

China and Capitalism

It’s often said that if Mao was alive today he’d shoot half of capitalist China and indeed he would. What he would and did shoot is the capitalist wealth creation economic system which enables an estimated 60% of urban Chinese to become middle class by 2022, up from 4% in 2000 (Business Insider) and a government that keep the excesses in check. What would remain is the type of cultural revolution that the west is now engaged in and the inevitable economic disaster that goes with it. Making mistakes is optional, learning from them is compulsory.

No country on earth has ever socially engineered equality and the latest one that tried, Venezuela, also went the same way.


If the economic vultures of Wall Street and European Union Commissioners ever get an influence in China, the economy will collapse overnight.


As the American middle class collapses, China’s booms.


'I believe in nothing and am tolerant of everything!'

Despite the efforts of so called western sponsored 'democracy movements', is this the type of 'freedom' China’s increasingly Americanised millennial generation doesn’t understand?

China and Capitalism


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