

One Foreigner's View of the West, China and the Hopeless it Attracts

One Foreigner’s View of the West, China and the Hopeless it Attracts

Listen carefully and you can hear the western mass indoctrinated squealing. Ironically, a half century ago the west produced the same shrieks against Communist China and the old USSR. Conversely, as the west heads into the same fantasy utopian beliefs, China and Russia having learned their lesson, head back into traditional values and capitalism. Moreover, predictions are that China will have a higher Christian population than the US by 2030 (The Telegraph), an urban middle class of 76% by 2022 (Business Insider) and a current Q3 GDP of 6.8% (CNBC, 2017). As empires rise and fall, is it now the turn of China to become the new "American dream"?

The west? Despite its first world status, things aren’t looking good for the majority, which to the embarrassment of the rest of us, is why a vocal minority hopeless came to China, didn’t you.

The Power of Persuasion

"I believe in nothing and am tolerant of everything."

Away from the western 24/7 media propaganda, does its influence still pursue us on the other side of the world? Nearly a decade following the biggest recession since the 1930s, is the Chinese economy going to collapse tomorrow, or next week at the latest? Did the Chinese sell the west affordable products that their own manufacturers, taxed to death with red tape, couldn’t? Has the Chinese GDP at above 6% for the past decade been a stroke of luck?

Yet what about the we, the far flung across the world, who saw the great recession approaching and got out before it became fashionable to do so. Do we still believe that a deadly cocktail of additives is "finger lickin’ good", or continue to believe that nearly thirty years after the collapse of the USSR, Russia is about to invade Europe – repeated annually ad nauseam? Or that the Russians elected Trump, or that the Chinese are building an island in the South China Sea to control the world? Is that the reason both China and Russia remain surrounded by the US and NATO and for most of us, having experienced these countries, do we really still believe all the western propaganda? Do we really yearn to see homosexuals marching on the streets of Beijing, or Antifa riots in Moscow, or congratulate western politicians for producing welfare dependency, instead of work? Is this the lack of ‘freedom’ in China of which a minority of disgruntled foreigners complain about?

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

"Where should I go?" - Alice. "That depends on where you want to end up." - The Cheshire Cat."

Despite a multitude of beliefs and opinions, some facts remain. One is that there are many stupid people in the world. Another is that Asia attracts them like a magnet, a toxic combination of western beliefs and foreseen consequences. From the millennial geniuses who thought they didn’t need a work permit to teach, to the starry eyed gullible who came for the adventure and onto the minority who believed Asia was the modern day equivalent of the old US gold rush …

As Beijing continues the mass deportations, the beliefs of the desperate, the alcoholics and the back packing party animals turns to reality and with it, a guaranteed return to the western welfare utopia, or a minimum wage. Consequently, it’s from here that reality produces sticking out the tongue and there follows an embarrassed minute’s silence, as memories coming flooding back of that final wait at the airport, one-way ticket in hand … It is not a character defect to fail at anything, it’s a life lesson that equal opportunities do not equal outcomes, there is no equality and further, helps dispel the western myth of, "reach for the sky" and "you can be anything you want."

"China has a big problem with fake foreign teachers estimated to now be one-third of all the foreign teachers working in China […] In fact, many were unemployed and a few hundred even have criminal records." - Deputy Administrator Song – SAFEA.

Societies outside the west are not designer made to reflect individual preferences. Ordinarily, the majority come to China and succeed, a minority, for whatever reason and invariably because of their own fault, do not. Individual character, self-dependency and the ability to adapt also reflect highly in any outcome, plus the knowledge and understanding to obey the host country immigration laws. If you lack these basic abilities, China was never intended for you. Furthermore, bashing a whole country requires a comparison against which to judge and that’s sadly lacking in a minority of failed social justice warriors.

What led you to China? Is it what you expected and on hindsight, would you do it again?

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JohnV 2017-12-07 08:15

Thanks for that LH. I thought it might be one of those blogs that fade into obscurity. :)

Liononthehunt 2017-12-06 15:58

Insightful, and right to the point.