

2015-11-09 Congruitism

A practical implementation of socialism, communism, and other equitable social and economic systems.

An introduction to congruitism.

Until anarchy is a fair, viable, and peaceful possibility for the human race, congruitism is the best possible
social system. This being the case a strong government is necessary to keep the order and to provide the framework
for a peaceful, and thriving society. This is what congruitism is designed to do.

What is congruitism?

Let's start with the definition of congruous.

1. a: being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence
1. b: conforming to the circumstances or requirements of a situation : appropriate
2. a: marked or enhanced by harmonious agreement among constituent elements

The result of an incongruous society is confusion, greed, inequity, violence, and mistrust.

What could be more incongruous than 85 people having as much wealth as the lower half of the human race.
That's 85 versus 3,400,000,000. This is what feudalism have brought mankind. Today feudalism has become
capitalism but the same structure exists. About the only difference is the very small number of feudal elite
were owners of land and resources. The very small number of capitalist elite are owners of not only land and
resources but of factories and banks which print, or otherwise create, money at the whim of the elite.
Karl Marx called this "the means of production".
Another example of incongruity in today's world the idolization of billionaires.
What billionaire worked 20,000 times longer or harder than the average worker for each of those billions?
None of them of course.

Some examples of social systems that offer more in the way of congruity are socialism and communism.
Both share the same objectives as congruitism. All three promote a more fair and equitable society.
It is not the purpose of this website to go over old ground and spell out exactly what communism and
socialism are. Both have been documented well enough and both have been interpreted in many ways.
Some interpretations are so totally inaccurate they constitute a direct and deliberate attack on communism.

It is the objective of capitalists to demonize any social system that would compete. In more extreme cases
capitalists have resorted to genocide to further their hold on mankind. The Vietnam war is a case in point.
Today countries with competing social systems have nuclear deterrence so the capitalists are less likely to
resort to genocide to further their cause. They have recently relied more on their massive propaganda campaigns
rather than genocide. Western imperialism and capitalism go hand in hand. It is hard to differentiate
between the two. During the past 500 years the Europeans have used genocide to steal away three continents
from the native inhabitants. Somewhere along the way feudalism gave way to capitalism. Again, these two are
hard to differentiate. Technology has bridged the gap between the two in terms of practical distinctions.

Let's start with a brief description of the differences between congruitism and capitalism.

- Congruitism is based on collective effort dependent on cooperation and mutual respect.

- Capitalism is a greed based system where ruthless competition is encouraged over cooperation.

The goal of congruitism is for everyone to contribute according to their abilities and for everyone to be
provided the basic needs of a decent life. The rewards of work are commensurate with contributions to society.
In the past communism and socialism relied primarily on taxes along with wage and price controls to try and
achieve an equitable society. Unfortunately the tools have not existed to implement these in a practical way.
The capitalists were always there to corrupt any attempt by communists and socialists to form a more equitable
society. Taxes could always be avoided through devious means. Wages and prices could always be skewed by the
capitalists favorite economic weapon, the law of supply and demand. This isn't really a law or principle at all.
It is extortion made possible by organized gangs of capitalist schemers. Capitalism is corruption with procedures.
It really is that simple. You can indulge in long winded debates but it always boils down to this simple truth.
Capitalism is corruption proceduralized.

With capitalism the most aggressive and ruthless accumulate the most resources and then use this advantage to
accumulate even more resources. The obvious effect of this is to concentrate more and more resources to fewer
and fewer people. The vast majority of people are left behind and have to cater to the lucky few and hope for
"some crumbs from the table". This is how 85 people ended up with as much wealth as the lower one half
(3,400,000,000) of the world's population.

Congruitism is a framework that allows a more advanced social system to work.

Whether that more advanced social system is called communism, socialism, or congruitism.. it doesn't matter.
A framework needs to be put in place that allows a more advanced social system to thrive.
Up to this point the prevailing capitalist governments would use any means necessary to prevent communism
from gaining acceptance as an alternate form of government. This will no longer work. The information age
renders the capitalists use of indoctrination from kindergarten through graduate school ineffective.
People no longer believe that simply serving the rich will bring them satisfying lives. Trying to kill off
communism by use of war was a total disaster for the USA and their allies. It is unlikely any nation, no matter
how reactionary, would try that again.

This website is a work on progress. As time passes more will be revealed about the practical implementation of
congruitism. Just as the information age marches on, so will the inevitability of congruitism.


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