

Naive youth easily fooled
2014-09-30 Occupy Wallstreet protesters were working to free themselves from the tyranny and slavery of what is sold as democracy.
Democracy in today's world is letting the rich become even richer at the expense of everyone else by offering a
limited selection of candidates who are all bought and paid for by the rich. The elections don't matter. Whoever
is elected will continue to serve the rich. If he or she doesn't they will be dealt with accordingly. Accidents,
scandals, exposed corruption, personal defects.. they all are convenient methods for removing an unruly stooge
who fails to support those who put him in office in the first place.
The propagandists from the west have continually stated but have never allowed to be proven "communism is not
possible because of human frailty". So far they have invaded nations attempting communism and killed those who
promoted communism and tirelessly spread lies about communism and put sanctions on communist nations.
The rich capitalist will do anything including murder to try and prove that communism is not possible.

On the other hand the protesters in Hong Kong are working to become enslaved to rich capitalist masters.
It has been proven time and again in the west that democracy is not possible because of human frailty.
The rich become richer and more powerful and elections become meaningless exercises where there is no real choice.
The only choice is which talking head you would rather hear until the next election. Nothing changes except the
rich getting richer.
The exuberant youth in Hong Kong can hardly be blamed for thinking democracy actually takes place in a world where
the obscenely rich own entire nations that claim to be democracies. The rich are well practiced in selling their scam.
In the U.S. their job is made effortless due to the indoctrination of all citizens since entering kindergarten.
In Hong Kong there are still many people who were spared the indoctrination of western education and these
protests will fizzle as the naive youth return to their iPhones and dating games.
Those who control the monetary system, control the elections. It will never change. Democracy is not possible.
It is far better to work toward the future and the future is communism. No amount of killing will change that.
It is better that everybody be given a decent living than for a few to become obscenely rich at the expense
of everyone else. Mankind will progress despite the best efforts western nations owned by a few rich capitalists.
Listen to the news. Next will be western propagandists listing heroes who became victims of the very government
the west is trying to overthrow. Try to overthrow a government and then blame that government for defending itself.
The west is becoming very predictable. They no longer are capable of military victories so they turn to subversion
and propaganda. The fall of the west is not only predictable but pathetic.


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