

Beauties Around Us

Nowadays many people complain that they have no time to go on a trip, no time to take exercise, no time to .... Everyday they are tied up with their jobs, children and anything else which occupy themselves day after day. Stressed out about all these things, they even hardly find any positive prospects in their lives. In the society of fast-paced and stressful work, people are busy earning their daily bread rather than enjoy their lives. If we stop and pleasuring in the colorful world, we can surely find something beautiful. And in this way we can relieve from the daily pressure and lead a pleasant life, Thus enjoying our lives. The followings are some beauties that I occasionly found in my daily life and I hope every one could enjoy their lives and be happy.

1. Touch: On a pleasant May afternoon, warm sunshine plays on the charming beach. When you steps on the fine white sand, soft and wet, as if you are on a soft sofa. And water comes out from the bottom of your barefoot slowly. At that moment, the sand plays its role as massager and then comfortable or cheerful feeling appears in your heart.

2. Vision: Last Thursday, on the way back to my dormitory, the moonlight was bright with twinkling stars shining in the clear night sky. How amazing it was! The beautiful night was tranquil with flesh breeze brushing over my face, just like something gentle touching me. Looking into the bright night sky, thousands of stars constitute various shapes, dazzling up into a pearl necklace, the Milky Way, spoon and etc.

3. Hearing: In the afternoon, after all the lessons are over, when walking on the campus, all kinds of sounds coming into my ears. The sweet birds singing, people cheerfully clattering, murmuring, and muttering in low voices, the breeze blowing like the rushing sound of incessant waves in the sea. A segment of beautiful classic music enters into my ears with a sweet voice reciting some beautiful poems. All these sounds are beautiful music note, although there is something noisy and loud. Because in our limited life, the god endows us with the ability to hear something. I think this is a beautiful and grateful thing in our whole life. No matter what the sound is like, all is beautiful.

4. Smell: Last Sunday, when I walked on campus, a light smell floated in the air, fresh and sweet. Looked in the distance, on the flat square besides the museum, a large area of green grass grows vigorously in this cold late autumn. The bright green grass emitted delicate fragrance mingled with the fresh air in the early morning, which makes me greedy for breathing it. I love this fragrance just because it is totally different from the smell of the new emerging cities. It stays away from the noises and pollutants, just fresh and fragrant.

5. Taste: Everyday, we drink a lot of water. Have you ever pay attention to the fresh and plain boiled liquid? It is colorless and tasteless, but I think it is the most delicious drink in the world. When we get sick, a bottle of warm water would do a favour. The soft gentle liquid flows freely in our mouth, sweet and warm, is the most valuable thing in my world.

Augeuste Rodin once said:" The world is full of beauty unless we have a pair of eyes to find it out. Let's observe more about the beauties beside us, only this this way can we lead a happy and pleasant life.


Igo 2015-12-16 09:33

Very nice!