

Beauties Around Us


Nowadays many people complain that they have no time to go on a trip, no time to take exercise, no time to .... Everyday they are tied up with their jobs, children and anything else which occupy themselves day after day. Stressed out about all these things, they even hardly find any positive prospects in their lives. In the society of fast-paced and stressful work, people are busy earning their daily bread rather than enjoy their lives. If we stop and pleasuring in the colorful world, we can surely find something beautiful. And in this way we can relieve from the daily pressure and lead a pleasant life, Thus enjoying our lives. The followings are some beauties that I occasionly found in my daily life and I hope every one could enjoy their lives and be happy.1. Touch: On a pleasant May afternoon, warm sunshine plays on the charming beach. When you steps on the fine white sand, soft and wet, as if you are on a soft sofa. And water comes out from the bottom of your barefoot slowly. At that moment, the sand plays its role as massager and then comfortable or cheerful feeling appears in your heart.2. Vision: Last Thursday, on the way back to my dormitory, the moonlight was bright with twinkling stars shining in the clear night sky. How amazing it was! The beautiful night was tranquil with flesh breeze brushing over my face, just like something gentle touching me. Looking into the bright night sky, thousands of stars constitute various shapes, dazzling up into a pearl necklace, the Milky Way, spoon and etc.3. Hearing: In the afternoon, after all the lessons are over, when walking on the campus, all kinds of sounds coming into my ears. The sweet birds singing, people cheerfully clattering, murmuring, and muttering in low voices, the breeze blowing like the rushing sound of incessant waves in the sea. A segment of beautiful classic music enters into my ears with a sweet voice reciting some beautiful poems. All these sounds are beautiful music note, although there is something noisy and loud. Because in our limited life, the god endows us with the ability to hear something. I think this is a beautiful and grateful thing in our whole life. No matter what the sound is like, all is beautiful.4. Smell: Last Sunday, when I walked on campus, a light smell floated in the air, fresh and sweet. Looked in the distance, on the flat square besides the museum, a large area of green grass grows vigorously in this cold late autumn. The bright green grass emitted delicate fragrance mingled with the fresh air in the early morning, which makes me greedy for breathing it. I love this fragrance just because it is totally different from the smell of the new emerging cities. It stays away from the noises and pollutants, just fresh and fragrant.5. Taste: Everyday, we drink a lot of water. Have you ever pay attention to the fresh and plain boiled liquid? It is colorless and tasteless, but I think it is the most delicious drink in the world. When we get sick, a bottle of warm water would do a favour. The soft gentle liquid flows freely in our mouth, sweet and warm, is the most valuable thing in my world.Augeuste Rodin once said:" The world is full of beauty unless we have a pair of eyes to find it out. Let's observe more about the beauties beside us, only this this way can we lead a happy and pleasant life.


Speaking of winter, the first word that jumps into our mind is “snow”. Besides, what else are you thinking? Silence, relaxation and meditation- all these words would flow out of your mind. Winter is a beautiful silent season of reflection as well as intimacy. Harbin, I think, is the most appropriate place for people to find the mystery of winter. As an icy city, it enjoys world-renowned unique scenery. People will fall in love with it at the first sight.Just having been here for half one year, I am already deeply impressed with this icy city, especially the bone-chilling but fascinating winter. I still clearly remember what attracts me here: the fairy of this icy city, the great Songhua River and the legendary Sun Island.Winter has been a byword for Harbin across the whole country. If you want to enjoy beautiful snow, then come to Harbin. If you want to enjoy the warm bringing by the central heating, then come to Harbin. It is one of the coldest cities in the northeast of China, but its winter is the warmest because the central heating lasts for the longest time-half one year. It really surprises me.During this splendid season, everything seems mysterious and new to me. The first fall of snow is always the most attracting event of magic, interesting and surprising. Imagine that you go to bed in one kind of world, but wake up to find yourself in a totally different one that endows the world with mystery and magic as if an angel throws an enchant to the earth. What a surprise it is to you! Your house seems to be moved to an isolated island surrounded by a snow-white Tale Kingdom. Stepping into the white world, you will feel like being a focus of the dazzling stage as if you become a princess suddenly.After the first fall of snow, temperature usually falls to nearly minus 25 below zero degree and the snow will not melt until the next year when it becomes warmer. Everything is covered by the white snow. The bare trees have beautiful hats; the road turns white, shining brightly under the son. Everything seems to be silent all of a sudden as if they are fall asleep. But when the sun rises, all the silence will be broken up. Several groups of people will get together, throwing snowfalls or making beautiful snowmen with eyes, noses, ears, sometimes even with a red hat like life-like figures in the white kingdom. Immediately the yard or the campus turns out to be a theme park, where people enjoy together the boon from the nature.Few people out of here don’t know that the most fascinating characteristic in Harbin is the icy and snow sculptures as well as icy lanterns as a famous art form. They inject vitality and pleasure into the humdrum winter. The icy and snow festival has different themes, attracting an increasing number of people coming here to enjoy the unique and spectacular scenery in winter. It comes as an astonishment that even the washing room is made of snow on the frozen Songhua River. There are so many people here, skating, running sledges or spinning a whipping top. What a fantastic winter!If you want to experience a different winter, just come to Harbin. It will surely give you an unforgettable memory and leave a great impression.


My Hometown


I was born in Ri Zhao, Shandong province. Although it is the place where I was born, I consider Shandong-the whole province as my hometown, especially the three cities that have great influences in my life. The first one comes to Ri Zhao. The city is the first to get the sunshine, hence the name- Ri Zhao (the city that the sun shines first). It is a charming coastal city. With the first morning sunshine shining in the small city, people begin their whole-day life. Because of the maritime climate, it is cool in the summer and warm in the winter. As a coastal city, the most beautiful scenery comes from the fascinating ocean. Sometimes the ocean seems like a kind and gentle mother, silent and quiet. Taking off our shoes, walking on the beaches to touch the soft sand, we can get the experience of enjoyment. When the tide is making, the tide began to flow and our footprints are covered by tides and waves. The rocks are awash at high tide and the sound of waves is aloud. When the tides stop roaring, the whole world returns to the original quiet. And then the breeze of the seacoast stopped, the sound of waves becoming weaker and weaker. The ocean can make people who touch her obtain tranquility of soul as if it is like a magic. The second is Qingdao, which is a city of both western and oriental characteristics. Like Rizhao, Qingdao is also a coastal city, most famous for a northern temperate zone monsoon climate with the characteristics of a marine climate, such as moist air, abundant rainfall and four distinctive seasons. However, it is different from Rizhao because it not only has natural beauties but also possesses rich cultural deposits. There are so many places of interests there. The symbol of Qingdao, Zhanqiao pier was built in 1891 transforming from a simple maritime harbor to a tourist attraction. At the end of it, there is architecture with distinctive Chinese style, called "Huilan Pagoda", from the top of which people can see the full view of the elegance of the splendid ocean. May 4th square, the symbol of modern Qingdao, is named to honor the May 4th Movement taking place in 1919. Consisting of two squares and a park, the area is decorated with statues and fountains and surrounded by pine trees, meadows, and flowers. And also there are other renowned scenic spots, including Catholic Church, Guest house, Badaguan, and so on. This is one of my favorite cities. Tai'an, where the most famous mountain-Mount Tai is located is the third city that have great influence on my life. My Mr. Right appeared there and it is such a beautiful small city full of romantic stories. As a famous historic and cultural city, Tai'an is in the lower reaches of the Yellow River and it is the center of Dongyi culture. In the south foot of Mount Tai are located Da Wenkou Culture and Longshan Culture in the north. Additionally, it is also the center of Qi and Lu. Besides the cultural aspects, Tai’an is most distinguished for the gorgeous mountain- Mount Tai. Taishan sunrise is one of the most spectacular landscapes. As the dawn is breaking, the sky seems to be a beautiful oil painting dropping from the clouds, the colors varies from second to second. It turns red in this second and then yellow in the next and then purple in the following second. The floating light shines like a gold sea and the sunlight runs out of the clouds like a naught boy in the colorful curtains rising in the horizon. Nature seems to be wakened by the sunrise. If you go to visit the Mount Tai, never forget to enjoy the magnificent sunrise, which would make you unforgettable. Life is going on and I hope I will encounter a great number of cities, making them my hometown. And then wherever I reach, I will leave my deep love there and never feel lonely. sunrise of the Mount Tai fairyland on the earth


Since I am a little girl, I lived in school and became an independent nvhanzi(a strong girl like a man). At the beginning, I cried everyday just because I miss my mom, dad and additionally my home. With the time passing, I have been out for many years and the feeling for missing home is weak little by little. Whenever I go back home from school, my grandma always asks me if I miss home. There is such long time that I don not know how to answer her because my feeling homesickness is not so strong and I have been accustomed to this independent life. Even some time I don't want to go home just because I can arrange my time freely and without any concerns. However, when I entered the university, that feeling came back and it became so strong and obvious that I wanted to be together with my family everyday. At that time, I couldn't return home every month. So I phoned my mom every week to tell her what happened the whole week. Sometimes I felt she was always be together with me and the love for my hometown became stronger and stronger. Before I have never been conscious that how beautiful my hometown is and I have never been aware that how much I love it. I think this is what the sayings says that fallen leaves return to the roots, especially for a girl form Shandong province. In the graduating time, I just can't wait to find a job in or near my hometown to company my parents forever. I think this is the best way to heal the feeling of homesick. Love my mom, love my dad and also love my hometown forever.


Among all the cartoons that I have watched, the most appealing ones are those created by Miyazaki Hayao (Gong Qijun in Chinese). In his works, kindhearted children, beautiful scenery and magical life are always the shinning points that can catch people’s eyes. Yesterday, I was feeling down in the dumps because of the Teacher Certificate exam. In the noon, I watched a cartoon named Totoro (Long Mao in Chinese) by Miyazaki Hayao. The picturesque scenery the vivid characters and the pacific music in the movie really threw me into a beautiful world which is full of love and joy without sorrow and tears. In the beginning a family moved to countryside. The mother is ill in the hospital, so the elder daughter becomes the hostess of the family. She cooks for her father and her younger sister and all of them live a happy life. One day, the little girl slides on the body of sleeping totoro when she is playing near the entrance to the cave. She is so happy and excited when she realizes it is a totoro who is so nice and kind. When she goes back home, she tells her sister that she had seen a totoro. The other day, the totoro gives her a beautiful wrapped gift- a pack of acorn. The girls sow them in the front of their house expecting to see them sprout and grow to luxuriant forests. At night the totoro appears together with two little ones and they dance and jump happily around the land where the acorn sows. The girls run out of room and together with the totoro to pray for acorn. The next morning, the acorn comes into burgeon. The girls laugh happily from the bottom of their heart. Later on it is raining. The girls are waiting for their father at the bus stop when totoro appears, then they give him an umbrella. Then, the totoro plays with it happily. Then one day, a call from the hospital says that their mother is heavily sick and they worry about their mother miss her very much. The totoro asks his cute cat-bus to take them to the hospital. The little girl put the corn outside the window sill which she has hold for a long time and just wants to give it to her mother. This is a beautiful and harmonious picture in which human beings and the animal live together in peace and help each other, in which the family and neighbors live in harmony, in which they live with the nature peacefully. The cartoons of Miyazaki Hayao are unique for the exquisite technology, moving story and the warm atmosphere, which can cure for the sadness inside people’s heart. They really deserve watching.


What is positive affirmation? It is a kind of encourage and stimulation that can bring us joy and passion, making our life more hopeful and beautiful. Starting a day with a positive affirmation and keep this habit, we can empower and enrich our daily life. There are various kinds of positive affirmations, anyone of which can get us joy and endow us with positive energy, thus creating an enjoyable and exciting life that can inject vitality into our average life. If we hold a positive attitude towards our life, we would have a pleasant mind and love the whole world. Gratitude puts us in the peaceful mind and thus can making us feel like the life with a beautiful soul. When our hearts calm down, we can think about why we can eat the delicious food without cultivation, why we can wear beautiful clothes without sewing. When we walk on the road, the luxuriant trees provide shelter for us with its green leaves. As the wind blows, we can hear the leaves rustle in the trees, like a music companying us. What a harmonious picture it is. Besides the natural beauties, we should be grateful to the people who ever help us or to the goodwill, friendship among different people. Positive affirmation, as kind of encouraging words can bring sunshine to our daily life. Everyday when we get up, by saying to us a positive affirmation, it can change the whole day or even the whole life. With an active attitude, we can be full of energy and passion that are of vital importance to gain confidence. Positive affirmation is a magic power, with which we can pep ourselves up to go through tough times when we are feeling low, lost and confused. The following are some positive affirmations listed by others. You can refer to them and have your own ones so as to make your life more energetic and passionate. I’m enjoying the path to success with gratitude for those who’ve brought me inspiration along the way! I fulfill the promises I make to myself and others! I give and receive compliments often. Energy spent positively reaps a positive return! I am involved in the worldwide conspiracy of LOVE! I am accomplishing my weight loss goals, one step at a time! I restore the beauty in my environment, realizing that all is perfect just as it was created. I am confident. I am self-assured. I own this day!


Recent years have witnessed a phenomenon that an increasing number of university graduates choose teachers as their vocations, which has aroused a heated discussion among our students, especially the would-be graduates. Whether to be a teacher is a question that most of the graduates consider. In my opinion, teacher is the most prestigious job. Thousands of years ago, Confucius has founded the Confucianism, spreading his intellectual thoughts, of course, including his educational thoughts. These thoughts have handed down and are known by people all over the world. From then on, Confucius, as a teacher has been respected for thousands of years. I think teacher is a profession that deserves people’s respect. Second, teacher is the engineer of human soul. As the society develops, teacher, as a profession, not only take responsibilities for imparting knowledge to the students, but also pay attention to the cultivation of ideological morality and the psychological health. Only in this way can they play a good part in the national teaching and help the students grow happily and healthily. Third, teacher is the most glorious vocation under the sun. They impart what they know to the students to make them knowledgeable and smart. As teachers whose job is to teach students, they should have an optimistic attitude to love their students and set a good example for them because they are the second parents for the children. Besides, they should be sincere and helpful so that they can guide the student to love their life and the society they live in. In this way, teacher is great. Maybe I will be a teacher in the future----to be a glorious person under the sun.


John Masefield has said that the days that make us happy make us wise. In addition, my first university teacher said that happy is the man who can endure with calm the highest and lowest fate. These sayings are all exactly correct, but they are stated in a higher level and are abstract. In my opinion, happiness is simple. A complete family in which every member lives in a harmonious and relaxed atmosphere is the simplest happiness. They love and respect each other. I think this is enough. When I was fifteen years old, my mother had an esophagus surgery. After the surgery, the doctor, getting out of the operating room, said that this is a successful surgery and all of us relieved. After my mother was sent back to the ward, she was still unconscious because of the anaesthetization. However, it was at that point when all of us rest assured and talked about leisurely that my aunt discovered that my mother’s face was ghastly pale and she called the doctor back. Having seen this situation, the doctor shouted to the nurse and all doctors came to the rescue. At that time, my father sat aside, sobbing and I was scared to cry. In those days, my little brother was only six years old and I just couldn’t imagine the days without my mom. But fortunately, my mom came to alive and all of our family members could stay together happily. This accident is caused by the nurse who forgot to clean the phlegm in my mom’s throat after the surgery. After this event, no matter what difficulties we came across, we all keep an optimistic mind and overcame them together with our family members. We cherished every moment that we live together. I think this is the simplest happiness, but the most important one. Only by giving the deepest love to our family, can we obtain this kind of pleasure.