful city.


Bees algorithm.In computer science the Bees Algorithm is a population-based search algorithm.It mimics the food foraging behaviour of honey bee colonies. In its basic version the algorithm performs a kind ofneighborhood search combined with global search, and can be used for both combinatorial optimization andcontinuous optimization.The only conditions for the application of the Bees Algorithm is the measure of distance between the colonyand the cache of nectar containing flowers and the quality and quantity of the flowers.Algorithm have been proven in a number of studies. After all, bees have made a living off it for eons. Here's a human take on what the bees are up to. A small fraction of the colony constantly searches the environment looking for new flower patches.These scout bees move randomly in the area surrounding the hive, evaluating the food value of the sourcesthey come across. When they return to the hive, the scouts deposit the food harvested. Those individuals thatfound a food source of high value to the colony go to an area in the hive called the “dance floor”, and perform aritual known as the waggle dance. Through the waggle dance a scout bee communicates the location of its discoveryto idle onlookers, which join in in the exploitation of the flower patch.Since the length of the dance is proportional to the scout’s rating of the food source, more foragers get recruited toharvest the best rated flower patches. After dancing, the scout return to the food source it discovered to collect morefood. As long as they are evaluated as profitable, rich food sources will be advertised by the scouts when they returnto the hive. Recruited foragers may waggle dance as well, increasing the recruitment for highly rewarding flowerpatches. Thanks to this autocatalytic process, the bee colony is able to quickly switch the focus of the foraging efforton the most profitable flower patches. It's lucky there are no Captitalist bees or the algorith would go something like this. These scout bees move randomly in the area surrounding the hive, evaluating the food value of the sourcesthey come across. When they return to the hive, the scouts deposits a small portion the food harvested.Those individuals that found a food source of high value to the colony go to an area in the hive called the“dance floor”, and perform a ritual known as back stabbing. When only one bee is left he conceals thelocation of the nectar bonanza and immediately sets about creating a circle of "close friends" who he willmonitor for faithfulness for the rest of their bee lives. To these friends he will reveal the location of partsof the bonanza but will never let any of them to know the full extent of the nectar find.Next comes bee lawyers, bee police, and the bee military to protect the whole operation. Worker bees will be escorted to the nectar bonanza to harvest the nectar and will be constantly monitoredby the bee police and military to make sure they deposit all the nectar in the cache of the Capitalist bee.The Capitalist bee will then demand payment from each worker bee to claim any of the nectar as their own.The bee colony has been transformed from a happy and peaceful hive depending on cooeration into a hell holeof intimidation, competition, and threats that benefits only the capitalist bees.Suddenly the worker bees find themselves working twice a hard and twice as long for half the nectar thatnature used to offer them. Fortunately mother nature has afforded bees a character far superior to that of humans. Can we or will we learn from the bees? The Bees Algorithm has found many applications in engineering, such as:Optimisation of classifiers / clustering systemsManufacturingControlBioengineeringOther optimisation problemsMulti-objective optimisation... and my favorite, communism.


Vacation 2014


Doing some last minute shopping before leaving for Europe for two weeks.. or so we thought. 1-Hotel near airport in New York. We spent three days there while waiting for our luggage. Our luggage actually did travel to Europe. 2-View from Hotel in Lawrence, NY where we waited for our luggage. In the evening people would fish in the canal. We never saw them catch anything. 3-The first moment of joy for my wife during our vacation. We got our luggage back. 4-We pose while a stewardess takes a photo of us and our luggage together for the first time in two days. 5-NY city Queens Bridge. A Bridge between Queens and Manhattan. They changed the name to some politician. Figures. 6-The Con-Ed electricity plant on the East River. Not a lot of swimming in the East River. 7-Some tourists on their way to see the power plant. As good as anything else to see in New York if you ask me. 8-49th street. Looks like any other big city. 9-We wanted to treat ourselves to small portions and outrageous prices just once. What would a trip to New York be if not for getting ripped off? 10-NY. It was rainy and overcast all three nights and two days there. Only saw the sky-scrappers on the taxi ride into town. Whoopie.. 11-NY 12-NY 13-NY 14-NY 15-NY. Gigi on 54th street. On our way to 5th Avenue. Gigi wants to shop. 16-NY 17-Still on 54th street. 18-NY 19-Some church on 5th Avenue. My wife would rather spend money on clothes than support big business religions. 20-NY. There must be so sky-scrappers up there somewhere. 22-NY 23-NY, my little Gigi in front of a pretty doorway on 5th Avenue. 24-NY 25-NY. My biggest regret about our visit to New York was paying for three nights in Manhattan. I was ready to leave after just one day there. 26-The beginnings of the Smoky Mountains in western North Carolina. 27-Smoky Mountains 28-Going up the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee from the eastern entrance to the park. 29-Smoky Mountains 30-Views of the Smoky Mountains from inside the park in Tennessee. 31-Smoky Mountains 32-Smoky Mountains 33-Smoky Mountains 34-Smoky Mountains 35-Smoky Mountains 36-Smoky Mountains. Gigi travels amazingly well. Never once in our 3690 mile trip did she complain. 37-Smoky Mountains. The very highest point in the park was obscured by fog. But unlike NY, it was peaceful and beautiful. 38-Smoky Mountains 39-Smoky Mountains 40-Smoky Mountains 41-Smoky Mountains 42-Smoky Mountains 43-Smoky Mountains 44-Smoky Mountains 45-Smoky Mountains 46-Smoky Mountains 47-Smoky Mountains 48-Ozarks. Gigi in front of the Bagnell Dam that holds back The Lake of the Ozarks. 49-Ozarks. What's left of the carriage house on the burned down estate of Ha Ha Tonka. 50-Ozarks. The main house of Ha Ha Tonka which means "laughing waters" by the native Americans that used to live there. 51-Ozarks. But the rich guy lost his playground to fire. Only the stones remain. The Native Americans got the last laugh this time. 52-Ozarks. What to accompany me to the water tower? You look thirsty. 53-Ozarks. A fixer-upper. Just needs some new drywall and a little paint. 54-Ozarks. The fire started over there! 55-Ozarks. And now all this belongs to everyone. 56-Ozarks. Wash day and no electricity.. 57-Ozarks. The laughing waters will work their magic on our laundry though. 58-Ozarks. This is Ha Ha Tonka and I am your Pocahontas. 59-Ozarks 60-Ozarks. Lake Pomme De Terre, where I used to swim and fish as a kid on family vacations. 61-Ozarks. Bennett Springs, where I used to fish. 100,000,000 gallons of clear, cool water gush from the spring daily.. about 1/2 mile upstream. 62-Ozarks. Bennett Springs state park made by New Deal "Works Progress Administration" (WPA) and "Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)." Socialism works. 63-Ozarks. The grandfather of my husband helped built this park. He was a part of the Works Progress Administration (WPA). 64-Ozarks. Or was it the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC).. It doesn't make any difference. The park is beautiful. 65-Ozarks. My husband did not think I would walk across the steel grate in my high heals. But I did. 66-Ozarks 67-Texas. Overlooking the vast nothingness of west Texas. 68-Texas. If she was ever going to complain she would have done it in Texas. Driving across Nebraska on I-80 is the ultimate test. Maybe next time. 69-Mohave Desert in California. In one of the driest years on record in California we ran into rain in the desert. 70-Mohave Desert 71-Mohave Desert We ran into rain in the Desert during a drought but we could not visit Europe. Next year we will drive to Canada, if they welcome Chinese visitors.. We were going to Europe but it turns out they require a visa for my wife since she has a Chinese passport. At least the airline agreed to refund the full price of our tickets since they let us on the plane in San Francisco. I talked to the airline on the phone the day before boarding and at the San Francisco airport and was told my wife would not need a visa to visit Europe. But in New York they changed their mind. It's OK. If they don't welcome Chinese citizens in Europe there are still things in the U.S. I haven't seen and my wife hasn't seen much of the U.S. at all. It turns out our luggage was not discriminated against.. both pieceS ended up in Milan. So we spent two days and three nights in Lawrence, New York. Not far from JFK airport. It was in a part of the bourgh of Queens known as Jamaica Bay. It was a lower class part of New York but it was more enjoyable than Manhattan. The people were friendlier and the prices much lower. After waiting for two days we received our luggage on Tuesday and decided to see Manhattan. I prepaid for three nights there in midtown Manhattan but wished I had only paid for one. Manhattan is in decay, it's dirty, it's expensive, it's very crowded and noisy. For the life of me I can't figure out why anyone would want to live there. My wife enjoyed shopping on 5th Avenue but she likes shopping at Stanford Mall in Palo Alto, California much better. I do too. Palo Alto is expensive too but at least it's clean and not crowded and there are plenty of flowers, trees, and grass in the area. New York was so depressing that by Friday I didn't bother to get out of bed except to go get something for us to eat late in the afternoon. I bought my wife some more Peking Duck from the restaurant across the street since she liked it so much. She could eat the rest of the whole duck the next morning for breakfast. She usually eats a big breakfast and not much else for the rest of the day. I was eager to get in the towncar to take us to JFK so we could pick up our rental car and escape New York. Escape is an accurate description for any out-of-towner trying to leave New York in a car. All I needed to do was to get to I-78 West from JFK but the signs were few and crptic. After stopping several times to ask directions I got the impression that roads leaving New York were something kept under wraps from the locals. The word "zombie" comes to mind. Finally I found someone at a coffee shop in suburban New Jersey who knew how to get to I-78 West. I had gotten that far by just concentrating on heading west no matter what freeway I found myself on. Relief. I was on Interstate 78 west and began to see signs telling the distance to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. From there I could travel south in I-81 to North Carolina. I wanted to see The Great Smoky Mountains in western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee. Something I've never seen before and always wanted to see. I had bought a map book of the U.S. at a drug store in New Jersey before the encounter with the guy who knew how to get away from New York. It was good for wide open spaces but not for the crowded confines of urban New York and the outlying areas of the metropolis. We spent our first night away from New York in Salem, Virginia. I got a pizza after getting the hotel. It was the first decent pizza I had since leaving home. The "famous" New York pizza is not much better than frozen pizza and you have a very limited choice of toppings. Vegatables are unheard of. I guess if you knew where to go in New York you could get a decent pizza but no other town would have allowed the pizza I got there. Before I got to the pizza place I had to stop at a grocery store. My wife can't survive without fresh lemons. She makes what she calls 'lemon tea' which is nothing more then fresh squeezed lemon juice and bottled water. No sugar. I don't see how she can drink that stuff but it keeps her happy. So lemons we got. The next day we drove to the Smoky Mountains and they were not a dissappointment. They were beautiful. I've posted photos of my vacation in my "albums" and I'll post them in this blog if space permits. We spent the next night in central Tennessee. The next day we would travel to my home state of Missouri and meet my oldest sister in the Ozarks. We met my sister in Osage Beach, Missouri which is a resort town next to the Lake of the Ozarks. She drove down from Kansas City, Missouri.. my hometown. I had no desire to go out of my way to visit Kansas City. All cities are pretty much alike to me. You've seen one, you've seen them all. Many will disagree but music is the same way. If you don't like a certain genre of music, all the songs sound alike. To me all country songs sound pretty much like the others and the same with rap music.. if you can call that music. Anyway, we spent the night talking about old times and what was new with us and didn't get to sleep until the wee hours of the morning. My wife doesn't speak English very well and my sister speaks a million miles an hour and she won't stop. You have to wait until she begins to let up and hope you can get an opening to before she starts up again. It's like trying to run from one shelter to another in a rain storm. When the rain begins to let up you make a dash for it and hope it wasn't just an opening between the sheets of rain. My wife said my sister and I were more like friends than brother and sister. We had to agree. I hardly ever write to or talk to my other sister but a week never goes by that I don't write a few email to my oldest sister, Dian. The next day we parted ways and I drove all over the Ozarks showing my wife all the places I used to go on family vacations and later on as a teenager on my own. We spent the night in Joplin, Missouri and the next morning I drove through the center of the damage path of the May, 2011 F5 tornado that tore through Joplin. I was amazed at how far the rebuilding had come in just three years. If I hadn't know a tornado had split the city in half the only curiousity would be why all the houses and businesses in the middle of town were all new. A few trees remained that had been ripped clean of all their limbs except for the trunk and perhaps a few feet of the largest limbs stemming from the trunk. The photos in the news at the time showed total devastation in the area I had just driven through. From there we headed west and made it home in just two more days. It was good to be home. Next year we plan on renting a car and seeing Yellowstone park, Glacier park, and Banff in Alberta, Canada. But first we will check to see if Canada welcomes Chinese citizens or if they have to jump through hoops to visit. My wife had no intentions of changing citizenship. We plan on retiring back to her home in Guilin when I retire. Her mother is living there now. If she's still around in 7-8 years I'll be living with my mother-in-law. But that's another blog.


We will be leaving for Europe on Sunday, May 11. We will try to post new photos of our vacation as we travel. Here we are doing some last minute shopping to prepare for our vacation. Since the new China Daily Blog section is trying for lighter content this ought to do.Doing some last minute shopping before leaving on vacation.Sunday, May 11, 2:40am. Leaving soon. We'll be up for about 27 hours before we can check-in. I could never sleep on an airplane so that's out of the question.We're back from vacation but never made it to Europe. The airline said my wife didn't need a visa on her Chinese passport but then changed their mind at the connecting airport in New York. They said we could stay in New York until we got her visa stamp and then leave. I said I want a refund of my tickets and got it. At least the airline was reasonable about this. No way we were going through all that trouble just to see Europe.We spent a few days in New York (midtown Manhattan) which is way overrated. It's dirty, crowded, rundown, decaying, noisy, and expensive. What's there to recommend? Nothing. The only thing I regret about our stay in Manhattan was prepaying for three days at the hotel. One day was enough to figure out New York is way overrated and not worth staying. So we rented a car for a one-way trip back to California. We'd had enough of airlines and airports and airplanes for a while. Too bad you can't drive to Europe and Asia...The Great Smoky Mountains was a far better place to vacation although the western border led out to a way over commercialized "fun zone". After all the natural beauty of the Smoky Mountains you're greeted with miles of a commercialized strip that tries to put sleazy Las Vegas to shame. It comes close too.The rest of America that hadn't been junked up by the European invaders over the past several hundred years was beautiful.Maybe some photos later.The vacation from this fluffed up forum was refreshing too. Why bother coming back to deal with all the indoctrinated western propagandists who denigrate something they can't understand. At least the Chinese get a good laugh from reading all the immature and self absorbed crap these arrogant westerners write.


Is this a comic page from American history? Unfortunately no. It is real.Communism was made a crime in the U.S. in 1954.. the year I was born. Not only could I not learn about communism in U.S. schools as I was growing up, I could be asked totake some years out of my life to go overseas and kill people for no other reason than choosing communism.Does this sound like what goes on in a free nation? I had plans to leave the U.S. if necessary so I would not have to kill or be killed in the defenseof the rich owners of the U.S.Communism was not something to be truthfully described in the schools in the U.S.but to be demonized and slandered. Something so disdainful that those who embrace it should be killed. Capitalism and the U.S. are about competition? What bigger lie could be told?When a more equitable and humane political and economic system becomes available it is made illegal.The truth about communism cannot be revealed or taught in schools.And the U.S. brags about being a free speech nation. One thing is for certain, this is NOT the case. Capitalism is nothing more than a thinly veiled MASTER/SLAVE political system borrowed from ancient times.Free speech in the political arena of the U.S. is limited to those serving their capitalist masters. Below I help the readers not familiar with the U.S. to understand this law by adding comments highlightedin red. My comments could also be helpful to those in the U.S. who suspect they have been successfullyindoctrinated to serve their rich masters but would like to leave this indoctrination behind and beginto have a life with a free and objective mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Communist Control Act of 1954 U.S. Statutes at Large, Public Law 637, Chp. 886, p. 775-780 AN ACT To outlaw the Communist Party, to prohibit members of Communist organizations from serving in certain representative capacities, and for other purposes. "AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES". THAT'S THE LEGAL WAY OF SAYING "AND STUFF". Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the ''Communist Control Act of 1954''. Findings of Fact Sec. 2. The Congress hereby finds and declares that the Communist Party of the United States, although purportedly a political party, is in fact an instrumentality of a conspiracy to overthrow the Government of the United States. It constitutes an authoritarian dictatorship within a republic, demanding for itself the rights and privileges accorded to political parties, but denying to all others the liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. Unlike political parties, which evolve their policies and programs through public means, by the reconciliation of a wide variety of individual views, and submit those policies and programs to the electorate at large for approval or disapproval, the policies and programs of the Communist Party are secretly prescribed for it by the foreign leaders of the world Communist movement. Its members have no part in determining its goals, and are not permitted to voice dissent to party objectives. Unlike members of political parties, members of the Communist Party are recruited for indoctrination with respect to its objectives and methods, and are organized, instructed, and disciplined to carry into action slavishly the assignments given them by their hierarchical chieftains. Unlike political parties, the Communist Party acknowledges no constitutional or statutory limitations upon its conduct or upon that of its members. The Communist Party is relatively small numerically, and gives scant indication of capacity ever to attain its ends by lawful political means. The peril inherent in its operation arises not from its numbers, but from its failure to acknowledge any limitation as to the nature of its activities, and its dedication to the proposition that the present constitutional Government of the United States ultimately must be brought to ruin by any available means, including resort to force and violence. Holding that doctrine, its role as the agency of a hostile foreign power renders its existence a clear present and continuing danger to the security of the United States. It is the means whereby individuals are seduced into the service of the world Communist movement, trained to do its bidding, and directed and controlled in the conspiratorial performance of their revolutionary services. Therefore, the Communist Party should be outlawed. THE PEOPLE WHO WROTE THIS HAVE BEEN SO INDOCTRINATED THAT THEY THINK ANY OTHER WAY OF THINKINGOTHER THAN BEING OBEDIENT SLAVES TO CAPITALIST MASTERS IS BEING INDOCTRIATED.COMMUNISM IS ABOUT AN EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH SUCH AS HAVING REAL ESTATE, AND THE MEANSOF PRODUCTION OWNED BY THE STATE INSTEAD OF BEING OWNED BY A FEW EXTREMELY RICH INDIVIDUALS.THE AUTHORS OF THIS U.S. LAW SEEM TO THINK THAT ANY SORT OF ORGANIZATION IN A POLITIC SYSTEM ISCORRUPTION TO BE AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS. IN THIS CASE ALL POLITIC SYSTEMS, MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS,AND ALL GOVERNMENTS MUST BE ABOLISHED.THE OBVIOUS GOAL OF THIS LAW WAS TO ENSURE THE FEW EXTREMELY RICH OWNERS OF THE U.S. CONTINUE TOHAVE NO OPPOSTION AND ARE FREE TO PERSUE THEIR ONLY GOAL; TO BECOME EVEN RICHER AT THE EXPENSEOF THE WORKING PEOPLE OF THE U.S. AND OF OTHER NATIONS. Proscribed Organizations Sec. 3. The Communist Party of the United States, or any successors of such party regardless of the assumed name, whose object or purpose is to overthrow the Government of the United States, or the government of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein by force and violence, are not entitled to any of the rights, privileges, and immunities attendant upon legal bodies created under the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof; and whatever rights, privileges, and immunities which have heretofore been granted to said party or any subsidiary organization by reason of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof, are hereby terminated: Provided, however, That nothing in this section shall be construed as amending the Internal Security Act of 1950, as amended. HERE THE AUTHORS UNWITTINGLY ADMIT THAT THEY BELIEVE THAT ANY OPPOSITION TO THE RICH OWNERSOF THE U.S. HAVING COMPLETE AND UNCHALLENGED CONTROL OF THE U.S. ARE OUT TO OVERTHROW THEGOVERNMENT OF THE U.S..THE RICH ARE SO POSSESSIVE OF THEIR MONEY THEY HIRE DIMWITS TO DEFEND THEIR POSITIONS. THEY KNOWTHEY CAN ALWAYS HIRE GOONS TO PUT AN END TO THEIR OPPOSITION IF THEY BECOME TOO WORRISOME. Sec. 4. Whoever knowingly and willfully becomes or remains a member of (1) the Communist Party, or (2) any other organization having for one of its purposes or objectives the establishment, control conduct, seizure, or overthrow of the Government of the United States, or the government of any State or political subdivision thereof, by the use of force or violence, with knowledge of thepurpose or objective of such organization shall be subject to all the provisions and penalties of the Internal Security Act of 1950, as amended, as a member of a ''Communist-action'' organization. (b) For the purposes of this section, the term ''Communist Party'' means the organization now known as the Communist Party of the United States of America, the Communist Party of any State or subdivision thereof, and any unit or subdivision of any such organization, whether or not any change is hereafter made in the name thereof. IN OTHER WORDS, IF YOU'RE NOT A COMPLIANT STOOGE OF CAPITALISM YOU ARE A TERRORIST BENT ON THEOVERTHROW OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT.THE OWNERS OF THE U.S. CLAIM ALL COMMUNISTS HAVE THE SOLE PURPOSE OF OVERTHROWING THE U.S. BUTIT IS THE U.S. THAT HAS USED FORCE AND VIOLENCE TO OVERTHROW OTHER GOVERNMENTS.OVER ONE MILLION VIETNAMESE KILLED FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN CHOOSING COMMUNISM.SINCE THE U.S. LOST THE VIETNAM WAR THE RICH OWNERS OF THE U.S. HAVE DECLARED WAR ON THEIR OWN WORKING CLASS.THE RICH HAVE GIVEN THEMSELVES MASSIVE TAX BREAKS WHILE SADDLING THE WORKING CLASS WITH OVER 16 TRILLIONDOLLARS IN DEBT. Sec. 5. In determining membership or participation in the Communist Party or any other organization defined in this Act, or knowledge of the purpose or objective of such party or organization, the jury, under instructions from the court, shall consider evidence, if presented, as to whether the accused person: (1) Has been listed to his knowledge as a member in any book or any of the lists, records, correspondence, or any other document of the organization; (2) Has made financial contribution to the organization in dues, assessments, loans, or in any other form; (3) Has made himself subject to the discipline of the organization in any form whatsoever; (4) Has executed orders, plans, or directives of any kind of the organization; (5) Has acted as an agent, courier, messenger, correspondent, organizer, or in any other capacity in behalf of the organization; (6) Has conferred with officers or other members of the organization in behalf of any plan or enterprise of the organization; (7) Has been accepted to his knowledge as an officer or member of the organization or as one to be called upon for services by other officers or members of the organization; (8) Has written, spoken or in any other way communicated by signal, semaphore, sign, or in any other form of communication orders, directives, or plans of the organization; (9) Has prepared documents, pamphlets, leaflets, books, or any other type of publication in behalf of the objectives and purposes of the organization; (10) Has mailed, shipped, circulated, distributed, delivered, or in any other way sent or delivered to others material or propaganda of any kind in behalf of the organization; (11) Has advised, counseled or in any other way imparted information, suggestions, recommendations to officers or members of the organization or to anyone else in behalf of the objectives of the organization; (12) Has indicated by word, action, conduct, writing or in any other way a willingness to carry out in any manner and to any degree the plans, designs, objectives, or purposes of the organization; (13) Has in any other way participated in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of the organization; (14) The enumeration of the above subjects of evidence on membership or participation in the Communist Party or any other organization as above defined, shall not limit the inquiry into and consideration of any other subject of evidence on membership and participation as herein stated. THIS ACT BECOMING LAW HAS MANY PARALLELS TO THE Kristallnacht OF NAZI GERMANY, 1938.BY 1954 THE WORLD WAS WATCHING THE U.S. AND THE SOVIETS AND THE REST OF THE WORLD WOULD NOT HAVEALLOWED COMMUNISTS IN THE U.S. TO BE GATHERED AND EXTERMINATED. OTHER THAN THAT EXCEPTION THEREIS LITTLE DIFFERENCE. COMMUNISM WAS OUTLAWED IN THE U.S. AND COMMUNISTS HAD TO GO UNDERGROUND. Subversive Activities Control Act Amendment Sec. 6. Subsection 5 (a) (1) of the Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 784) is amended by striking out the period at the end thereof and inserting lieu thereof a semicolon and the following: ''or ''(E) to hold office or employment with any labor organization, as that term is defined in section 2 (5) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended (29 U. S. C. 152), or to represent any employer in any matter or proceeding arising or pending under that Act.'' TIGHTENING THE NOOSE ON COMMUNISTS. Communist-Infiltrated Organizations Sec. 7. (a) Section 3 of the Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 (50 U. S. C. 782) is amended by inserting, immediately after paragraph (4) thereof, the following new paragraph: ''(4A) The term 'Communist-infiltrated organization' means any organization in the United States(other than a Communist-action organization or a Communist-front organization) which (A) is substantially directed, dominated, or controlled by an individual or individuals who are, or who within three years have been actively engaged in, giving aid or support to a Communist- action organization, a Communist foreign government, or the world Communist movement referred to in section 2 of this title, and (B) is serving, or within three years has served, as a means for (i) the giving of aid or support to any such organization, government, or movement, or (ii) the impairment of the military strength of the United States or its industrial capacity to furnish logistical or other material support required by its Armed Forces: Provided, however, That any labor organization which is an affiliate in good standing of a national federation or other labor organization whose policies and activities have been directed to opposing Communist organizations, any Communist foreign government, or the world Communist movement, shall be presumed prima facie not to be a 'Communist-infiltrated organization'.'' (b) Paragraph (5) of such section is amended to read as follows: ''(5) The term 'Communist organization' means any Communist-action organization, Communist-front organization, or Communist-infiltrated organization.'' (c) Subsections 5 (c) and 6 (c) of such Act are repealed. Sec. 8. (a) Section 10 of such Act (50 U. S. C. 789) is amended by inserting, immediately after the words ''final order of the Board requiring it to register under section 7'', the words ''or determining that it is a Communist-infiltrated organization''. (b) Subsections (a) and (b) of section 11 of such Act (50 U. S. C. 790) are amended by inserting immediately preceding the period at the end of each such subsection, the following: ''or determining that it is a Communist-infiltrated organization''. Sec. 9. (a) Subsection 12 (e) of such Act (50 U. S. C. 791) is amended by- (1) striking out the period at the end thereof and inserting in lieu thereof a semicolon and the word ''and''; and (2) inserting at the end thereof the following new paragraph: ''(3) upon any application made under subsection (a) or subsection (b) of section 13A of this title, to determine whether any organization is a Communist-infiltrated organization.'' (b) The section caption to section 13 of such Act (50 U. S. C. 792) is amended to read as follows: ''Registration Proceedings before the Board''. Sec. 10. Such Act is amended by inserting, immediately after section 13 thereof, the following new section: ''Proceedings with Respect to Communist-Infiltrated Organizations ''Sec. 13A. (a) Whenever the Attorney General has reason to believe that any organization is a Communist-infiltrated organization, he may file with the Board and serve upon such organization a petition for a determination that such organization is a Communist-infiltrated organization. In any proceeding so instituted, two or more affiliated organizations may be named as joint respondents. Whenever any such petition is accompanied by a certificate of the Attorney General to the effect that the proceeding so instituted is one of exceptional public importance, such proceeding shall be set for hearing at the earliest possible time and all proceedings therein before the Board or any court shall be expedited to the greatest practicable extent. ''(b) Any organization which has been determined under this section to be a Communist- infiltrated organization may, within six months after such determination, file with the Board and serve upon the Attorney General a petition for a determination that such organization no longer is a Communist- infiltrated organization. ''(c) Each such petition shall be verified under oath, and shall contain a statement of the facts relied upon in support thereof. Upon the filing of any such petition, the Board shall serve upon each party to such proceeding a notice specifying the time and place for hearing upon such petition. No such hearing shall be conducted within twenty days after the service of such notice. ''(d) The provisions of subsections (c) and (d) of section 13 shall apply to hearings conducted under this section, except that upon the failure of any organization named as a party in any petition filed by or duly served upon it pursuant to this section to appear at any hearing upon such petition, the Board may conduct such hearing in the absence of such organization and may enter such order under this section as the Board shall determine to be warranted by evidence presented at such hearing. ''(e) In determining whether any organization is a Communist-infiltrated organization, the Board shall consider- ''(1) to what extent, if any, the effective management of the affairs of such organization is conducted by one or more individuals who are, or within two years have been, (A) members, agents, or representatives of any Communist organization, and Communist foreign government, or the world Communist movement referred to in section 2 of this title, with knowledge of the nature and purpose thereof, or (B) engaged in giving aid or support to any such organization, government, or movement with knowledge of the nature and purpose thereof; ''(2) to what extent, if any, the policies of such organization are, or within three years have been, formulated and carried out pursuant to the direction or advice of any member, agent or representative of any such organization, government, or movement; ''(3) to what extent, if any, the personnel and resources of such organization are, or within three years have been, used to further or promote the objectives of any such Communist organization, government, or movement; ''(4) to what extent, if any, such organization within three years has received from, or furnished to or for the use of, any such Communist organization, government, or movement any funds or other material assistance; ''(5) to what extent, if any, such organization is, or within three years has been, affiliated in any way with any such Communist organization, government, or movement; ''(6) to what extent, if any, the affiliation of such organization, or of any individual or individuals who are members thereof or who manage its affairs, with any such Communist organization, government, or movement is concealed from or is not disclosed to the membership of such organization; and ''(7) to what extent, if any, such organization or any of its members or managers are, or within three years have been, knowingly engaged- ''(A) in any conduct punishable under section 4 or 15 of this Act or under chapter 37, 105, or 115 of title 18 of the United States Code; or ''(B) with intent to impair the military strength of the United States or its industrial capacity to furnish logistical or other support required by its armed forces, in any activity resulting in or contributing to any such impairment. ''(f) After hearing upon any petition filed under this section, the Board shall (1) make a support in writing in which it shall state its findings as to the facts and its conclusions with respect to the issues presented by such petition, (2) enter its order granting or denying the determination sought by such petition, and (3) serve upon each party to the proceeding a copy of such order. Any order granting any determination on the question whether any organization is a Communist-infiltrated organization shall become final as provided in section 14 (b) of this Act. ''(g) When any order has been entered by the Board under this section with respect to any labor organization or employer (as these terms are defined by section 2 of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, and which are organizations within the meaning of section 3 of the Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950), the Board shall serve a true and correct copy of such order upon the National Labor Relations Board and shall publish in the Federal Register a statement of the substance of such order and its effective date. ''(h) When there is in effect a final order of the Board determining that any such labor organization is a Communist-action organization, a Communist-front organization, or a Communist- infiltrated organization, such labor organization shall be ineligible to- ''(1) act as representative of any employee within the meaning or for the purposes of section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended (29 U.S.C. 157); ''(2) serve as an exclusive representative of employees of any bargaining unit under section 9 of such Act, as amended (29 U.S.C. 159); ''(3) make, or obtain any hearing upon, any charge under section 10 of such Act (29 U.S.C. 160); or ''(4) exercise any other right or privilege, or receive any other benefit, substantive or procedural, provided by such Act for labor organizations. ''(i) When an order of the Board determining that any such labor organization is a Communist-infiltrated organization has become final, and such labor organization theretofore has been certified under the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, as a representative of employees in any bargaining unit- ''(1) a question of representation affecting commerce, within the meaning of section 9 (c) of such Act, shall be deemed to exist with respect to such bargaining unit; and ''(2) the National Labor Relations Board, upon petition of not less than 20 per centum of the employees in such bargaining unit or any person or persons acting in their behalf, shall under section 9 of such Act (notwithstanding any limitation of time contained therein) direct elections in such bargaining unit or any subdivision thereof (A) for the selection of a representative thereof for collective bargaining purposes, and (B) to determine whether the employees thereof desire to rescind any authority previously granted to such labor organization to enter into any agreement with their employer pursuant to section 8 (a) (3) (ii) of such Act. ''(j) When there is in effect a final order of the Board determining that any such employer is a Communist-infiltrated organization, such employer shall be ineligible to- ''(1) file any petition for an election under section 9 of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended (29 U.S.C. 157), or participate in any proceeding under such section; or ''(2) make or obtain any hearing upon any charge under section 10 of such Act (29 U.S.C. 160); or ''(3) exercise any other right or privilege or receive any other benefit, substantive or procedural, provided by such Act for employers.'' Sec. 11. Subsections (a) and (b) of section 14 of such Act (50 U.S.C. 793) are amended by inserting in each such subsection, immediately after the words ''section 13'', a comma and the following: ''or subsection (f) of section 13A,''. Sec. 12. If any provision of this title or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the title, and the application of such provisions to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby. Approved August 24, 1954, 9:40 a.m., M.S.T.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUST A LOT OF NONSENSE ADDED TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO CALL ANYONE A COMMUNIST WHO ISN'T A COMPLIANTSTOOGE OF CAPITALISM.IN THE U.S. IT IS MADE CLEAR FROM KINDERGARTEN ON THAT COMMUNISM IS THE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS EVIL WHILETHE RICH OWNERS OF THE U.S. ARE THE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD. THIS IS THE INDOCTRINATION PROVIDEDBY THE WESTERN IMPERIALISTS, THE RICH OWNERS OF THE U.S. AND OTHER ASSORTED CRIMINALS WHO DO NOTWANT THEIR UNFAIR ADVANTAGE TAKEN AWAY. NEVER MIND THAT CAPITALISM PROVIDES A MEANS FOR THE RICH TO CONTINUE TO GET RICHER AND KEEP THE POORFOREVER SUBJUGATED WHILE COMMUNISM PROVIDES A MEANS FOR THE PEOPLE WHO DO THE WORLD'S WORK TO ENJOYAN EQUITABLE SHARE OF THE GOODS THEIR WORK PRODUCES, FREE FROM CAPITALIST PARASITES.IN SHORT, A CAPITALIST GOVERNMENT IS THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RICH,A COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT IS THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE.