

One Foreigner’s View of the West, China and the Hopeless it AttractsListen carefully and you can hear the western mass indoctrinated squealing. Ironically, a half century ago the west produced the same shrieks against Communist China and the old USSR. Conversely, as the west heads into the same fantasy utopian beliefs, China and Russia having learned their lesson, head back into traditional values and capitalism. Moreover, predictions are that China will have a higher Christian population than the US by 2030 (The Telegraph), an urban middle class of 76% by 2022 (Business Insider) and a current Q3 GDP of 6.8% (CNBC, 2017). As empires rise and fall, is it now the turn of China to become the new "American dream"? The west? Despite its first world status, things aren’t looking good for the majority, which to the embarrassment of the rest of us, is why a vocal minority hopeless came to China, didn’t you. The Power of Persuasion "I believe in nothing and am tolerant of everything." Away from the western 24/7 media propaganda, does its influence still pursue us on the other side of the world? Nearly a decade following the biggest recession since the 1930s, is the Chinese economy going to collapse tomorrow, or next week at the latest? Did the Chinese sell the west affordable products that their own manufacturers, taxed to death with red tape, couldn’t? Has the Chinese GDP at above 6% for the past decade been a stroke of luck? Yet what about the we, the far flung across the world, who saw the great recession approaching and got out before it became fashionable to do so. Do we still believe that a deadly cocktail of additives is "finger lickin’ good", or continue to believe that nearly thirty years after the collapse of the USSR, Russia is about to invade Europe – repeated annually ad nauseam? Or that the Russians elected Trump, or that the Chinese are building an island in the South China Sea to control the world? Is that the reason both China and Russia remain surrounded by the US and NATO and for most of us, having experienced these countries, do we really still believe all the western propaganda? Do we really yearn to see homosexuals marching on the streets of Beijing, or Antifa riots in Moscow, or congratulate western politicians for producing welfare dependency, instead of work? Is this the lack of ‘freedom’ in China of which a minority of disgruntled foreigners complain about? Follow the Yellow Brick Road "Where should I go?" - Alice. "That depends on where you want to end up." - The Cheshire Cat." Despite a multitude of beliefs and opinions, some facts remain. One is that there are many stupid people in the world. Another is that Asia attracts them like a magnet, a toxic combination of western beliefs and foreseen consequences. From the millennial geniuses who thought they didn’t need a work permit to teach, to the starry eyed gullible who came for the adventure and onto the minority who believed Asia was the modern day equivalent of the old US gold rush … As Beijing continues the mass deportations, the beliefs of the desperate, the alcoholics and the back packing party animals turns to reality and with it, a guaranteed return to the western welfare utopia, or a minimum wage. Consequently, it’s from here that reality produces sticking out the tongue and there follows an embarrassed minute’s silence, as memories coming flooding back of that final wait at the airport, one-way ticket in hand … It is not a character defect to fail at anything, it’s a life lesson that equal opportunities do not equal outcomes, there is no equality and further, helps dispel the western myth of, "reach for the sky" and "you can be anything you want." "China has a big problem with fake foreign teachers estimated to now be one-third of all the foreign teachers working in China […] In fact, many were unemployed and a few hundred even have criminal records." - Deputy Administrator Song – SAFEA.Societies outside the west are not designer made to reflect individual preferences. Ordinarily, the majority come to China and succeed, a minority, for whatever reason and invariably because of their own fault, do not. Individual character, self-dependency and the ability to adapt also reflect highly in any outcome, plus the knowledge and understanding to obey the host country immigration laws. If you lack these basic abilities, China was never intended for you. Furthermore, bashing a whole country requires a comparison against which to judge and that’s sadly lacking in a minority of failed social justice warriors. What led you to China? Is it what you expected and on hindsight, would you do it again? Related reading: http://www.businessinsider.com/these-6-corporations-control-90-of-the-media-in-america-2012-6 http://changemyworld.forumotion.com/t6-tefl-job-seekinghttp://opnlttr.com/letter/chinas-10000-fake-foreign-english-tefl-teachers-being-exposed-name-photos-and-then-arrested


Hi all, I’ll leave this up for a while before removing it. As a relatively new poster, I’m already on my way out and will leave just a few of my old blogs here. If they start to get damaged in any way, or the abuse continues, I’ll wipe my whole board clean. This is a dangerous place to those of us with nothing to hide and willing to come out into the open with full profiles and personal photos. I’m now reverting to anonymity, like the vast majority here. I thought CD as a reputable name would also contain above board posters. Having met anonymous seneca and his tag team partner coralbay, (or are they the same person), China bashing, baiting, fishing for information, disrupting and thread trolling, with accusations of my being in China illegally, having a sordid background, or being a paedophile. (I still have the screenshot) and no moderation, I’ve had enough. Looking through various threads, I’m not alone in my criticism of these anonymous, pretend teachers. Deportees, ex-illegals, drug involvement, or those with an agenda? Who knows. I’ve already been verified by the PSB and SAFEA, without the need for further information seeking by anonymous China bashers sitting back in the west, whose grammar often doesn’t even sound as if they’re native English speaking. Also, partly my fault as I should have known better than to get involved with trolls. I think it’s best I start to distance myself from a forum where there’s no way to personally stop this kind of disgraceful behaviour. Is this a result of my having criticised the same scam like organisation CD’s editor Craig Hill criticised on another forum, with the same abuse and defamation he got, or is it just behaviour allowed on a forum with lax moderation? My resume is out there, I’m on LinkedIn and I’m easy to find. No one has to fish, I’m ex-forces, mental health management and British Telecom, with a UK Master’s in criminology, a valid residency visa and work in Northern China. Well, that turned into a bit of a rant, didn’t it. No apologies though and something that I’m glad to get off my chest and bring out into the open. Having said all that, I understand some wish to remain anonymous for whatever reason, but they shouldn’t be the ones shouting the loudest at those who don’t. To the good people I’ve met here, my best wishes to you all and let’s all be a little more kind to a country that has provided us the opportunities we’ve found here, instead of listening to those few hiding anonymously behind their keyboards and bashing China and its supporters at every opportunity. Get rid of the foreign failures here, start to moderate properly and I’m sure you’ll have a lot more posters join you. :)


Private v StateI can’t understand how anyone can teach in private 'schools', which is why employment there generally depends on the teachers popularity, ability to 'perform' and the office politics of 'fitting in'. "Although Michael is from Austria, the school that hires him tells his students that he’s American because they prefer a native speaker. Sometimes he forgets whether he told a student he was from Connecticut, or Chicago. Michael was hired without any previous teaching experience and given no training. Just thrown into a room with students and told, "go teach."If you put together a dozen people of differing abilities and you have one lesson plan, some are going to drop out because it’s too easy and some because it’s too difficult. Chinese state schools stream (I have 60 students in each class) with none of this, 'learn at your own pace' and 'self-discovery' nonsense, yet of course I adapt the lesson plan according to each of the four grades I have. East v West "In Shanghai, the average 15-year old mathematics student is performing at a level two to three years above his or her counterpart in Australia, the U.S., and Europe [..] That has profound consequences. As economic power is shifting from West to East, high performance in education is too." Life outside the safe space school environment consists of more than learning txt speak and following Lady Gaga on twitter and is why the east now outperforms western education in just about every field."China's education system is the envy of many Western governments, who are keen to replicate the nation's high test scores and levels of discipline in their own schools."I do rote and added Activity Based-Learning (ABL); you can’t beat it and if someone can’t keep up, they go into the lower grades. Rote to prepare for exams and ABL to keep an interest. I consider myself fortunate to have been schooled in an era before human rights and politics came into the classroom. Here’s an interesting look at the differences between Chinese state education and that of the UK. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3183310/Rude-bone-idle-cosseted-welfare-state-Chinese-teachers-damning-verdict-schoolchildren.html "Rude, bone idle... and cosseted by the welfare state! Chinese teachers' damning verdict on British children after spending a month in UK classrooms."


It’s often said that if Mao was alive today he’d shoot half of capitalist China and indeed he would. What he would and did shoot is the capitalist wealth creation economic system which enables an estimated 60% of urban Chinese to become middle class by 2022, up from 4% in 2000 (Business Insider) and a government that keep the excesses in check. What would remain is the type of cultural revolution that the west is now engaged in and the inevitable economic disaster that goes with it. Making mistakes is optional, learning from them is compulsory. No country on earth has ever socially engineered equality and the latest one that tried, Venezuela, also went the same way. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/starving-venezuelans-giving-away-children-survive-economic-crisis-a7479756.html If the economic vultures of Wall Street and European Union Commissioners ever get an influence in China, the economy will collapse overnight. http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/could-the-financial-crisis-erupting-in-ireland-portugal-greece-and-spain-lead-to-the-end-of-the-euro-and-the-break-up-of-the-european-union As the American middle class collapses, China’s booms. http://money.cnn.com/2015/10/14/news/economy/china-middle-class-growing/ 'I believe in nothing and am tolerant of everything!' Despite the efforts of so called western sponsored 'democracy movements', is this the type of 'freedom' China’s increasingly Americanised millennial generation doesn’t understand? China and Capitalism


Teaching illegally in ChinaFollowing the recent crackdown on foreign teachers by SAFEA and the PSB; the issues again throw open the question of who should be here and who not. In March 2017, Deputy Administrator Song of China’s SAFEA bureau (State Administration Foreign Expert Affairs) in their Beijing HQ office, openly admitted that "China has a big problem with fake foreign teachers estimated to be one-third of all foreign teachers working in China." Consequently, China is not alone in this situation, as outside the west the majority of countries oppose a globalised world, sans borders. "Good guys in, bad guys out." Pol Lt. Gen Proosoontorn, Immigration Bureau Commissioner, Thailand. "Some 11.193,289 immigrants are living in Russia illegally. We are searching for them and expel them from the country as we find them." Dmitry Demidenko, Federal Migration Service, Russia.There is no ambiguity, racism or malice involved. The rules are quite simple; if engaged in the dishonest practices of fraud, deception, or overstay, those involved will eventually find themselves arrested and deported. Why is that difficult to understand? Wouldn’t the same consequences follow in your own country? Certainly, recruiters share a degree of responsibility, yet if joining in the conspiracy of fraud, why seek to deflect the blame for dishonest intentions? Likewise, the feigned surprise and often excuse of not knowing the rules because "someone said [...]" Really? Supposedly educated teachers, yet dim to the extent of being unable to tell the difference between an F or Z visa, or that buying a diploma equals dishonesty? Nevertheless, it’s impossible to be a bit dishonest, or technically at fault if someone knows what they’re doing is illegal, in the same way that the excuse of a tiny bit of drug for personal use, is a tiny bit too much. Into this toxic mix appear the legions of scam 'patrols', 'busters' and 'unions', all blaming recruiters and aghast at the number of arrests and deportations. Meanwhile, the website links exposing fraudulent recruiters grow ever longer, perhaps not realising that they exist as a result of the large numbers willing to participate in the lucrative market of supply and demand. What exactly is the point, other than to indicate the obvious? Once exposed, a simple switch of 'phone numbers and an email address ensures it continues. Yet others busily engage in the in-fighting, blaming competitor sites of being disguised as fraudulent recruiters themselves and issuing warnings against the warnings. The manipulative joining ranks to advise the gullible?There isn’t a market for false documents to those who already posses legitimate ones and the Chinese scams and foreign fraud only exist because of the steady influx of those who don’t. Why is it happening, as all scream 'beware', yet beware of what? Remaining simple to understand and without engaging in semantics: If you don’t have the correct qualifications to be a teacher, doctor, engineer or any other profession and the matching required paperwork, don’t work in China, or anywhere else for that matter. If you posses the qualifications and the correct documents, there is no fear of arrest and the chances of meeting these fraudulent bottom end recruiters will remain minimal. Remove the correlation and the scams will disappear with them. China can only stand to gain from the genuinely educated flooding out of Europe and coming here and throughout Asia to escape the political, social and economic chaos in the west. Yet there is also a lesson here for China and that is that those who engage in fraudulent practices remain a minority. Don’t let this develop into anti-foreigner xenophobia, or a paranoid witch hunt for supposed spies (teachers are generally not affiliated with NGOs). The vast majority do have the qualifications and try to understand that especially among the younger western generation already indoctrinated with individualism, nihilism and hedonism all of which reflects in their initial behaviour, they do eventually settle down and join the majority rest of the human race outside the west.If you have no degree and no experience, you will invariably find yourself at the bottom end of language ‘schools‘, in a sea of two legged sharks and invariably from where the tales of scams and immigration problems arise.Have a nice day and a pleasant stay.The six 'ifs' 1. If you can’t obtain a job at McDonald’s on a minimum wage in your home country, using false documents to pretend you’re a professional in another is not the answer to your problems. 2. If you’re from the west, education is not an opportunity to promote your subjective version of democracy or human rights, whilst trying to change the world. Keep your politically correct liberal fascism and the answers to the resulting social chaos where they belong, ditto the often first world arrogance and primarily noticeable in Americans. 3. If you describe yourself as 'culturally aware', put what you say into practise by learning to respect the culture and laws of others and if you’re unable to, at least abide by them for the duration of your stay. 4. If you wish to engage in using, selling drugs or furthering your alcoholism, practice those vices in the west where they’ve become normalised and viewed as a no blame lifestyle choice. 5. If you want to avoid becoming another statistic, start by learning the specified requirements before coming to China. 6. If you want a safe and enjoyable stay, avoid SJW politics and those promoting them, or getting involved in determining what’s right or wrong. If the government want your advice they will ask for it! *Disclaimer* The author is not a recruiter and has no affiliation with any organisation. Further reading by the author: TEFL Job Seeking TEFL Teacher Inner Mongolia


Democracy and propaganda as a political weapon Moral relativism and democratic inequalities ‘’In a global environment where cultural traffic is increasingly all one way, with little variation or dissent, Russia is demonised as a backward and morally inferior society that will be condemned and if necessary punished until it rolls over and agrees to adopt the values of its enlightened critics. So what if many Russian people possess a moral outlook that is different to what prevails in Washington, London or Hollywood? That means little to the double-standard diplomats, who want everyone to embrace their worldview.’’ Furedi, F, 2014, ‘The Infantile Diplomacy Behind Demonising Russia.’ Political Imperialism Regime changes, Arab Springs and invasions litter the recent past of western interference in democratic elections, but only when the outcome does not favour western interests. The U.S. has invaded, occupied or bombed 14 countries in less than 30 yearshttp://www.salon.com/2014/03/08/35_countries_the_u_s_has_backed_international_crime_partner/''35 countries where the U.S. has supported fascists, drug lords and terrorists.''http://www.globalresearch.ca/washington-was-behind-ukraine-coup-obama-admits-that-us-brokered-a-deal-in-support-of-regime-change/5429142Washington Was Behind Ukraine Coup: Obama admits that US “Brokered a Deal” in Support of “Regime Change.'' John McCain U.S. Senator, Victoria Nuland U.S Defence secretary organising the Ukraine Coup d’état. EU foreign affairs Chief Catherine Ashton shakes hands with democratically elected leader Yanukovych in January 2014, whilst plotting a coup to overthrow him and replace him with the western choice, Turchinov John Kerry, inspects protesters barricades in Kiev, Ukraine, Tuesday, March, 4, 2014 Imagine a reversal of the scenario, in which high-ranking government officials from Russia and the European Union were blatantly found to be behind the U.S. Ferguson and Baltimore riots, bringing with them huge sums of money, with the intention of overthrowing an elected U.S. President. The background to Ukrainehttp://www.globalresearch.ca/how-and-why-the-u-s-government-aided-a-coup-led-by-neo-nazis-in-ukraine/5371940’How and Why the U.S. Government Aided a Coup Led by Neo-Nazis in Ukraine ‘’The people of the United States are being deliberately misled and misinformed about the leading role played by the U.S. State Department, intelligence agencies and neoconservative leaders in bringing neo-Nazis to power in Ukraine.’’ 'The Maidan’ (The pro-European ‘orange’) protest movement was launched in Kiev in November 2013 when Ukrainian President Yanukovych rejected a European Union economic plan that would have imposed a harsh austerity regime on Ukraine as the price for admission into the economic sphere dominated by German banks. The U.S. and E.U. backed street protests, supported most fervently by neoconservative elements inside and outside the Obama administration, began when Yanukovych instead accepted a $15 billion loan from Russia and an economic plan that did not require austerity measures, but did include discounted prices for Russian natural gas. The European Union had by then already expanded its influence through southern Europe and the Balkans and now turned eastwards towards southern Russia and its Black sea naval base at Sebastopol. Had the west succeeded in its quest of expansion, this would have left NATO only 400 kms (250 miles) from Moscow. Promising untold western riches to the population, the planned anti-democratic coup succeeded on the 20th of February 2014 and Yanukovych was ousted, replaced with a western puppet regime and Kiev sent in tanks. Putin responded by sending in Russian forces.http://www.globalresearch.ca/american-conquest-by-subversion-victoria-nulands-admits-washington-has-spent-5-billion-to-subvert-ukraine/5367782“American Conquest by Subversion: Victoria Nuland’s Admits Washington Has Spent $5 Billion to “Subvert Ukraine” After three visits to Ukraine in five weeks, Victoria Nuland explains that in the past two decades, the United States has spent five Billion dollars ($5,000,000,000) to subvert Ukraine, and assures her listeners that there are prominent businessmen and government officials who support the US project to tear Ukraine away from its historic relationship with Russia and into the US sphere of interest (via “Europe”). As elsewhere, the rebel forces that overthrew a democratically elected regime became ‘freedom fighters’ and ‘pro-democracy forces’, whilst those who opposed the western engineered coup became ‘terrorists’ and ‘Russian backed insurgents.’ China ‘’It is hardly likely that the US will admit to manipulating the "Occupy Central" movement, just as it will not admit to manipulating other anti-China forces. It sees such activities as justified by "democracy", "freedom", "human rights" and other values.’’ Yiwen, H, 2014, People's Daily Overseas Edition. Regime change Modern western liberal democracy comes at a price. It is unsurprising that it needs to be forced onto unwilling or gullible populations, or that the rest of the world shuns it. No population ever voted for this U.S. "Mental illness disability rates doubled since 1987 and increased six-fold since 1955." Bruce, E L., 28.4.2010, ‘The Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America.’ ‘’According to a study last year by the US Department of Education, 19% of US high school graduates cannot read, 21% of adults read below 5th grade level and that these alarming rates have not changed in the last ten years.’’ Hagopian, J, 2014, ‘The Dumbing Down of America – By Design.’ U.K “Europeans are plagued by mental and neurological illnesses, with almost 165 million people or 38 percent of the population suffering each year from a brain disorder such as depression, anxiety, insomnia or dementia, according to a large new study.’’ Kelland, K, 2011, ‘Nearly 40 percent of Europeans suffer mental illness.’ “One in four adults in England drink to harmful levels, and one in 20 are "dependent drinkers", it said. In England 6,486 people were treated in 2011/12 for abusing these types of drugs, an increase of 39 per cent since 2005/06.’’ Bennett, O, 2013, ‘Society is being destroyed by UK's drink and drug addictions.’ Sweden ‘’In the most socially liberal anti-family country in the world; “Some 220,000 children were living in poverty in Sweden in 2008 and the figure is increasing, a new report from Save the Children Sweden (Rädda Barnen) shows.“ Barnen, R, 2011, ‘Child poverty increases in Sweden: report’ ‘’Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa.’’ Carlqvist, I and Hedegaard, L, 2015, ‘Sweden: Rape Capital of the West’, in Gatestone Institute Germany “Bestiality brothels are said to have alarmingly spread faster than ever due to a new law that makes animal porn illegal but sex with animals legal. So prevalent is the issue of sex with animals that there are now ‘erotic zoos’ one can visit for the purpose of abusing animals, including llamas and goats.“ Koulouris, C, 2013, ‘Bestiality brothels are now the rage in Germany.’ "Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex," reads the booklet regarding 1-3 year olds. The authors rationalize, "The child touches all parts of their father’s body, sometimes arousing him. The father should do the same." Weston, J-H, (2007) in "Love, Body and Playing Doctor" by the German Federal Health Education Centre, (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung - BZgA).


From Cuba to the Ukraine and onto the South China Sea dispute. Is the U.S. making a fatal error in presuming that Russia and China are the same post- war devastated countries of half a century ago? A brief history explaining the reasons behind U.S. antagonism. Round one Confidence is high (Cuba) https://www.lewrockwell.com/2012/10/eric-margolis/thirteen-days-that-shook-the-world-and-nearly-ended-it/ ‘The Pentagon urged a full-scale U.S. invasion of Cuba, backed by massive naval and air power. Fortunately, the U.S. military was not allowed to invade Cuba: Unknown at the time, Soviet troops there were authorized to use 100 tactical nuclear weapons against any invading force and their bases in South Florida.' Cuba The background http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eric-margolis/who-really-won-the-cuban-missile-crisis_b_1981613.html Following the failed overthrow in the ‘Bay of Pigs’ fiasco in 1961 (1,300 CIA trained and funded Cuban exiles), Castro was wary of another invasion attempt and invited Russian missiles into Cuba. Meanwhile, the U.S. had installed nuclear missiles in both Turkey and Italy in 1961. Russia saw this as an opportunity to place its own missiles in America’s own back yard. At that time, all Kennedy’s advisors, including Secretary of defence McNamara and Vice President Johnson, advocated an American invasion of Cuba, which would have guaranteed a nuclear war. With both sides set on a collision course, on the 26 October 1962, a personal letter to Kennedy arrived from Khrushchev; in it Khrushchev offered a deal. If America would withdraw its missiles from Turkey and Italy and give a cast iron guarantee not to invade Cuba, Russia would turn its ships around and withdraw the missiles from Cuba. Kennedy accepted and both sides saved face with neither having to back down. A CBS broadcast on the 28th of October proclaimed that America had emerged, "from under the most terrible threat of nuclear holocaust since the second world war . . . a humiliating defeat for Soviet policy". Meanwhile, Russia stated that it was, "yet another triumph for Moscow's peace-loving foreign policy over warmongering imperialists . . . the supremely wise, always reasonable Soviet leadership had saved the world from the threat of nuclear destruction." Round two Confidence is high (The World) Obama taunts Russia and China at U.N: ‘I lead the strongest military the world has ever known’ 70th session of the U.N general assembly“We won’t survive the coming years if someone loses their nerve in this overheated situation. This is not something I’m saying thoughtlessly. I am extremely concerned.” Gorbachev, M, 2015, in ‘Der Spiegel’ In the past five generations, Russia has been invaded five times by the west, 1812, 1854, 1914 and 1941. The last time China invaded another country was during the Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368 AD), against Japan in 1274 and 1281 AD.The U.S. has invaded, occupied or bombed 14 countries in less than 30 years. Western military bases surrounding Russia and China The underlying reasons The U.S. dollar http://www.pravdareport.com/business/finance/14-09-2010/114921-us_dollar-0/ ‘Who owns the US dollar?’ http://etfdailynews.com/2012/10/09/china-russia-and-the-end-of-the-petrodollar/ ‘The US spends a big chunk of its $700 billion a year defense budget on dominating the Middle East in order to force the trading of oil in dollars. Let that trade be diversified into several currencies and the demand for petrodollars goes way down. Central banks and global corporations will sell part of their dollar holdings, sending the dollar’s exchange rate into a tailspin. This in turn will make it harder for the US to finance its military empire/welfare state.’ ‘’China will re-open the old Silk Road as a new trading route linking Germany, Russia and China, allowing to connect and develop new markets along the road, especially in Central Asia, where this new project will bring economic and political stability . . . This why China and Russia are now being targeted – almost in desperation by Washington. Their rise portends the fall of America’s bankrupt empire.’’ Former World Bank economist, Koenig, P. The gathering storm clouds World War 3 http://stormcloudsgathering.com/the-road-to-world-war-3 ‘In 1973 President Nixon asked King Faisal of Saudi Arabia to accept only US dollars as payment for oil and to invest any excess profits in US Treasury bonds, notes, and bills. In return Nixon offered military protection for Saudi oil fields. The same offer was extended to each of the world's key oil producing countries, and by 1975 every member of OPEC had agreed to only sell oil in U.S. dollars.’ In other words, the U.S. produces dollars and the world peripheries produce things to sell for dollars. America has been living ‘for free’ for many years by printing pieces of private profit making paper. The change An emerging pattern The reasons Russia abandons the petro dollar in 2014. China abandons the petro dollar 2014. Iraq began selling its oil exclusively in Euros in November of 2000. Libya was in the process of organizing a block of African countries to create a gold-based currency called the Dynar, which they intended to use to replace the dollar in that region. Iran in 2007 requests payments be made in other than $ U.S. Syria is Iran's closest ally, and they are bound by mutual defence agreements. The response NATO expansion into neighbouring Russian countries NATO Military manoeuvres next to Russian borders in Finland, Poland and the Baltic States The U.S. and E.U. generating regime change in the Ukraine, and then assisting in a coup of a democratically elected leader of the Ukraine. U.S. sends nuclear capable B2 ‘first strike’ stealth bombers to Europe U.S. Placing military weapons in the Baltic States and Poland Summary China "In face of the U.S. harassment, Beijing should deal with Washington tactfully and prepare for the worst." Global Times Russia “We were ready to do this ... (use of nuclear weapons against NATO in the Crimea) is our historical territory. Russian people live there. They were in danger. We cannot abandon them.’’ 'Crimea: The Road Back Home' The Russians and Chinese are now both starting to draw red lines of their own. The bankers and corporations, which is what America is dependent on for its first world status, are fighting back to retain American hegemony. Without the world using the dollar as payment, America ends up like Europe. Will the American elite risk a nuclear exchange to prevent that? The world has changed since the Cuban crisis of over half a century ago. The solution would be to sit down with both China and Russia and discuss spheres of influence and compromise - in a nuclear age, there are no ‘winners’.


Should the U.S. continue its role as a global police force A brief look at the steady decline of U.S. hegemony The origins of U.S. regional dominance in the 60s and 70s Following the second World War, the U.S. suddenly found itself the dominant economic and military might in a devastated world. As the British Empire faded, into the vacuum a new empire arose and armed with a nuclear deterrent, the U.S began to exert its global influence. Initially, this influence confined itself to a peace keeping role with bases in Europe and Asia, but as its influence and power spread, like every other empire, it’s policing began to resemble its foreign policy and took on all the aspects of interference. This interference started to become apparent in the 60s and 70s, when its business interests became threatened and it actively began to orchestrate coups to further its own economic interests. CIA in South America http://www.geopoliticalmonitor.com/us-interventions-in-latin-american-021/ "Fueled by the Cold War and transnational corporate interests, the U.S. has covertly tinkered with the governments of Latin American countries since World War 2, producing an extremely violent and unstable political climate." Timeline of U.S. global destabilisation http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/CIAtimeline.html "This scenario has been repeated so many times that the CIA actually teaches it in a special school, the notorious "School of the Americas." (It opened in Panama but later moved to Fort Benning, Georgia.) Critics have nicknamed it the "School of the Dictators" and "School of the Assassins." Here, the CIA trains Latin American military officers how to conduct coups, including the use of interrogation, torture and murder. The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that by 1987, 6 million people had died as a result of CIA covert operations. (2) Former State Department official William Blum correctly calls this an "American Holocaust." Post Soviet Union and the rise of U.S. global dominance With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989, the U.S. suddenly found itself without opposition and began to involve itself in the oil rich countries of the Middle East, where its destabilisation techniques of ‘Arab springs’, regime change’ and ‘removing dictators’ consequently opened up a pandora’s box of nightmare sectarian violence. Whilst the west spent a large part of its GDP on trying to provide a welfare utopia for its citizens, China and Russia were perfectly aware that if they were not to eventually become a puppet satellite of the U.S. they needed to start upgrading their military for an eventual showdown. By 2014, the new powers of Russia and China began to emerge and for the first time, Russia drew ‘red lines’ in the Ukraine, which contain the gas and oil pipes supplying Europe, as the European Union and the U.S. orchestrated a ‘regime change’ and China drew the same red lines in its own backyard in the South China Sea. The present day scenario As Russia and Iran become militarily involved in Syria and China sends the Liaoning and a cruiser missile ship to assist, this resembles a coalition in opposition to U.S. domination. Syria is both an economic trading partner and ally of both Russia and China and Iran is an ally. Neither of these countries is doing anything other than what the U.S. is doing in support of its own allies. Having rampaged through the Middle East for over a decade playing off one sectarian group against another, removing dictatorships, but ignoring others when economic interests are best suited (Saudi Arabia); the U.S. now finds itself outmanoeuvred and increasingly isolated. Did ‘bringing democracy’ invasions and ‘Arab spring’ regime changes produce peace anywhere the U.S. became involved? What is the real reason for current U.S. military expansionism. Arguably, it is no coincidence that Iran, Russia and China have all abandoned the U.S. dollar, as did Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran. Syria also remains a path to any future invasion of Iran. http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-real-reason-russia-is-demonized-and-sanctioned-the-american-petrodollar/5402592 "The real reason for singling out these countries is the petrodollar system, a scheme that enables America to stay afloat despite being more than $17 trillion in debt. The existence of petrodollars is one of the pillars of America’s economic might, because it creates a significant external demand for the American currency, allowing the U.S. to accumulate enormous debts without defaulting. " The U.S. road to war 1. NATO expansion. The western occupation of the Ukraine would have left NATO only 400 km from Moscow. Western invasions of Russia twice in the last century entitles Russia to view a NATO build-up with suspicion. 2. The U.S. military bases surrounding China to the south and east, with a misleading statement that China is expansionist. Building islands in its own backyard is hardly expansionism. The excuse is that China might close international shipping lanes, which it could do without the islands and so they become an excuse, rather than the reason. 3. Iran in the middle, surrounded by U.S. military bases both to the east and west, plus economic sanctions. '''US admits it has military plan to attack Iran. The United States has acknowledged the existence of a fully-fledged military plan to attack Iran, significantly increasing tensions with Tehran ahead of crucial nuclear negotiations next week. " Telegraph.co.uk October 28. 2015. Both Russia and China have publicly stated they will help Iran.Just as the British empire and the Soviet Union collapsed, the U.S. is also now in a position where it can no longer police the world without consensus, but must soon decide whether it goes to war, or accepts a decline in its self-appointed role and begins to adopt a power sharing role with others. Currently, as NATO begins to surround Russia and the U.S. Navy purposely challenges China over the islands dispute, it appears that war, hopefully confined to a regional scale, is the likely option. However, fighting on its home ground, China is very likely to give as good as it gets and perhaps this will force the U.S. to the negotiating table, where a settlement is reached concerning spheres of influence and produce a much needed power sharing consensus. Summary With a collapsing economy and internal strife, the only things U.S. has left is its petrodollar income and technically armed superiority. The chances are unlikely that either Russia or China will bow to military aggression and with China holding around $1.2 trillion of U.S. debt, China has both the economic and military might to provide the checks and balances needed. This is not to argue that the U.S. hasn’t been a much needed interventionist power on occasions and a steadfast provider of humanitarian aid, but when its survival as a hegemonic power depends on military aggression and its own society needs a Homeland Security Department for protection, now might be the time to bow out gracefully, as others have done in recent history.