

Regime change: The dumbing down of Nations

Democracy and propaganda as a political weapon

Moral relativism and democratic inequalities

‘’In a global environment where cultural traffic is increasingly all one way, with little variation or dissent, Russia is demonised as a backward and morally inferior society that will be condemned and if necessary punished until it rolls over and agrees to adopt the values of its enlightened critics. So what if many Russian people possess a moral outlook that is different to what prevails in Washington, London or Hollywood? That means little to the double-standard diplomats, who want everyone to embrace their worldview.’’

Furedi, F, 2014, ‘The Infantile Diplomacy Behind Demonising Russia.

Political Imperialism

Regime changes, Arab Springs and invasions litter the recent past of western interference in democratic elections, but only when the outcome does not favour western interests.

The U.S. has invaded, occupied or bombed 14 countries in less than 30 years


''35 countries where the U.S. has supported fascists, drug lords and terrorists.''


Washington Was Behind Ukraine Coup: Obama admits that US “Brokered a Deal” in Support of “Regime Change.''

John McCain U.S. Senator, Victoria Nuland U.S Defence secretary organising the Ukraine Coup d’état.

EU foreign affairs Chief Catherine Ashton shakes hands with democratically elected leader Yanukovych in January 2014, whilst plotting a coup to overthrow him and replace him with the western choice, Turchinov

John Kerry, inspects protesters barricades in Kiev, Ukraine, Tuesday, March, 4, 2014

Imagine a reversal of the scenario, in which high-ranking government officials from Russia and the European Union were blatantly found to be behind the U.S. Ferguson and Baltimore riots, bringing with them huge sums of money, with the intention of overthrowing an elected U.S. President.

The background to Ukraine


’How and Why the U.S. Government Aided a Coup Led by Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

‘’The people of the United States are being deliberately misled and misinformed about the leading role played by the U.S. State Department, intelligence agencies and neoconservative leaders in bringing neo-Nazis to power in Ukraine.’’

'The Maidan’ (The pro-European ‘orange’) protest movement was launched in Kiev in November 2013 when Ukrainian President Yanukovych rejected a European Union economic plan that would have imposed a harsh austerity regime on Ukraine as the price for admission into the economic sphere dominated by German banks. The U.S. and E.U. backed street protests, supported most fervently by neoconservative elements inside and outside the Obama administration, began when Yanukovych instead accepted a $15 billion loan from Russia and an economic plan that did not require austerity measures, but did include discounted prices for Russian natural gas.

The European Union had by then already expanded its influence through southern Europe and the Balkans and now turned eastwards towards southern Russia and its Black sea naval base at Sebastopol. Had the west succeeded in its quest of expansion, this would have left NATO only 400 kms (250 miles) from Moscow.

Promising untold western riches to the population, the planned anti-democratic coup succeeded on the 20th of February 2014 and Yanukovych was ousted, replaced with a western puppet regime and Kiev sent in tanks. Putin responded by sending in Russian forces.


“American Conquest by Subversion: Victoria Nuland’s Admits Washington Has Spent $5 Billion to “Subvert Ukraine”

After three visits to Ukraine in five weeks, Victoria Nuland explains that in the past two decades, the United States has spent five Billion dollars ($5,000,000,000) to subvert Ukraine, and assures her listeners that there are prominent businessmen and government officials who support the US project to tear Ukraine away from its historic relationship with Russia and into the US sphere of interest (via “Europe”).

As elsewhere, the rebel forces that overthrew a democratically elected regime became ‘freedom fighters’ and ‘pro-democracy forces’, whilst those who opposed the western engineered coup became ‘terrorists’ and ‘Russian backed insurgents.


’It is hardly likely that the US will admit to manipulating the "Occupy Central" movement, just as it will not admit to manipulating other anti-China forces. It sees such activities as justified by "democracy", "freedom", "human rights" and other values.’’ Yiwen, H, 2014, People's Daily Overseas Edition.

Regime change

Modern western liberal democracy comes at a price. It is unsurprising that it needs to be forced onto unwilling or gullible populations, or that the rest of the world shuns it.

No population ever voted for this


"Mental illness disability rates doubled since 1987 and increased six-fold since 1955." Bruce, E L., 28.4.2010, ‘The Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America.’

’According to a study last year by the US Department of Education, 19% of US high school graduates cannot read, 21% of adults read below 5th grade level and that these alarming rates have not changed in the last ten years.’’ Hagopian, J, 2014, ‘The Dumbing Down of America – By Design.’


Europeans are plagued by mental and neurological illnesses, with almost 165 million people or 38 percent of the population suffering each year from a brain disorder such as depression, anxiety, insomnia or dementia, according to a large new study.’’ Kelland, K, 2011, ‘Nearly 40 percent of Europeans suffer mental illness.’

One in four adults in England drink to harmful levels, and one in 20 are "dependent drinkers", it said. In England 6,486 people were treated in 2011/12 for abusing these types of drugs, an increase of 39 per cent since 2005/06.’’ Bennett, O, 2013, ‘Society is being destroyed by UK's drink and drug addictions.’


‘’In the most socially liberal anti-family country in the world; “Some 220,000 children were living in poverty in Sweden in 2008 and the figure is increasing, a new report from Save the Children Sweden (Rädda Barnen) shows.“ Barnen, R, 2011, ‘Child poverty increases in Sweden: report’

‘’Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa.’’

Carlqvist, I and Hedegaard, L, 2015, ‘Sweden: Rape Capital of the West’, in Gatestone Institute


Bestiality brothels are said to have alarmingly spread faster than ever due to a new law that makes animal porn illegal but sex with animals legal. So prevalent is the issue of sex with animals that there are now ‘erotic zoos’ one can visit for the purpose of abusing animals, including llamas and goats.“ Koulouris, C, 2013, ‘Bestiality brothels are now the rage in Germany.’

"Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex," reads the booklet regarding 1-3 year olds. The authors rationalize, "The child touches all parts of their father’s body, sometimes arousing him. The father should do the same." Weston, J-H, (2007) in "Love, Body and Playing Doctor" by the German Federal Health Education Centre, (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung - BZgA).


Swifty55 2017-09-01 20:53

Agree thanks

JohnV 2017-09-01 10:07

Thanks Swifty. As you say,  America and the UK for that matter, arguably once had the best education systems in the world, but that’s before Common Core and equality took over. 

The west is now busily engaged in it’s own version of a cultural revolution, but the myth persists, as does that of the west being the land of opportunity. Before the Chinese look at the supposedly first world west, they should also look at the amount of people now flooding out of Europe and the US, many heading East and wonder whether there really is any point, other than prestige and status, of going in the opposite direction.

Swifty55 2017-08-31 17:26

I agree with your blog. Especially the USA dumbing down of it's population. In my blog on "Public Education in America" I gave a few points of why. But the main reason is the government of the USA sends their children to elite very expensive schools and keeps public education at bay. Plus I wonder to this day why Chinese even think of sending their kids to the USA for anything. USA education system even at so called top universitys is a joke. Smart kids, that are self motivated can learn anywhere.